How long is a piece of string?
this guys an asshole youll get at least an onceyea thats like asking i just ate this burger how much shit is going to come out. lmao. but seriously. it all depends on conditions grown in, how you treat it, your knowledge of growing, and floering for only 8wks might give your premature bud thats shitty smoke. i mean cmon man. DO SOME RESEARCH ON YOUR OWN BEFORE ASKING SUCH QUESTIONS.
yea thats like asking i just ate this burger how much shit is going to come out. lmao. but seriously. it all depends on conditions grown in, how you treat it, your knowledge of growing, and floering for only 8wks might give your premature bud thats shitty smoke. i mean cmon man. DO SOME RESEARCH ON YOUR OWN BEFORE ASKING SUCH QUESTIONS.
well last year .. I got a 10 pack of seeds.. 9 females 1 male.. I put the male outside to avoid pollenation its been out there for like evver bro's when it stops making seeds and goes into flower.. what will it yeild .. I trained it with some lattice fencing and its about 5 feet tall and 10 feet wide.. think it will be dank? SOmetimes at night i been shinning my flashlight on it trying to shock it so it will go from male to female and start flower.. think i need a brighter flash light?
rrriigghhht.A male will never make seeds, thats a big fucking plant ten feet wide???????????? with 9 females do you really want it to go herm on you?
well last year .. I got a 10 pack of seeds.. 9 females 1 male.. I put the male outside to avoid pollenation its been out there for like evver bro's when it stops making seeds and goes into flower.. what will it yeild .. I trained it with some lattice fencing and its about 5 feet tall and 10 feet wide.. think it will be dank? SOmetimes at night i been shinning my flashlight on it trying to shock it so it will go from male to female and start flower.. think i need a brighter flash light?