What Is Auto-Flowering?

Robert Paulson

Active Member
It means they automatically go into flower at a certain age, usually flowering is induced as days become shorter in the summer.

Robert Paulson

Active Member
I don't understand the original question. is it, what is the difference betweent auto flowering plants and clones? i don't get it...


Active Member
I disagree. They both lose. This was the dumbest thread I read today. I think I just got a little dumber after reading it.
..... Agreed, but I wasnt in a competition. I just suggested the original poster look in a dictionary for the definition of a clone.
what ever fuck this thread your all stups for talkin shit online sooo fuckin dumb. little kids grow up im here to learn a little somethin and u fucks are acting retarded peace im out


Active Member
"haha ... shows how dumb you are then, if your dictionary has pictures." I have a Websters college edition dictionary and it has pictures...Thats why I basically said he won..



Active Member
flower is when you see what your plant sex. really is if growing from seed.

clones well you know what that one is going to be.

flowering is the fruit developing to harvest. flowering is one of my favorites stages of cannabis life.