
Active Member
Glad your up to the challenge, looking for a respected opinion, fdd, homebrewer chime in please? I may be very well wrong, but like you I'm 100% positive on what I think, you can not determine the sex of a plant until 12/12 light cycle. I have been wrong once or twice in my life :lol:
What would you call that growth then that I circled in the pictures?


Active Member
my bad for postin this mad times...i think in the picture it looks more like a balll but when i look at in person, not so much.. is it bad to say switch my cfls to flowering now, for a week, than next friday change the lighting to the hps into flowerin, is will that stress my plant changing the lightning like that? the only reason im leavin it in veggin is becuase i thought the bigger it gets the more i would get, dependin. But its been like 5-6 weeks at first i didnt have suffficient lighting , and still my pots and soil is shit, but i want to get the process goin and get into flowerin asap.. will veggin a week with 12 cfls matter, than just change to the 400 watt hps in a week?


Active Member
alright ill post it in like a half hour when my girl get bak my cameras shitttttttttttt, that picture mite just be a shittty angle


Well-Known Member
Why are you spazzing this much over the sex of a 6 inch plant. The link to pre-flower is a good one and i thank you for that but wow, smoke a bowl and chill :+)


Active Member
the ones in the bit are smaller the one u guys r arugin bout is prettty big, blowin down this new bannnana kush i got its sickkkkk


Active Member
I'm chill, but when someone says you cannot tell a sex of a plant untill it goes into a 12/12 light cycle is just flat wrong. I sharred a link and provided knowledge based from reliable resources, not by saying search on google(lol).


Well-Known Member
I'm chill, but when someone says you cannot tell a sex of a plant untill it goes into a 12/12 light cycle is just flat wrong. I sharred a link and provided knowledge based from reliable resources, not by saying search on google(lol).
Cannabis stays in a vegetative state of growth in nature until fall when the daylight hours go down to 12 signaling to the plant it's time to reproduce. In a indoor controlled environment you trigger sex the same way. If your light cycle is 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark, your plants will start to show sex within about a weeks time. You do what your going to do, think what you want..? I'm done here. I find myself chuckling at my signature times like this.


Active Member
Read the video description not title. 41 days old 18/6 preflowers showing. And there are many more video's of this.



Well-Known Member
I agree with pakalolo... Pix numbered 3 and 4 appear to be male, look close you can see a pollen sac forming on the main stalk, I just noticed the one.


Well-Known Member
IMO it is early enough to take educated guesses but i would still keep all plants as it takes a long time from first signs of sex to maturity....meaning you have plenty of time before the males spread pollen. Plants will show sex in veg...i dont like flipping lights until they all have shown.


Active Member
pic labeled 9,10,11,12,13.jpg I am assuming it is the same plant and it looks like a raised ball.

Just read the sexing link I shared and study the photo's and use that for future reference. Keep an eye on them DAILY and when YOU FEEL 100% positive do what is needed.

A pocket scope will help if needed.

pics. are mine I just took for you.

little over a month old. 24/0

