

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, I heard about DMT a while ago, meant to be a mega potent hallucinater thingy, sooooooo, how do you smoke it and all? and how does it affect you?
Thanks, :leaf: Peace out :leaf: :peace:
You can smoke it in meth pipe or put it on top of weed in your pipe. One really good method is to make changa from it. And when u smoke it sit down dont stand up. Poof and youre gone to other world! Good luck man, have a nice trip!
"mega potent hallucinater thingy" wow. Just in case you aren't aware "hallucinogen" really isn't a proper word to describe these drugs; psychedelic or psychotropic substances such as psilocin, 4-ho-MiPT, DMT, LSD, mescaline, et al. potentially lead to much more significant changes in perception\awareness\consciousness well aside from just seeing things in your field of vision that "are not real". In a proper setting and at a proper dosage a substance like psilocin should produce in the person a virtual over-load of perception, a sense of becoming more aware of yourself and your environment (indeed realizing things that you may rather not, all at once over and over again...) and\or very drastic changes in thinking and behavior as the 'situation' to you may be quite a bit different than what it is 'actually'. If you haven't been introduced to psychotropics DMT probably isn't the one to try first. I haven't done it personally but there are books dedicated to the kinds of things one experiences when administered DMT (search: Spirit Molecule). It is commonly smoked (vaporized really) but can be administered via injection (IV\IM of sterile solution) or consumed orally with an MAOI (insufflation may also work). If consumed orally without an MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitor) the DMT would just be destroyed before it ever reached the brain. Mammals (even humans) evidently have some endogenous DMT in their brains, which may be produced in highly localized regions of the brain at certain times. Various plants, of course, produce some degree of DMT (along with it's brother 5-MEo) along with other animals including a certain kind of toad for instance which uses psychedelic tryptamines as a venom.

The effects, without an MAOI and administered through one of the quick routes, are short lived which is why they call it the "businessman's trip". It usually lasts 10-20 minutes if I am not mistaken, but is very intense. An MAO inhibitor at an appropriate dose may extend the duration to a couple hours or more. Psilocin (from mushrooms) is chemically very similar to DMT and orally active without an MAOI. It's a good starting point even though duration is longer (can make your body feel weird) the effects are probably more manageable.
I took DMT twice and the second time I sat on the bed with my friends asking if I was okay and I was like dude, I`m never taking a psychedelic again! Uh oh, that obviously wasn`t true and I`m planning to make some DMT soon enough :D I didn`t have a bad trip as the trip was all about how abstract and pointless everything was, and that was a little disturbing. The main shock was after the experience when I realised what it all ment when I came back to the real world :) I was in a world so infinate, so timeless, so colourful! Its the only substance I`d consult for a strong trip, it delivers really well :D

DMT nexus is a great place to learn to extract your own DMT. They have an A-Z of extractions and all.

Nullis was right, don`t approach it as a hallucinogen thingy, if any simple words cover it its more of a dream/trance thingy... No words really do cover it though...

You can watch DMT-The Spirit Molecule to give you an overview of the effects of it... Worth watching if your planning to take some :)

Oh, and the stuff being talked about here is n,n-DMT, you also have some other kinds. A long n,n-DMT trip can be done with Ayahuasca brew and also Yopo snuff has 5-meo-DMT I think.

Happy tripping :D
Nirv! Good to see you 'round my Friend!! I DO hope one day you'll stumble upon dmt, or extract some yourself.. I know you would be in awe of it all.. though, I've never spoken to anyone who isn't who has :D

Tenn! I remember feeling the exact same thing you describe after dosing DmT.. "I can't do any more psychs".. Like in my report, I've never had the anxiety nor the discouraging feeling after any psych experience. I was literally unable to take a third hit. I recall saying to myself that I wouldn't be able to handle psychs again. Nonsense, of course :D The thing is, I guess, is that dMT is not like any other psych. I'm not even sure if DMt even falls into the 'psych' catagory. The point of this post now evades me :lol:
Nirv! Good to see you 'round my Friend!! I DO hope one day you'll stumble upon dmt, or extract some yourself.. I know you would be in awe of it all.. though, I've never spoken to anyone who isn't who has :D

