
How old is the poppy in that pick man?, I'm growing Opium poppies at the moment, 2 variants outside, Gigantuem (the flower and the fruit is supposed to be the size of your hand if grown correctly) and then I'm growing Persian white, the plant in the photo looks pretty huge man, unless it's a camera illusion, my seedlings look like that, but with less leaves and smaller, roughly fits into the palm of my hand. When did you start applying fertilser?, I'm growing out in a British climate (Martime climate) which is a nightmare for most foreign plants except bamboo etc


Well-Known Member
How old is the poppy in that pick man?, I'm growing Opium poppies at the moment, 2 variants outside, Gigantuem (the flower and the fruit is supposed to be the size of your hand if grown correctly) and then I'm growing Persian white, the plant in the photo looks pretty huge man, unless it's a camera illusion, my seedlings look like that, but with less leaves and smaller, roughly fits into the palm of my hand. When did you start applying fertilser?, I'm growing out in a British climate (Martime climate) which is a nightmare for most foreign plants except bamboo etc
yes they are huge indeed no bigger than my hands :) its about 3 months now scraped up a nice little patty of O :) wish i would have got more but oh well still plenty of time get grow some more


Active Member
Hello, i've been taggin along for a bit and was wondering when your going to make the heroin?

Too cool, your camera does a great job on the click out the window trick.


Well-Known Member
Hello, I've been taggin along for a bit and was wondering when your going to make the heroin?

Too cool, your camera does a great job on the click out the window trick.
Your kidding right? Heroin is pretty easy to make but in my opinion it is not nearly so attractive a chemical, there is only a negative mystique surrounding it (contrary to the mysteries of the orient and the connection to dark and disturbing 18th century writers that opium has). The high is simply not all it is cracked up to be. There is the basic puritan dichotomy going on here. If it is the absolute best feeling in the world than you are obviously going to have to pay the ultimate price for the enjoyment of it. Ohhh is makes you feel sooo good so it will also have to make you feel sooo bad. In truth neither is commonly the case.

Now I have to admit that IV administration of heroin has some definite merits as far as feelings and rushs are concerned but any other method of ingestion, even smoking is (of course in my humble opinion) just not that great. I am a veteran of a dozen or so experiments with the stuff. You all who have never tried it are just not missing all that much, nor is it as all fired dangerous as everyone says. Now that is not to say that there is no danger, there most certainly is. I have had withdrawal symptoms from too much opium having used it daily for about 2 months, they consisted of a running nose, feeling rundown, a certain electric current in one's nerves that becomes evident when one intends to sleep and maybe some diarrhea. It lasted about a week. I presume that the lowest form of withdrawals from heroin are about the same.

The more present issue is that nagging fact that good opium is what? 10 percent morphine? So allowing for standard losses you will get less than 2.8 grams of pure morphine from a full ounce of opium. I doubt you could get more than 2.x grams of diacetylmorphine. Now why would you want to throw out such a wonderful (and natural mind you!) substance to render yourself a couple of grams of sour smelling powder? Nevermind the fact that you will be chucking a nice bit of codeine in the process. Judicious use could make that ounce last a year, a year punctuated with the occasional spiritual refreshment that is opium.


Well-Known Member
yes they are huge indeed no bigger than my hands :) its about 3 months now scraped up a nice little patty of O :) wish i would have got more but oh well still plenty of time get grow some more

You got a, a, a.... PATTY? Good for you sir. Very good for you. I got a pea, of course I did take the liberty of licking the latex off of some of my earlier maturing ones but I still would not have gotten a PATTY. I predict you will make this a tradition, I have already set in my next grow, one plant beneith each of my tomato plants (I've got 52 of them). Maybe if I am lucky I'll get a patty in October.

A patty, how cool is that?