fdd2blk's Basic Trimming And Topping Techniques


Well-Known Member
Your not an honest man. You have your own motives for keeping his thread locked and your not being transparent about it. At least be real and say you can't stand the guy. Don't dodge around and blame it on your cronies.

You don't gotta lie to kick it and you have been censoring your stickies threads. Why? Stop shutting people up. It's making me claustrophobic
i did not close the thread. another mod did. it is not in my right to over ride another mod.

i have censored no sticky threads.


Well-Known Member
Man I'd go crazy if I got blamed for half the shit you do fdd... So many haters and not enough people to hate on, it's sad really.


Weed Modifier
Somethings work for some and not others! Stop with all the negativity, anyone can start there own thread, about whatever they like? and if it works for them Great!
Doesn't mean it will/won't work for someone else ;)

It's just information and its up to the grower to research info and then decide what you want to do with the information given (try it or don't)... not just bash people for using different techniques no matter how crazy they may sound! ;) Shit some piss on there plants, don't mean I'm going too??? :-P

Sometimes its good to cut/trim your girls(or lollipop)...sometimes not so good , just depends....leave a branch on bottom..... cut em all off .... who cares!!! As long as she is growing and your learning and getting them to harvest...that's what should matter that You are Seeing what will work and what won't! :clap:


Well-Known Member
Cause you ignore most questions towards you about your growing methods, then you tell me to use cat poop...

Just dont make sense to me!

it was asked what was in my soil mix in one of my pots. i gave an honest answer. i was then attacked because of it. ;)

i NEVER told ANYONE to use anything.

do you have a specific question for me i can help you with? :)


Well-Known Member
Wow theres a serious lack of humor in here. How can you not tell FDD was being funny when he said cat shit...its pretty obvious hes not PUTTING it in there, the cat just had to go..lol. Kinda like saying Im using rabbit shit in my garden.

FDD keep up the good work and posts. If it wasnt for your "its all bullshit" thread Id be trying to grow in 55 gal drums, 5 gals working pretty good for my needs.

I already top and lst but Ive been considering thinning my under growth. Im just not experienced enough to decide wether the loss of "X" amount of popcorn will be made up for in bigger colas so Im a little hesitant to cut anything. Its only my second season growing so I think Ill wait it out and see how it goes, maybe try a trim next yr when I have a few more plants to play with.


Well-Known Member
thanks, but no thank you, I dont want to take up your time fdd. Im not attacking you either.

I have since then, been able to ask other experts wiling to hear me out the 1st time I asked.

it was asked what was in my soil mix in one of my pots. i gave an honest answer. i was then attacked because of it. ;)

i NEVER told ANYONE to use anything.

do you have a specific question for me i can help you with? :)


Well-Known Member
Dude you are way out of line bro! Giving me negative rep for nothing! Now the picture is clear why people dislike you on here and "attack" you!

it was asked what was in my soil mix in one of my pots. i gave an honest answer. i was then attacked because of it. ;)

i NEVER told ANYONE to use anything.

do you have a specific question for me i can help you with? :)


Well-Known Member
yeah, well you got 54,966 posts, not a big deal to you, but for a noob like me, yea, it is...

And i took it as a recommendation to use cat poop, i should of known better, i had already gotten burned by some jackass that gave some really bogus advice and looking at the amount of posts that person had, i believed em...

Stupid me... you are a mod and you have 50 thousand plus posts, so i thought you would be more than willing to share some quick simple information, but i had to ask you several times to get a response...

um, you were being "negative". ;)

it's just rep. :roll:


Active Member
Why is it that every time fdd trys to help the community by posting useful information, people attack him and change the subject?