Mmj Patient first time grow need help!


Well-Known Member
Well, I thought you were in RI because we are legal and the dispensaries were due to open and 2 weeks before, the feds shot that damn letter to our gov and put the whole thing on halt so from your description, I thought you were in RI,lol.


Active Member
Fuckin govner one or two weeks before despencerary licisencying she decides to put them on hold and file a law suit. fuckin politicions personal agendas. If they had pain and couldent eat then I bet they would apply themselfs hypocrits.


Well-Known Member
No man, I think you're reading that wrong, she's one of the gov's that had balls and said FUCK YOU and filed the suit!!!! Ours put his tail between his legs and said, "oh, ok, sorry,...hey dispensary owners,....all those zero's you dropped setting up shop,.....flush em" Wimp!

His defense is that he's protecting the owners and the people affiliated (landlords of business properties, employees, etc) but the owners are all saying BRING IT ON, they have the lawyers ready to go big with this and set the precedence but.......we got a wuss in the drivers seat.


Active Member
No man my gov is just hiding behind a nuturel status she openly apposed the mmj bill when it was still on the vote along with her partner in crime the state attorny general. Besides this suit is bull and she knows it no state employee has aver ben arrested by the feds for giving out licences.Look her up and read more about it you might come around although I do respect your opinion. anywho if I was to use cfl lighting what wattage and what type of bulb would be easyest/best?+ cost effective.


Well-Known Member


Put some fucking effort into your posts. My god.

"I have about a $200 budget for my grow room"

Again, lmfao. Good luck with that.
dont be a diuck bro, not everyone is as gifted as you. lets be the 32 year old shit talker, thats wayyy cooler and takes much more "effort"


Active Member
and how much lights would I need and what kind of reflector I was thinking of puting some aluminum to reflect the light around the walls and making a home made reflector for above out of some soda cans and some tin foil or some shit.


Well-Known Member
Well let's start here,....hello fellow RI'r,lol

I' in east greenwich so if you need hands on help, don't fret.

You have a decent size space to work with. If I could suggest something.

In order for this to be worth the time, effort and $, the $200 will be a good start but you'll need more. With the $200 though, we can get you started with the veg process and you'll need to save another $300 or so for the flowering side of it but after that, you'll be good to grow.

Hydro is far cheaper than soil, not sure why the poster above stated otherwise. My 4 bucket hydro systems cost about $65 to set up and then there's no buying dirt at $22 a bag, from there on out. Let me know if you want som e help bud.

he doesnt even know if he needs a ballast for a hps light yet and u want him to run hydro???, cmon bro, for real...thats very nice of you to offer hands on help but he cant do hydro this early in the game, u know that...


Active Member
fuck this is confusing I wish it was cheaper.:-( its like im in a boat without a paddle I wish I had more to work with. But there will be water if god will's it I guess.


Well-Known Member
You need to realize bud that your aspirations are far exceeding your wallet. You get out of it what you get into it. I fear you will spend all kinds of money on things that are useless for the most part. Even in an ideal situation, flowering with cfls will give you weak airy bud unless you use a bunch of them. So many that you will be dealing with the same heat issue created by a small hps light. Not to be discouraging but you have to ask yourself how deep you are willing to go before this outweighs itself with time, risk and money


Active Member
Hey man I feel you I live in AZ most of the year way easier out here in Cali. Got a couple things to say
1.Growing in AZ this time of year is gonna extremely hard to do, the heat on the plants in a shed would be too much (say that in an earlier post).
2. Between the AC and lights your bill might be a little heavy
3. People in AZ (as you know) are close minded and won't really except this invest in some serious odor control.
4. Congrats! Gonna get my AZ card hopefully next month

I did my last grow from around 150 bucks and it came out really well heres what you can do
1 ACE Hardware multitap plug and timer
4 Homedepot work lights (have a clamp on them) for lightbulbs
A bunch of 2700k (for flowering) and a couple 6500k (for veg) CFLs
Emergency (aka Space blanket) blanket from Walmart ($3) for reflection
Soil and pots

set it all up inside a dresser, grow box, closet, and use a shit ton of air freshers and you should be set.

Good luck on the grow and remember keep it on the DL in AZ better safe than sorry :bigjoint:


Active Member
You need to realize bud that your aspirations are far exceeding your wallet. You get out of it what you get into it. I fear you will spend all kinds of money on things that are useless for the most part. Even in an ideal situation, flowering with cfls will give you weak airy bud unless you use a bunch of them. So many that you will be dealing with the same heat issue created by a small hps light. Not to be discouraging but you have to ask yourself how deep you are willing to go before this outweighs itself with time, risk and money
So what the fuck should I do? I need advice should I buy a set up for like $60 you can see the post I put above of the set up on ebay what do you think of that?


