Nirv! Good to see you 'round my Friend!! I DO hope one day you'll stumble upon dmt, or extract some yourself.. I know
you would be in awe of it all.. though, I've never spoken to anyone who isn't who has
Tenn! I remember feeling the exact same thing you describe after dosing DmT.. "I can't do any more psychs".. Like in my report, I've never had the anxiety nor the discouraging feeling after any psych experience. I was literally unable to take myself to the next level with a third hit. I recall saying to myself that I wouldn't be able to handle psychs again. Nonsense, of course

The thing is, I guess, is that dMT is not
like any other psych. I'm not even sure if DMt even falls into the 'psych' catagory. The point of this post now evades me

The thing about DMT is, our body has engineered a psychedelic for us and its storing it in our brains. Its made for "the job", it goes through the blood brain barrier like its made to. Just crazy stuff
The trip started off pretty classic walls with eyes, alex grey paintings, the shponglese world
Then I launched out of that world, like in a dream straight into this one.... No body feeling, think of my name, it means plain nothing... My life, it seemed years ago, in the past... Unimportant... 3 Questions arose: Where am I? What am I? What am I doing here?

Just like that, scared me! This cubic structure was very big, I could move around in it, only if I had the confidence to properly float around and explore... I can imagine it being sooo much fun for the experienced user...
You wonder to yourself during the journey "fucking hell, im in my mind"

The idea of "returning" to the "normal world" is so incredibly abstract in the DMT trip!
Ahhh ahh, I do fancy another "swim" in my mind though
Do your dose in 1 blow through the machine, make the vapor milky thick

If I do DMT again, I`m not going to question where it takes me, its going to be during a holiday or such, a very free time and during the few days before the trip, I`m just going to take it easy. Smoke bud, do poi, meditate, nothing stressfull just plain happy

Kinda like packing my suitcase before a flight
Ahhh I love typing up stuff on the net, it helps you remember your memories in detail