The UK Growers Thread!


Active Member
lmao dunno how th fuck ur rememberin they jokes lol,wen i hear a joke it does a homer n fucks off to that place wher i cant go,where everythin iv ever fookin learned hides


Active Member
finally day off 2mrw whooop ! just got home from work got myself some lemz skunk and some bho hash of the lemz been mixing them together sorting me right out atlast :D

not much happing on plant front atm still flowering n veg is still young. My water clones are doing amazingly well now tho starting to show roots its been about a week.

Not quite sure how long they should be before i go to ground with them tho. Might go visit a hempstore 2mrw and get some proper nutes :)
aw man im sittin here wif a coffee n a sesame snap...that was harsh lol


Well-Known Member
A woman walks into a library and asks for a book on euphemisms.

So the librarian took her up the rear aisle and let her have it.


Well-Known Member
that is a class strain del, one of your creations wasn't it? If thats 12.12 from seed, I dread to think what it could do with a bit of veg ;)

EDIT "I don't care if thats real or not, he can do a sick 540!" haha pretty much how I feel about that


Well-Known Member
BUSES. foo o windae lickers, oaps's that dont ken if its tuesday or 1936, spastic teenagers that must be hard o hearin coz they fuckin roar at each ither, fuckin genetic experiments gone wrong, the offspring o cousins marrying and fuckin broadmoor escapees. fuck yer peasant transport ahll fuckin walk fae noo oan. fucin fuckers.