Raided By The Police, Not For Growing

Haha...that made the story..if the dude didnt die. ..Why life?

Are you serious? Because he shot someone in the face at point blank range with the intention of murdering him. That he failed in his execution, or the guy survived by some freak miracle should not lessen his sentence.
I'm not advising you do this, but if you could (if you have access to hard drugs) buy something that carries a heavy felony offense, find a way to plant it on his car, vehicle, or person then turn the tables on him, call the police saying he's a dealer. That or you could roll up on his place around 3 a.m. and pour a couple milk jugs full of concrete into his a/c unit. Get devious man!
I believe ya now man....hope u didnt take to much offense...i fell bad now...but lesson learnd...yeah give me the address...ill write him...and tell him about this.
There are ways to take care of this type of guy, if you know his routine and patterns it is nothing a pair of leather gloves and a ski mask can't fix just beat the shit out of him. You can't identify someone if you don't see there face and make sure you have an alibi and catch him in the right place and time with no one around.

I've brought it up with the cops about bringing charges for filing false police reports, you know what every last one of them said?
If anyone makes any allegations like that, the police HAVE to respond lights and sirens, and all that person has to do is stick to their story that they truly believed you were in danger, and there's no grounds for filing charges. Even if you called and said you were sitting in the parking lot of the police station holding someone hostage, they would respond lights and sirens regardless.

Absolutely retarded, and yes they took my computer. Posting from my iphone
How is simply sticking to your story good enough? By that line of reasoning I can file ANY type of report I want with the police, and just stick to my guns about my version of "the truth" even when it's been proved wrong.
How is simply sticking to your story good enough? By that line of reasoning I can file ANY type of report I want with the police, and just stick to my guns about my version of "the truth" even when it's been proved wrong.

That's exactly what I was told by multiple officers.
And I think its fucking retarded, their shouldn't be an issue but their is.
The cops even called this guy a chickenshit
If youve ever been to court your version of truth is wrong.
wooooooooooooow thats some bulllllllllshiiiiit

i'd be sooooo pissed

I hope you've got some type of medical or decriminalized protection for your shit

then i'd be contacting a lawyer to see if you could file a lawsuit or something... seriously, you have the police reports you submitted... and they busted into your house....
Malicious prosectuion. Find a lawyer that will do a free initial consultation and ask them about it. Get the people you think he's talked to give a statement/affidavit. Depending on your state laws you probably have pretty good grounds for filing civil suit against the guy. That's only useful if he isn't broke though.