Well-Known Member
The lack of sufficient evidence to warrant belief.
They may not be trying to hurt people, but their actions are far from harmless.Take it easy on those poor guys![]()
As you can probably tell from my name I'm a spiritual person. Even though their not trying to hurt anyone I'm still against the ways people push religon on one another, who am I to tell someone what to believe? How can anyone know that a particular religon is "right"? I don't really fall into any one religon (I'm superticious, believe in reincarnation/karma) but to me all that really matters is that you have faith. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, but personally I see atheism as a boring way to live out life, what is life without mystery, magice and wonder?![]()
Also as an offroad racer and all around adrenaline junky there is no way I could live my life the way I do without having complete faith that I will go somewhere when I die.![]()
First off Jehovahs Witnesses don't try brain washing you, they don't push religion on people.
In the book of Matthew it clearly says "Go out and make disciples of peoples of all nations".
You want some interesting questions, ask what they think about hell fire (a teaching that has been discussed in many churches). The education thing means very little actually. Personally I only finished high school and immediately started working a full time job as I had zero interest in being in debt and not having a job. Eventually I landed a very good job. Just because you have a level of schooling doesn't make you superior to others.
What made you an Atheist.... I am curious.
This is perpetuating the myth that organized religion is evil. Many people have an uneventful time when they attend church or religions ceremonies. To be perfectly honest, I believe he was force fed information that didn't answer his questions satisfactorily. This caused him to doubt and despise organized religion. He looks down on anybody he expresses a faith in god because his own grasp of the topic is weak to say the least.I think he hates these people cause of some childhood incident. Why else would you hate something so much
This is perpetuating the myth that organized religion is evil. Many people have an uneventful time when they attend church or religions ceremonies. To be perfectly honest, I believe he was force fed information that didn't answer his questions satisfactorily. This caused him to doubt and despise organized religion. He looks down on anybody he expresses a faith in god because his own grasp of the topic is weak to say the least.
So that was interesting..*
The same guy came over again, his name is Wayne, and he brought another person over, different from the first two, his name is Matt. I was ready, on my porch at a quarter to noon with a world history book with tabs on sections about human origins, the rise and dominance of Christianity, it's influence over the world, etc. I had a bible and I had a note pad with questions I was planning on asking.*
They show up and Wayne gives me two more book type pamphlets titled 'Life - How Did it Get Here? By evolution or by creation?' and 'The Bible - Gods Word or Mans?'! I was tickled fuckin pink when he handed me the first one and had a hard time hiding my grin!*
So at this point it's clear to me that neither one of these guys really understands evolution. Wayne admitted half way through the conversation he didn't complete 10th grade, so he doesn't know a whole lot about the scientific explanations of things, though he assured me Matt does, he's more versed on biblical history.*
Next we started getting into the first book he left for me, this is where it started getting interesting. They didn't bring anything with them I haven't seen before. I felt completely superior and ready for any question they had. Though I've been talking about this stuff online and reading about it and thinking about it for years, this is the first time I've been able to speak to a really religious person face to face without feeling the pressure of the cloak of authority so I felt free to say anything, it was a great feeling.
Part way through, Matt pointed out that he used to be an atheist, back in high school, before the 11th grade, and he just didn't see any comfort or meaning in the 'atheistic worldview', it was "bleak, sad, meaningless". ... This told me right when he said it that he was never actually an atheist, he just never considered the questions which would lead a person to atheism.*
It got to them asking me if I believed in the historical account of Jesus' life, if I thought the man actually existed, I told them I didn't know, they brought up Julius Caesar and gave me the, just about as ancient as he is, reason I should buy Jesus' existence if I accept Caesar existed..
So everything they're trying to tell me and convince me of is on a faulty foundation already..
Also got into how belief isn't a conscious choice that can be made. I can't make myself believe in God any more than I could make myself believe the sky is red... They disagreed...
The thing that bothered me the most was the way they both kinda sold it with "well come on, just try it out, what do you have to lose?" and they weren't interested in my persistence in demands for evidence.*
I can tell it's probably going to remain one sided with no satisfying answers..
You are right he didn't say they would burn in hell. But he damn sure said they would be dead. Your god is pure evil. Follow me or you will suffer eternal damnation. If he is real and I get to met him. I would tell him to kiss my lily white ass.I had a well thought out, coherent post that then got messed up.
No Jehovah's Witness believes in eternal suffering in a fiery pit. In fact nowhere in the Bible does it state if you don't follow Christ you will burn in eternal agony. In the Bible it does make reference to something called Gehenna. This is an actual place, it was located outside of ancient Jerusalem. It was constantly burning and was used as a garbage incinerator of sorts. One thing they did was burn the bodies of criminals or evil doers that had been executed.
Let's examine the doctrine (something introduced and taught by men) of hell fire more closely. If you are a parent imagine taking your child to the kitchen. As punishment for something they did wrong you turned on the stove and pressed there hand against the red hot element. See how horrible and ridiculous that sounds? Now if man is imperfect but God is perfect, how much more so would God not want to torment people in eternal hell fire.
I want to apologize for the words of the people you talked to. They obviously did not know what they where talking about as no Jehovah's Witness would ever say something like that.
Its funny your think this LOL. I happen to ask a JW the exact same question about 4 days ago and that was his answerNo Jehovah's Witness believes in eternal suffering in a fiery pit.
You positive it was a Jehovahs Witness? Because nowhere in any literature published by Jehovah's Witnesses does it say "If you don't believe in god you will suffer for all eternity".Its funny your think this LOL. I happen to ask a JW the exact same question about 4 days ago and that was his answerExact words were " God will turn a blind eye to them and send them to hell to burn for all eternity" so ummm uhhh yeahhh. I believe your theory has been flawed