Tenn! I remember feeling the exact same thing you describe after dosing DmT.. "I can't do any more psychs".. Like in my report, I've never had the anxiety nor the discouraging feeling after any psych experience. I was literally unable to take myself to the next level with a third hit. I recall saying to myself that I wouldn't be able to handle psychs again. Nonsense, of course :D The thing is, I guess, is that dMT is not like any other psych. I'm not even sure if DMt even falls into the 'psych' catagory. The point of this post now evades me :lol: Doh

The thing about DMT is, our body has engineered a psychedelic for us and its storing it in our brains. Its made for "the job", it goes through the blood brain barrier like its made to. Just crazy stuff :D

The trip started off pretty classic walls with eyes, alex grey paintings, the shponglese world :)


Then I launched out of that world, like in a dream straight into this one.... No body feeling, think of my name, it means plain nothing... My life, it seemed years ago, in the past... Unimportant... 3 Questions arose: Where am I? What am I? What am I doing here? :D Just like that, scared me! This cubic structure was very big, I could move around in it, only if I had the confidence to properly float around and explore... I can imagine it being sooo much fun for the experienced user...

You wonder to yourself during the journey "fucking hell, im in my mind" :D The idea of "returning" to the "normal world" is so incredibly abstract in the DMT trip!

Ahhh ahh, I do fancy another "swim" in my mind though :)

Do your dose in 1 blow through the machine, make the vapor milky thick ;) If I do DMT again, I`m not going to question where it takes me, its going to be during a holiday or such, a very free time and during the few days before the trip, I`m just going to take it easy. Smoke bud, do poi, meditate, nothing stressfull just plain happy :) Kinda like packing my suitcase before a flight :)

Ahhh I love typing up stuff on the net, it helps you remember your memories in detail :)
Well, in my general area I have a hard time getting weed even (because its a "harder" drug according to my *!&@! dealer). Might have to go to the city or something :)
But is it a bit like shrooms or something where you should have the right setting and all?
But is it a bit like shrooms or something where you should have the right setting and all?

DMT is just like going to sleep, if something bad happens in your day it might trigger a nightmare in your sleep. Maybe look at it that way, the room your in will only matter for when you come back to it, but that ALL depends on your person just as any other trip. When Strassman was conducting DMT experiments in the hospital he got the room decorated so it wasn`t so depressing for people coming back from Hyperspace. DMT isn`t like LSD where you want a colourfull and nice world to go around touching and stroking, your just lying on the bed with your eyes closed in a different world. Some music like Shpongle is good. :) Best thing is to just have someone to talk to afterwards, someone nice that will help you remember/understand what you saw. Just someone that will listen and be curious about it :) It was quite nice to have my brother looking at me with a big grin going "it was fucking mad wasn`t it" :D Yes sir! :D

Its deffinately not hard or expensive to make. Few jars, lighter fluid, some drain cleaner, PH measurement, filter papers and some tree bark off the net and your ready to get some crystals :) Do plenty of reading about it too. If your after the experience its roughly $50 away for the willing :D You might like it or it might be a little intense, but it won`t be dissapointing :D
DMT is just like going to sleep, if something bad happens in your day it might trigger a nightmare in your sleep. Maybe look at it that way, the room your in will only matter for when you come back to it, but that ALL depends on your person just as any other trip. When Strassman was conducting DMT experiments in the hospital he got the room decorated so it wasn`t so depressing for people coming back from Hyperspace. DMT isn`t like LSD where you want a colourfull and nice world to go around touching and stroking, your just lying on the bed with your eyes closed in a different world. Some music like Shpongle is good. :) Best thing is to just have someone to talk to afterwards, someone nice that will help you remember/understand what you saw. Just someone that will listen and be curious about it :) It was quite nice to have my brother looking at me with a big grin going "it was fucking mad wasn`t it" :D Yes sir! :D

