The UK Growers Thread!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahaha i speak in riddles and bollocks mostly :lol: looks the part, and as they say walks like a duck talks like a duck its a fuckin duck... nice dope ttt.

it is just under or on 8 weeks i found ;)


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha. Very good. Im no bad wae the talking bollocks patter myself. Reckon thats why the girl is still with me. 8 weeks then m8. Got another 4 weeks or so. Im booking a weekend away with this harvest


Well-Known Member
i seem to be struggling with the flowering , doesnt appear much is happening it could just be im not noticing it but feels like theyve stopped there still fine im guessing its the heat stunting growth or maybe i need to repot ?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I guess that comes with the accent :p just kiddin :D know a huge stoner up north of durham, can rarely understand a bloody word but it's all good, seems there's a better ratio of funny people up north from my experience.

Plants kinda stretch, get hairy and feisty, and then sit around for a week or so doing bugger all, i remember asking the same question, figured something had to happen but wasn't. Any pics?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah aye behind every good bloke theres a bird keeping them in check... or is that just me? either way good darts man, cant grind away for no play time. im away to the dam myself soon. me westy n his missus lilganjaprincess are going over to see DST, its going to be a a treat for sure, yesh.


Well-Known Member
cant get pics atm as its lights out but i will do 2mrw :) theres some semi recent snaps in my thread. i thought maybe even going from cfl to hps shocked em ?


Well-Known Member
Nice one Don. I was meant to go over in Feb but was dramas at work. As Frued said " to be happy, u need to work and love". Think the cunt might be right. Im sure sambo will argue the point on the work

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Ha, sounds like that'll be a pretty fun time don :D I'd once talked about saying hi to dst while in amsterdam but then work went south, I need to sort me an income, don't get any fun these days, wanna goto to the carribean and buy a boat and a fishing rod.

Work takes all the fun out of life though, so it's catch 22 :D


Well-Known Member
human beings in general never seem to be truly happy with what they've got..
i know a perfect example is when i am working all i wanna be doing is not working.. and when i'm not working i'm so bored i just wanna work :/ found a compromise.. working 3 days a week earning more than i was when i was working 50-60 hour weeks :D


Well-Known Member
Im more than happy not to work its funny its seems when i dont work im better off , as soon as i work i find myself needing things and oweing money.

Just wish i was a better grower :P


Active Member
Plants kinda stretch, get hairy and feisty, and then sit around for a week or so doing bugger all, i remember asking the same question, figured something had to happen but wasn't. Any pics?
What do you mean by feisty TTT? lol
Some pics of my first grow so far, day 15 flower

