New 4,400w Room With Co2


Well-Known Member
i think she is not likeing the other gals,she might need more room to her self.
did you seed her?


Well-Known Member
pics not so great

space bombs



New Space Bomb clones x planted today. All 4 clones are from the 2 stocky plants.


Well-Known Member
Those questionable purps lol only calling them that cause the question mark they look so damn frosty man already real nice that's all I gotta say! I got so much reading and catching up to do but is that last shot a shot of just some regular old dwc buckets? Awesome.


Well-Known Member
Those questionable purps lol only calling them that cause the question mark they look so damn frosty man already real nice that's all I gotta say! I got so much reading and catching up to do but is that last shot a shot of just some regular old dwc buckets? Awesome.
Oh thats a rdwc system in my veg you just cant see the guts :-) I put the drains a little too high so those silver things under the lids are props.
I call the ?purp "mystery purp" because I got it as a clone from someone and have no idea what it is,, I havent talked to this person in almost a year. The stems are usually a deep purple but they seem to be outgrowing the color or something lol. The underside of the leafs have a purple hue to them too. Really thin and stretchy low yielding but if you have seen her near the end you would know why I hold onto her :-) and the smell of the wet bud is the most fruity thing Iv ever smelled very pure, but once it dries it takes on a rotten fruit smell. After its cured for a bit it takes on another smell :-) I finally put my finger on the cured smell a week or two ago, it smells like YOGURT! fruit yogurt lol a eureka moment for sure lol
Hehe that jernt got me going.


Well-Known Member
Lol whodat no jernt intended but was real cool to get that description sounds awesome! Nobody believes me when I tell them I have bud that tastes just like strawberries until they taste it! Then they believe. Bro I started a rdwc thread if u get the time to check it out id greatly apprechiate ur input for sure like I said in the other thread y'all are some real cool classy intelligent knowledgable dudes man. U got some things going on in here I know u mentioned u would break down ur rrdwc for another poster so if u do that and can remember to throw that in the thread it would be cool. I'm trying to go rwdc. I'm currently setup with all the buckets and can get the required parts. And after seeing ur rdwc bucket rig id really like to know how u have that running for sure. If u get a chance in ur spare time. Thanks again bro enjoy reading ur posts apprechiate the help.


Well-Known Member
Lol whodat no jernt intended but was real cool to get that description sounds awesome! Nobody believes me when I tell them I have bud that tastes just like strawberries until they taste it! Then they believe. Bro I started a rdwc thread if u get the time to check it out id greatly apprechiate ur input for sure like I said in the other thread y'all are some real cool classy intelligent knowledgable dudes man. U got some things going on in here I know u mentioned u would break down ur rrdwc for another poster so if u do that and can remember to throw that in the thread it would be cool. I'm trying to go rwdc. I'm currently setup with all the buckets and can get the required parts. And after seeing ur rdwc bucket rig id really like to know how u have that running for sure. If u get a chance in ur spare time. Thanks again bro enjoy reading ur posts apprechiate the help.
Hey Dl I'll try to put something together for yah but in the mean time I'll link you to the thread I based my system off of... Its a modified "doubldes MPB system"


Well-Known Member
Well I broke down and got 2 new 1k bulbs and 2 new 600ds... I like my bulbs like my smoke, high quality and variety lol I went with a "ushio Hilux gro bulb"1k
a Lumatek 1k
a lumatek 600
and a hortilux 600.
I also picked up a rinky dink light meter but I can see no difference in the 8 month old bulbs and the brand new ones.,, Im thinking the meter isn't accurate enough, the display is a needle that moves around.

On to the pics.


This is the plant I decided to seed a branch on with the stocky SB male pollen.

The only time she has seen the light of day! hehe

Tall BCO kush.

and the small seeded one. It got spluffed by every male lol gang bang. Its got seed showing from top to bottom.

Room shot.

?purp special! :D

Oh Im running MH in my veg now....


Well-Known Member
working man,you put in,what you want to get out.......and i know you put your all in to the grow shop.

i know the way you are showcaseing these strains,just makes me want them that much more.
the BnS is just to my likeing,such full body growth on her,and the frost she is putting out is nice too.

