Club 600


Well-Known Member
Just saying I have never seen any pull in over 2 grams per watt. EVER!!! Anyone else?
Heath Robinson pulled like 2.2 g/w out of his flooded tube setup. I think he got 3 lbs from a single 600w.

And about CMH, I would say that they do a really good job. I've never used them as my only light source, but from what I can tell they hang pretty close to the hps on yeild, but much much more resin. Although I must say that's just based on casual observation... I didn't ever test things out properly.

And yeah 3eyes, we all just chatting. Ain't no arguing on the 600... unless it's about how bad those canadians spell, lol.

Today I'm itching to start a new grow. It's absolutely killing me to be standing on the sidelines watching. However the queen bee around here thinks I need to do something with the last harvest before I start another project.


Well-Known Member
just smart marketing, but what is it?
cat piss and food coloring, haha. I'm wary of AN products. Everything they make just happens to be not only the best thing EVER INVENTED, but you also NEED it to grow good buds. Not to mention they are more expensive than any other company AND they have wayyyyyyyyy more products than anyone. To me it seems like someone has figured out how to make money.


Well-Known Member
cat piss and food coloring, haha. I'm wary of AN products. Everything they make just happens to be not only the best thing EVER INVENTED, but you also NEED it to grow good buds. Not to mention they are more expensive than any other company AND they have wayyyyyyyyy more products than anyone. To me it seems like someone has figured out how to make money.
agree'd. i started my first grow wit just miracle grow. the went to to FF saw a big difference other than hygrozyme and molasses, oh yea and gravity. i havnt found anything that makes a noticeable difference. that was obviously meant to be sold to newbies

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Argument? no arguments here sorry fella not on the 600 we're just chatting.
haha i was talking about the guy who posted the thread originaly, what got u guys talking about metric and imperial in the 1st place.

i might not post bro but i'm an avid lurker and know the rules of the 6 ;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah fingerez has been around for a hot minute :-) he knows what's up!

those canadians are horrible spellers lol jkjkjk

and I will never pay for a/n products, I did use bud candy on my hydro run but the grow shop gave it to me for free.


Well-Known Member
Can you elaborate on "making it rain" are you making a music video, or am I just confused. I hope he is not saying that is 4000 grams wet there. From what I have seen CMHs produce less bud, more resin. They also put out a lot more heat. Am I wrong there? I call bullshit on the 4000 grams from 2 400w lights. Just saying I have never seen any pull in over 2 grams per watt. EVER!!! Anyone else? Nothing against you man but dont drink the Kool-Aide is all Im saying. You should check out opengrow. There is a guy on there that does grows with CMH, they are resinous as fuck, just he never gets huge buds. I see what your saying with using them in conjunction with the hps lights, but I would think the yield would be lower using only CMH...
CMH bulbs put off less heat than a HPS or regular MH, concept behind increased resin is the UVB rays that the CMH bulb produces unlike conventional bulbs. Due to this effect they have to be ran bare bulb, or in a reflector without a glass piece between the bulb and your plants, basically means no cooltubes or aircooled hoods. But due to their decreased heat, you are able to run them this way without a noticable increase in temp.

I'm not saying anyone should trade your 600's for one of these, but figured they would make great supplemental lighting in additon to a 6.

As far as the additives are concerned, i think a majority of it is bullshit, and not really the part of the post i was trying to direct attention to ;)

The "Making it rain" technique is something that Riddleme developed, his thread on it has been linked here on the 6 a couple times already, but I dont remember how far back.


Active Member
just a little high right now but dnt u guys wish we had scratch n sniff computer screens for we could share the smell of our dank buds,,, friend just dropped of some stinky ass bud off whole house smells of a gram


Well-Known Member
haha i was talking about the guy who posted the thread originaly, what got u guys talking about metric and imperial in the 1st place.

i might not post bro but i'm an avid lurker and know the rules of the 6 ;)
Now i understand, the way you wrote the original post threw me off track a little. It's a pity RIU didn't leave the thread bashing whodat on i bet the guy that started it was well pissed off when people started giving him love instead of knocking him lol


Well-Known Member
Ok, I've posted this before but in case anyone missed it, here it is again.



Well-Known Member
Hey, hey now jig. :lol:
hehe, you know I'm just playing. It's not you, or us... it's this damned english language (any form). I'm just venting frustration becuase the stanley cup is going back north this year. Ok, I actually don't care that much... if anything I think it's cool.

Due to this effect they have to be ran bare bulb, or in a reflector without a glass piece between the bulb and your plants, basically means no cooltubes or aircooled hoods. But due to their decreased heat, you are able to run them this way without a noticable increase in temp.
Ooops... I always ran mine in a cool tube. I looked and sure enough it's rated for open enclosures.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I am about 6 weeks into flowering, give or take.
I have been using Dyna-Gro exclusively.
I have these what should I use and how much of each?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I am about 6 weeks into flowering, give or take.
I have been using Dyna-Gro exclusively.
I have these what should I use and how much of each?
The Dyna Gro Bloom is just a base and you should have been using that the whole time unless you use something else for a base. The Kool Bloom is a bloom boost, which like most I think you use it in the last two weeks of feeding. Say you were growing an 8 week strain, you would use it in weeks 5 and 6 before the flushing period, which for me lasts 14 days. This grow is the first time I have ever used a ripening formula, and I only used it 1 time. My plants showed me that they didnt like it too much so I never used it again. It was Ripe from Botanicare. How much to use should be on the container. I use a ppm meter that way I know exactly how much of what each plant gets. I base it on my theory of never breaking 1000 ppms in my nutrient solution. Some plants dont even like it that high. I try to stay around 600ppms for my vegging plants. They get fed a little heavier in flowering.