Do You Ever Smoke A Blunt By Yourself?

If you do I would like to hear how you go about it...

I smoke it in 3 parts...hit it like 6-7 times ash it enjoy the high watch a movie, then in two hours I go back to it hit it 6-7 times ash it im good for 2 hrs and then finish it off before i go to bed.

I just cant smoke a whole blunt and logically it seems smoking it in parts would make the high last longer?


Active Member
You should smoke out of glass if you want it to last longer! Papers are a waste if you think that way..shits always burning!
Yeah I need to, but in the mean time blunts are what i'm working with... and I just wanted to know who does what I do.. and if you don't,, what do you do,,, is what I was asking..


Active Member
Well when I smoke a blunt I like to smoke it fast. I've never smoked one all alone, done it with a friend though. You should make a roach hitter those are fun. Take a big 2 liter bottle and cut a small hole somewhere that the blunt can snuggly fit into, then place a carb hole. Suck suck suck until the whole things full of smoke then release the carb and cough your brains out XD


Well-Known Member
well i used to smoke blunts, but i couldnt just smoke one blunt, and never smoke just a peice of it, i hate smoking roached weed, but thats just me. also if i had to chose i'd chose papers over blunts, since they have less paper and dont cover the taste of my weed as much.


Active Member
Blunts are made with..cigars right? sounds like a waste of good stash to me..CIGARS? UK dont do blunts.. :)


Well-Known Member
Blunts are a complete waste of weed but they are very fun. If I ever buy a half to an oz at one time(I used to like every week) I'd roll like 5 blunts out of it and just blow all of them. I would get SO baked. feel cool, have the weed taste like fucking GOD, and if you make it more damp, and if its with dank, and sometimes Id layer a sheet of J papers on one side of the blunt and roll the weed inside there so it would stick and burn slower. They can be made to waste way less weed. I used to be a rolling fuckin master! lol now I pretty much stick to bowls and my vape


bud bootlegger
it all depends on how much time i've got or what i'm doing to how much of the blunt i smoke.. i would usually smoke either the whole thing, or in twos... i don't like to smoke anything smaller than say half a blunt at a time..


Well-Known Member
Yeah a two gram blunt wouldn't last me but until it was all done in all run.. Say 10 minutes or so haha


Active Member
If you do I would like to hear how you go about it...

I smoke it in 3 parts...hit it like 6-7 times ash it enjoy the high watch a movie, then in two hours I go back to it hit it 6-7 times ash it im good for 2 hrs and then finish it off before i go to bed.

I just cant smoke a whole blunt and logically it seems smoking it in parts would make the high last longer?
yeah thats what i would do although i would take more like 10-15 hits. smoking the whole thing by yourself in one session would be a waste. shit isnt cheap. even if you grow your own, its still money down the drain.


Active Member
dont people over there mix weed with tabacco now thats a waste of weed... if its true...
yeah its pretty popular in europe. they call it a euro joint. a friend of mine went to college with and made friends with some european transfer students. they put tobacco in and my friend is like wtf are you guys doing?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I roll 2-3g into a blunt, and i smoke that, might take 20 minutes to an hour if ive beer and food etc. Then i'll probably roll up a spliff straight after :) I need to change up my grow bad.