Active Member
You need to realize bud that your aspirations are far exceeding your wallet. You get out of it what you get into it. I fear you will spend all kinds of money on things that are useless for the most part. Even in an ideal situation, flowering with cfls will give you weak airy bud unless you use a bunch of them. So many that you will be dealing with the same heat issue created by a small hps light. Not to be discouraging but you have to ask yourself how deep you are willing to go before this outweighs itself with time, risk and money
Couldn't agree more. Risk is heavy in AZ thats why my grows are always in Cali


Active Member
Hey man I feel you I live in AZ most of the year way easier out here in Cali. Got a couple things to say
1.Growing in AZ this time of year is gonna extremely hard to do, the heat on the plants in a shed would be too much (say that in an earlier post).
2. Between the AC and lights your bill might be a little heavy
3. People in AZ (as you know) are close minded and won't really except this invest in some serious odor control.
4. Congrats! Gonna get my AZ card hopefully next month

I did my last grow from around 150 bucks and it came out really well heres what you can do
1 ACE Hardware multitap plug and timer
4 Homedepot work lights (have a clamp on them) for lightbulbs
A bunch of 2700k (for flowering) and a couple 6500k (for veg) CFLs
Emergency (aka Space blanket) blanket from Walmart ($3) for reflection
Soil and pots

set it all up inside a dresser, grow box, closet, and use a shit ton of air freshers and you should be set.

Good luck on the grow and remember keep it on the DL in AZ better safe than sorry :bigjoint:
Finaly someone who understands my situation, thanks man and I do agree with you about kepping it on the down low the only people who know are my immeadiet family and strangeres= you guy's. are you sure cfl's will doo the job? and My grandma (who I live with) is a clean freak so I dont know if she will let me grow in my carpeted room or closet.


Well-Known Member
If you were my brother I would tell you to slow down and start saving some money so you can do this right, the first time. Use the time you need to save up to educate yourself more and more. You think you know "enough" and you probably do but the more you know, the better you grow. So that's what I would suggest you do.

and I second what priest said, 1-4


Active Member
so pretty much I have to grow indoors where there's ac with cfl's and soil nutrients.... ok Ill have to use my silver tonge with my family ut I might be able to persuade them.
P.S. Priest, when do you think this whole shit with Brewer will end and the despencereraires will open?


Well-Known Member
jellycrab, straight up, im off work early so im gonna answerr ALL your question...basically before i say anything you should reeeeally download a basic high times grow video or something, you still need the basics down (for sure) its not an insult, everyone needs to start off sumwhere...

but lets just say for example you just wanna hear it straight from another grower(s) mouth,... its gonna be extremely hard to grow on a 200 dollar budget, there comes a time when at the 200 dollar budget your giving up basic essentials youll need for a grow that worth the time/effort... first off i go to AZ often and you cannot cool down a shed that isnt air conditioned in the AZ summer weather, the fresh air you would be pulling in will just be hot outside air. and if you use CFL bulbs its oka nd you will get a decent yet airy and not dense harvest, for any real nugs (like the chronic your used to when u buy a gram or 1/8, etc) your gonna need a HPS light, 400 is the cheapest and you can grow up to 6 maybe 8 plants with it..i do 3 sometimes 4. you NEED a ballast to run any HPS or MH light, its the way the bulb is manufactured. u cant just plug them in or screw them into a socket and turn it on, the ballast has to convert the electricty for it to be a usuable source of power for the bulb, PERIOD. and furthermore there is no way you can run that bulb with out a proper air cooled hood, your temps will skyrocket in like an hour if you think u can just run a HPS bulb over your plants not cooled in some way...another thing.. air cooled hood, fan to exhaust the heat from the hood, ducting = extra money, atleast 60-70 bucks more.... then u need good soil, sumthing like fox farm ocean forest and some nutrients. all these things are too much for a novice grower to just jump into, both feet first, and dont try to do a 200 budget grow IMO opinion unless your very experienced and KNOW what corners to cut to save money, youll end up having a rinky dink set up and wasting the only 200 you had on worthless equipment. save up some dough, dont be anxious, its well worth the wait...heres what mine look like, current grow...3 plants in a small cabinet. i use the exact same 400 watter you had your eyes on but i built my own air cooled hood from knowledge and tempered glass i purchased from a glass shop...with out the air cooled hood, this cabinet was 107 degrees + when the light was its about 79-84 F...if u need more help dont hesitate to ask, i needed help my first time as well...IMG_20110524_194229.jpgIMG_20110606_174411.jpgIMG_20110606_174322.jpgIMG_20110524_194426.jpgIMG_20110524_194411.jpgIMG_20110606_174334.jpgIMG_20110526_214618.jpgIMG_20110606_174341.jpgIMG_20110524_194142.jpgIMG_20110504_162601.jpgIMG_20110416_124123.jpgIMG_20110504_162611.jpgIMG_20110606_174400.jpg