I don`t really have any! Maybe hitting my nutsack and bursting it hahaahha
I don`t like insects I had a 10cm centipede go up my trousers and bite me on the thigh when I was young

Still remember it, "mommy I can feel cold water running up my leg" followed by a scream lol I was a right little shit though, cut it into many pieces with wire cutters and flushed it down the toilet, then got really emotional about how I disturbed it and it was trying to save its babies
Whats the definition of a phobia, I can overcome all of them unless I`m just living my usual comfortable life which should be true for everyone else. See them for what they really are, illogical! Put a blunt nose viper or massive centipede in my house and the main summary is snake=dead, me=hospital so I don`t give a fuck
And scared of death? Go suicidal for some time and its not a big deal after