Anyone know where to get good grow tents or supplies in the U.K?
What nutes can i get from wilkinsons / BNQ /Homebase?
lol we all need bigger houses ttt. yea im good mate the online shop has shot off which is good i didnt expect it, to be honest but im not complaining,
im waiting for next week to let my bald head of hair down at the moto gp lol
Dude Robbiue, that sucks, i'd have been having none of it, at least have a friend or parent take it, but i'd still say fuck and probably end up doing somehting like this in defiance
And then i'd get my revenge on the missus by making that pup yours, turn it into a warrior, teach it to do nothing but bark at your issus shoes, i dunnothis popped to mind though, if only they could talk
I have an autoflower so light leaks dont really matter i guess?
ok thats sorted, wb bottled water to use for growing?