SB,is that a sativa dom?looks good n-e-ways.
im going to have to read up on that one.

did you not transplant that tall bco kush,when you did the rest?

and that purp?,i think if you would of gave her any more of a veg,she might of got out of hand on ya,she just looks so dam good,clone fairy<<<<<<<<did i say that.
she is summin nice to look at.

the MH in the veg room looking good,going to have some nice compact plants,for sure.....

one love whodat!!!!


Well-Known Member
working man,you put in,what you want to get out.......and i know you put your all in to the grow shop.

i know the way you are showcaseing these strains,just makes me want them that much more.
the BnS is just to my likeing,such full body growth on her,and the frost she is putting out is nice too.

SB,is that a sativa dom?looks good n-e-ways.
im going to have to read up on that one.

did you not transplant that tall bco kush,when you did the rest?

and that purp?,i think if you would of gave her any more of a veg,she might of got out of hand on ya,she just looks so dam good,clone fairy<<<<<<<<did i say that.
she is summin nice to look at.

the MH in the veg room looking good,going to have some nice compact plants,for sure.....

one love whodat!!!!
Thanks man, Im really finding myself busy all the time with this now :leaf:
Im glad your enjoying the "showcase" G bro hehe.
The spacebomb is sativa dominate but has a flower time of 55 days :shock: will see hehe Man those are going to be beast mode in hydro! Mega scrog is in order if you ask me!
That bco is in a 3 gallon I believe, I thought it was ok when I flowered it haha then it exploded! Its actually not doing soo bad it just looks funky... I'll get er done right next time.
And yeah that ?purp could not have gone any longer, it would be WAY out of control lol She is frosting up by the day now,,, and I figured out why she yields so little, its because she puts all of her energy into making trichs! lovely copious amounts of trichs! Even the stems are getting hella frosty...
Wait did I hear clone fairy? What's that? :lol:
:peace: bru
Thanks for the kind words G,,,, my room is finally coming together haha
fuck brah... What I'd give for a tour of your garden. The smells must be outrageous.
There is a lovely mix of smells in there now. All these strains smell great, especially mixed together lol Thanks bobo!
awesome update! kind of speechless on this one!
Hsd'fklhjsd;lkjhsdfsd;lkjhsdfg ~~~~~ aka ~~~~~That hasnt stopped you before! Haha maybe later lol

Gots me some pizza then another nice young update :fire:


Well-Known Member
I heard that removing the large fan leafs on the bns helps with yield. After just pulling a fewout I notice the inside was much more visible so I gave all the ladies a little off the top so to speak... And the seeded buds on the BnS are really plumping up nicely! Their bellies are hard and I can feel the weight of babies inside of them hehe.




Well-Known Member
ohwodhaoskljdlhapwodpowopjoj aka FROSTY!!!! shit once that clone fairy gets her wings i got a good one for a trade, GDP!! trimming fans is definetely a good technique for big plants like those that want some more ligh to there inards haha. loving the back to back updates!


Well-Known Member
Hey Dl I'll try to put something together for yah but in the mean time I'll link you to the thread I based my system off of... Its a modified "doubldes MPB system"
Heres the link ~

I didnt use the nicer fittings, I went with the cheapo little rubber grommets and plastic fittings they sell at pretty much every hydro store. This is what they look like ~

I turned my veg system around and put a drain on it. You can see some FF nutes in the pic but they are used ase weights to keep a lid down lol. I use technaflora nutes in my veg and flower.
Two pumps are in the fifth bucket of the four plant system. One for feed and one for the drip stream... oxymoron I know but its more of a top stream. You can see the bottom feed line enters in the middle, I had it coming from one end but the flow was way uneven so this has fixed the issue.
Hope this helps some, ask away if you got more ?s...
Note: I think the feed pump is too big because the water level is going above my drains, so I'll put a smaller one in tomorrow. Im gonna lower the drains on the next one I make and I'll also take pics of the process.
Double note: Im not a very experienced hydro grower and Im playing all this by trial and error. Im sure there is more error to be had so copy at your own risk :P

Edit: these are 3 gallon buckets with 8" net pots.

