I Just Let Myself Get Cheated On Weed... :(


Well-Known Member
My best friend always doesnt give me the amount i pay for, because idk if she knows what she is doing. Anyway, i gave her enough money for a dub, and I got a fat ten... and i had to make her add more weed to the baggie... i can get better weed for a better price, but i let this happen because I felt bad cause she and her mom always buy me stuff without my asking for it, so I felt like i owed her one. Im just bummed i let the money go down the drain though


Well-Known Member
its not always, but out of the blue she will take me to dinner, or her mom will buy me a shirt or something... shit for my 17th bday they went and bought me two dresses... i mean she's a very good friend, just terrible at selling weed


Well-Known Member
Having a drug dealer as a friend isn't always good..but your young you ll learn...


Well-Known Member
It's a sensitive situation. I have friends that smoke alot of my weed for example but I feel bad (like I owe them) because they put up with me. I always tell myself 'I'll say something to them next time' and I never do lol

Perhaps you should just score your own weed from a dealer? It's the only way you can really be like 'This is My Weed, simple as, I went and got it, I paod X amount for it, End of Story.' Some people find my groups buy, weigh, roll and carry your own policy a bit anti-communal but it's nothing personal. Just keeps everything clear cut.


Well-Known Member
ha i get good weed for a great price from my twin brother's friend, who is my usual dealer, but i felt like i should buy some from her too... ugh i wish i had stayed with my usual dealer


Well-Known Member
It's a sensitive situation. I have friends that smoke alot of my weed for example but I feel bad (like I owe them) because they put up with me. I always tell myself 'I'll say something to them next time' and I never do lol

Perhaps you should just score your own weed from a dealer? It's the only way you can really be like 'This is My Weed, simple as, I went and got it, I paod X amount for it, End of Story.' Some people find my groups buy, weigh, roll and carry your own policy a bit anti-communal but it's nothing personal. Just keeps everything clear cut.
I'm way too generous with my weed, so when I buy some people always assume I'm smoking them out.
It annoys me, but I do it anyway because they cant afford their own lol.


Well-Known Member
I'm way too generous with my weed, so when I buy some people always assume I'm smoking them out.
It annoys me, but I do it anyway because they cant afford their own lol.
haha i smoke people out occaisionally because i know i get smoked out alot, and i figure its like a pay it forward kind of thing. I smoke people out, I get smoked out in return, its all good karma. When my brother first got me smoking weed, always taught me to be generous to others if they are generous with you


Active Member
If i smoke while any of my friends i offer it to all of them even if its six people i will smoke them up and not say a word about money. my stuff is thier stuff and thier stuff is mine basically we are all close though

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I'm way too generous with my weed, so when I buy some people always assume I'm smoking them out.
It annoys me, but I do it anyway because they cant afford their own lol.
I never had the skill that it took to sell weed
I was too generous, to understanding of your needs


Well-Known Member
Funny thing is no one ever says you gave me too much, do they. I have a couple friends like that, if your light by 1/2 g they bitch, but when I put 3 or 5 extra into an oz fuck all. They don't by me birthday presents, or shirts I'm going to start to insist they buy me stuff, anyway the few bucks is not worth douching a great relationship, theys why there your friend first and dealer last. Keep that perspective and it will serve you well the rest of your life. By the way those dresses must have been for last years birthday right, got to be 18 to hang with us or back on the porch with you jr stoner. Peace and love