The whole kinect thing is just the start of a new era. An era of forcing laws and controlling people better... This is no joke, RF detectable ID`s, GPS phones... Kinect is nothing compared to these, its just a gaming console and nobody going to look for no reason and see you toking your massive bong unless they are one of the big boys or a celebrity and the government is trying to pin you down.
In my opinion, our lifestyle is getting less and less personal. Everyone HAS to abide by the law and the law isn`t always right as we know. Only a robot works on fixed commands, not a human being. We have what is symbolised by a "heart". The law is a fixed set of commands people have to follow, all those laws are in place to do what 3 simple laws used to do. There are actually ONLY 3 LAWS!!! Be kind, don`t harm others and mind your own business. There have been 9999 laws created to try and sustain these 3 simple laws but do they succeed? Fucking no. These laws are followed with the wrong intentions, they are followed in order to not get fined. A loophole is found and another patch is created. Its all plain fucked up...
They tell us to have a professional attitude. Tell us to abide by the law. Think of where all this discipline and robotic command following leads! The army is a fine example, people dropping bombs on each other just following orders. Burocracy and laws are just a milder version of this and the stricter they are getting at enforcing it the worse it gets. People in the wrong appearing in the right and sue`ing people, the judge has to agree. Someone obviously commits a crime but no charges can be placed and smiles at the officer and says I haven`t done anything and you can`t arrest me.
We must all keep our personal freedom as the best we can. Fuck control, if we don`t those Sci-Fi horrors are going to come true... Its fine being a rebel but theres another problem here, we are relying on the law to make everything better. The only way the law can be enforced is by applying technology and tracking everything we do.
How the fuck does this end?!?