Wats the best estacy u have taken


Well-Known Member
id say just buy a test kit and brouse around till u find sum good ones and then buy the shit out of em. thats probably your best bet.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
Nothing like crystals !!



Well-Known Member
I ate some shit at a music festival about 2 years ago... shit had me gone for 2 days. I dont like fucking around with the pills... just the crystal stuff.


Well-Known Member
Best pills ive had HMMM long list
my Favorites Blue Jordans and White Spades BEST EVER , Then Black Apples. Purple Mac Dres IF YOU CAN EVER FIND THEM............... Yellow Stars


Active Member
Generally poke balls are supposed to always be reliable. Best i've had besides molly was a yellow pokeball with the logo chipped off.


Active Member
None of the x pills i have takin are on the internet, except one, but it was completely shit and didnt do anything. The others i have done are no where to be found on the web, but were amaaaaaaaazing.


Active Member
Orange G ladies

But then I found crystal and figured out what ecstasy is supposed to feel like!

I'm not saying that rolls can't be good, but in my area, good rolls are a thing of the past... although to be honest, I've only taken pills over the course of 5 months! Everyone who was part of the ecstasy scene tells me rolls are shit now a days.


Active Member
I would have to say the white butterfly pokeballs, blue telephone pokeballs, and white elephant pokeballs are some of the best rolls ive ever had.

Gotta love living in so cal :)


Back when I lived in philly, I loved my blue Gs up hoes down. Mmmmmm =] just moved to Florida though and still haven't found a bomb. I heard they have some good shit down here but I haven't had a taste!

Just found an old pic: