Babies in movie theaters?


Well-Known Member
I cant stand it. Today my mom, my sister, and I all went to see Bridesmaids... as we were watching the movie, two babies started to cry and a three year old begged for popcorn... a tween girl's phone went off, she answered it, then hung up. it rang again. Finally I snapped and said under my breath, "fuck me!" but i guess it was kinda loud, then a baby kept crying so i looked back at the mother... then to try to relax myself as babies kept crying and all extra noise, i kept breathing kinda hard to calm myself down.
But when we left my mom and sister ripped into me for being rude and etc... idk, who the fuck brings babies and three year olds to a r rated movie? and lets them cry?


Well-Known Member
Next time rent the theatre all to yourself and bingo bango.......or maybe wait until you have kids see what its like looking after a baby or a 3 yr old. Funny thing about kids is they are the future.


Well-Known Member
I have a 1 year old, my wife and I have seen 3 movies in the last year thanks to a good friend watched the baby so we could get out of the house. One of them we took her, it was a kids film and she sat mesmerized for the whole show. What I would like to know is what's wrong with the 28 year old bimbet who sits there and asks her boyfriend what's going on, when she's been there the whole f'n movie. Or the asshat who sits through the entire movie texting and shining his Ipod in everyone's face. I just don't go unless it's a major movie anymore, my 1 year old acts better than most adults these days.


Well-Known Member
I have a 1 year old, my wife and I have seen 3 movies in the last year thanks to a good friend watched the baby so we could get out of the house. One of them we took her, it was a kids film and she sat mesmerized for the whole show. What I would like to know is what's wrong with the 28 year old bimbet who sits there and asks her boyfriend what's going on, when she's been there the whole f'n movie. Or the asshat who sits through the entire movie texting and shining his Ipod in everyone's face. I just don't go unless it's a major movie anymore, my 1 year old acts better than most adults these days.
well thats good, i dont mind babies very much if they are quiet, but i hate it when the mom just ignores the screaming and everyone else suffers. i have more sympathy for babies in movies than i do for adults. they should know better


Well-Known Member
nah the worst is the fucking africans talking on there phone through the whole thing.Happens everytime I go.


Well-Known Member
i have never seen people do that wehre i live. i guess the people here are more respectful. i would have confronted the person or spoken to an usher. it's one thing to bring a baby, if it cries, take it outside! no one wants to hear someone elses baby.


New Member
Next time rent the theatre all to yourself and bingo bango.......or maybe wait until you have kids see what its like looking after a baby or a 3 yr old. Funny thing about kids is they are the future.
The people that bring babies to movies are the selfish pricks, and you defend them? I did not go to hear a baby cry, or to hear you talk through the movie, I went to watch and HEAR the dialogue of a movie.

Maybe what YOU need to realize is that most respectful people do not bring babies to movies. They do without, or get a sitter, so they do not ruin EVERYONE ELSE'S TIME.

Just a word of advice to any new parents out there.......if you had a baby, be ready to sacrifice going to the theater for a few years. At least until you have taught your child how to BEHAVE in a theater. And if you are not willing to sacrifice going to the theater, or getting a sitter for your kid, I think you have no business being a parent. PERIOD.

Movies are quiet time, and babies do not live by our rules yet.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
It is generally accepted that matinees might have children in them. But, after 7pm it should be child-free, we have a theatre around here that has that rule and I like it.

If a person talking or texting in the theatre get management and have them removed-it is the managers job to curtail this kind of behavior. Don't do it yourself, it might escalate and then it might be off to jail. If the manager does nothing get his name and write headquarter for the chain.


Well-Known Member
It is generally accepted that matinees might have children in them. But, after 7pm it should be child-free, we have a theatre around here that has that rule and I like it.
i don't think it is generally accepted to bring a BABY to a matinee. An older child that understands that they have to sit quietly through the movie is fine - even after 7pm. i would never bring a loud child or baby to a theater, it is very disrespectful.. why should everyone suffer because of one person having a kid.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
a crying baby sucks in any scenario...but worse is the parents who pretent its not happenening

and no i dont think babys should go to the movies/grocery store/andeverywereelsepublic lol

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I agree, I wasn't thinking about babies. It works for this theatre because if you go you know what you are getting, btw, it is only for weekdays.

I do not have children and I like a good quiet theatre- no phones, pda, nothing.... please.

i don't think it is generally accepted to bring a BABY to a matinee. An older child that understands that they have to sit quietly through the movie is fine - even after 7pm. i would never bring a loud child or baby to a theater, it is very disrespectful.. why should everyone suffer because of one person having a kid.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been to the movies in years because of other people.

I have Netflix, a big screen, and patience for the movies to be released.

There's always somebody ruining it for others.


Well-Known Member
the next worse thing is a screaming child/baby at a restaurant. my son was a tit that kept my wife and i from going out for the first five years of his life.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been to the movies in years because of other people.

I have Netflix, a big screen, and patience for the movies to be released.

There's always somebody ruining it for others.

Not to mention, movies just aren't as good unless you can blaze while watching them. Me, netflix, the 3tree perc bong and some good weed and I'm a happy man. Not quite a 'big screen' but 37" wide LCD isn't too bad (it's better than the 18" tube I had as a teen.)