Its deffinately not hard or expensive to make. Few jars, lighter fluid, some drain cleaner, PH measurement, filter papers and some tree bark off the net and your ready to get some crystals :) Do plenty of reading about it too. If your after the experience its roughly $50 away for the willing :D You might like it or it might be a little intense, but it won`t be dissapointing :D

I love how you do that Tenner. You kick my chest, take my breath away and leave me stunned.

rrep :D Thanks for your insights (:
DMT is just like going to sleep, if something bad happens in your day it might trigger a nightmare in your sleep. Maybe look at it that way, the room your in will only matter for when you come back to it, but that ALL depends on your person just as any other trip. When Strassman was conducting DMT experiments in the hospital he got the room decorated so it wasn`t so depressing for people coming back from Hyperspace. DMT isn`t like LSD where you want a colourfull and nice world to go around touching and stroking, your just lying on the bed with your eyes closed in a different world. Some music like Shpongle is good. :) Best thing is to just have someone to talk to afterwards, someone nice that will help you remember/understand what you saw. Just someone that will listen and be curious about it :) It was quite nice to have my brother looking at me with a big grin going "it was fucking mad wasn`t it" :D Yes sir! :D

Its deffinately not hard or expensive to make. Few jars, lighter fluid, some drain cleaner, PH measurement, filter papers and some tree bark off the net and your ready to get some crystals :) Do plenty of reading about it too. If your after the experience its roughly $50 away for the willing :D You might like it or it might be a little intense, but it won`t be dissapointing :D

I dont really like the idea of drain cleaner or lighter fluid, sounds like meth :l but thanks for sharing you're experience :) sounds mind blowing.
Thanks for the links man, might help me not blow off my hands trying to extract this stuff :)
I dont really like the idea of drain cleaner or lighter fluid, sounds like meth :l but thanks for sharing you're experience :) sounds mind blowing.

I can see where your thoughts are coming from. But lets get the facts straight. Your combining the idea of a very harmful synthetic drug being made in bad conditions, with a natural drug being extracted to the standards you can set for yourself.

But you can further clean your DMT using IPA & Activated Charcoal and have it pretty clean (both off ebay), then vaporise that. The only thing to worry about while making DMT is the PH you end the extraction at. If its too high then your going to be smoking a little lye. With the IPA&Charcoal it comes out very clean (haven`t tried). There are lots of cleaning steps to do if your willing to lose %10 or so of your DMT in order to get it clean. Also can freeze precipitate crystals to avoid evaporating your naphta.

Plus so many people (including my dear old mom and dad) are alive and healthy after years of meth use :) Don`t get me wrong, I haven`t/will not try bad old meth or the other bad boys :) But 2-3 times DMT? No worries, wouldn`t even care to clean it its well worth any %0.01 damage to the lung alveolies :D

Just some advice anyway, hope it helps! DMT Nexus has it all in detail :)
I smoked a bit a few years ago.. I felt like i was in a computer game.
Listening to 'Tipper - Relish the trough' album certainly set the visuals up in my head.
Would love to try some again but don't hear of anyone having any around here
and making it myself sounds like a right pain in the arse.
Yeah, meths just always scared me in a "don't touch that sh*t" kind of way, my parents were junkies too, but I got through it, but I promised myself that I'd never do anything like that, but thanks for the info man :)
making it myself sounds like a right pain in the arse.

I think it would be much easier than setting up a grow room. You should be able to get it running with about 2-5 hours of reading, 5 hours of work and few days of waiting but its all dependant :) It gets fun when your doing it :D

Yeah, meths just always scared me in a "don't touch that sh*t" kind of way, my parents were junkies too, but I got through it, but I promised myself that I'd never do anything like that, but thanks for the info man :)

Haha interesting paralell :) Both of us should chose to learn from their mistakes anyway :)