Share Your Worst Bud Story


Active Member
Alright so i went home a week ago and did my laundrey only to find that somehow i had left my 8th of shake in one of my pockets. Needless to say it got soaked and clumped into little balls. I was so angry that i needed to tell someone but my phone had no charge so i preceded to show my mom my soaking bag... which did not go well at all
One time I found a whole bunch of stems and shake under my couch on a rolling tray. It was several weeks old, but being dry I smoked it anyway. Worst headache in my life.
i once had a plant growing that was completely purple with completely white buds
when my friend was given the task to take care of it for it a short wile, it died within 24 hours
talk about a fuck up
well.... i'm 20 soon ..... on my own... mums cool with weed... even got my some pots and stuff came round, admire'd them ;)


anyway, my worst story :

Sitting at the skatepark, rolle'd a joint with 4g's.... Sun was shining on me..... about 32° in the sun... very hot.. so i start smoking it.... and these kids come from the girls scout and boy's scout, and start playing truth or dare right next to me !!!!

I'm like wtf, smoke on.... so the only thing i can hear now is : Truth or dare... hehehe u have to do this... did u do this... hahahahaha.... hehehe...

So i'm like smoking it, nearly finish'd it and i'm so high i start hearing there voices double'd like T T TT RR RR UU TTTH HHH OOORRR DAAARRRREE anyway... ^^

I get up and just puke on this girl... rofl.... :) MY worst story ever....

Oh yeah it was in 2002 and i went with my friend to watch the MAtrix afterwards thats why i smoked a huge one :D so i could relate more to the story ^^

I had a broken tibia and knee when I was 17 and I smoked some shit that was all orange/red.... that shit literally paralyzed me and Im not even tryin makin it sound worse than it was. I couldnt feel shit. Whats worse is I got the munchies so bad but couldnt even lift a spoon, so my friend fed me...but it was even hard to chew I thought I was gonna choke and die.
I hope your talking about celcius......:confused:

yes it was boiling !!!!!! they Candle Wax was melting and if u fel over u hade like big stripes of Wax on your trousers :P

no chance of getting it out, because the pressure soak'd the Wax up in the Material :) Combining itself into one piece
I remember in the middle nineties bud was not around and everyone i taked to only had the gas weed. It was the worst shit ever. Probably came over the boarder in a gas truck. Anyone remember that shit?
^^^ i didnt smoke it personally but ive heard some pppl talk about that... oddly enough i never would have imagined anyone on here mentioning it.