Hitler Was A Leftist

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It is not an exercise. The American Founders saw and philosophized ever aspect of economics and politics in this context. To say it was an just an exercise is to ignore the very words on the Declaration of Independence. Now if we are talking Geo-Politics things become relative to many things but mostly the King Of France.

Forgive me, I don't mean to disregard the whole idea of left/right, I just want to point out that complete anarchy does not, and has never existed.

The closest you can get to no government at all is seen in the few remaining tribal societies alive today, yet even they exercise their own form of government, usually in the form of a "big man" (what could be more fascist then a "big man"?) who enforces "social" agendas for the sake of the group.
What is your intention with this thread? Does associating Hitler with the left make you feel better about your own political positions? I mean, it's not just with Hitler either. Johnny brings up Fred Phelps as an obvious attempt to associate Democratic policymakers with fringe elements.

how easy would it be for us to make a thread with scores more examples of extremists on the right? why would we not undertake such a simple task?

oh, i know. it is because we are not insecure little poo flingers.
succinctness is lost on idiots and clowns.

Your now becoming a troll. Why don't you try and just have a discussion. This is for entertainment purposes only and it doesn;t have to be so painful for you. Come on lighten up. Were friend aren't we?
Your now becoming a troll. Why don't you try and just have a discussion. This is for entertainment purposes only and it doesn;t have to be so painful for you. Come on lighten up. Were friend aren't we?

this discussion is a joke and i don't care for you because you are a smug, arrogant, little person.
Forgive me, I don't mean to disregard the whole idea of left/right, I just want to point out that complete anarchy does not, and has never existed.

The closest you can get to no government at all is seen in the few remaining tribal societies alive today, yet even they exercise their own form of government, usually in the form of a "big man" (what could be more fascist then a "big man"?) who enforces "social" agendas for the sake of the group.

Anarchy doesn't mean "no Government" that's a misconception. It means a total Voluntary Society. I am no Anarchist I am more of A minarchist. But I would Argue that we had the closest thing to Anarchy during the expansion west and a lot of the territories ran pretty well for a long time with no Central Government.

Just a thought.
this discussion is a joke and i don't care for you because you are a smug, arrogant, little person.

What an ironic statement. You should read your own post in fact read all your post. Most of then could be guilty of what you just accused me of. Your just a troll. YOu know, you can start your own thread. For reals.... and it's free.
Anarchy doesn't mean "no Government" that's a misconception. It means a total Voluntary Society. I am no Anarchist I am more of A minarchist. But I would Argue that we had the closest thing to Anarchy during the expansion west and a lot of the territories ran pretty well for a long time with no Central Government.

Just a thought.

Anarchy (from Greek: ἀναρχίᾱ anarchíā, "without ruler") may refer to any of several political states, and has been variously defined by sources. Most often, the term "anarchy" describes the simple absence of publicly recognized government or enforced political authority.

Dude, I'm starting to think you're just making up terms to suit your position...
Anarchy doesn't mean "no Government" that's a misconception. It means a total Voluntary Society. I am no Anarchist I am more of A minarchist. But I would Argue that we had the closest thing to Anarchy during the expansion west and a lot of the territories ran pretty well for a long time with no Central Government.

Just a thought.

Ya think so? I've got family who descended from those who survived through those days.

The wild west was rife with incurable illness, raping, pillaging, racist genocide, wealthy private interests completely obliterating the rights of individuals... it was not a good time for a lot of people. The territories often didn't run at all, let alone well!

A great many people moved west to make a better life for themselves, only to meet their deaths!

We only think of it fondly here in the states because it's romantic.
Anarchy (from Greek: ἀναρχίᾱ anarchíā, "without ruler") may refer to any of several political states, and has been variously defined by sources. Most often, the term "anarchy" describes the simple absence of publicly recognized government or enforced political authority.

Dude, I'm starting to think you're just making up terms to suit your position...

Are you kidding me? Just do a little research. Go to any Anarchist website and research there philosophy.
Maybe this would be a more productive conversation if the definitions of left-wing and right-wing are posted (as Windsblow requested a bit earlier)

Ala Wiki:
Left Wing - Left, left-wing and leftist are generally used to describe support for social change to create a more egalitarian society.

I would generally not rank Hitler's successes at egalitarianism very high....

Ya think so? I've got family that survived through those days.

The wild west was rife with incurable illness, raping, pillaging, racist genocide, wealthy private interests completely obliterating the rights of individuals... it was not a good time for a lot of people. The territories often didn't run at all, let alone well!

We only think of it fondly here in the states because it's romantic.

The whole entire world was dealing with the same issues, ours weren't unique. I also have family that settled huge areas of the west. There is no Romance in my heart about Individualism. Most of what people know about the "Wild West" is hyperbole brewed up by Hollywood Romantics. Yes it was Hard back then but is wasn't any harder then the rest of the word because of our Philosophies of individualism. It was much better. That's why my family on both sides trekked thousands of miles to get here. AS did every other family.
Are you kidding me? Just do a little research. Go to any Anarchist website and research there philosophy.

I can find a great variety of web sites that will define political terms to suit their purpose. If you're going to put forward a definition for a term that is outside of common usage, the onus is on you to at least site your sources.

I chose Wikipedia for mine-- not the most scholastic of sites, but at least it passes the general consensus test.

You just start defining things the opposite of common usage and expect people to think you have the authority to do so because a few Anarchist websites gave you the information. That might work with folks without access to other information, but it won't fly on this site.
I can find a great variety of sites that will define political terms to suit their purpose. If you're going to put forward a definition for a term that is outside of common usage, the onus is on you to at least site your sources.

I chose Wikipedia for mine-- not the most scholastic of sites, but at least it passes the general consensus test.

You just start defining things the opposite of common usage and expect people to think you have the authority to do so because a few Anarchist websites gave you the information. That might work with folks without access to other information, but it won't fly on this site.

Dude, I am sure your a nice guy but why do you come running in here unarmed.
What an ironic statement. You should read your own post in fact read all your post. Most of then could be guilty of what you just accused me of. Your just a troll. YOu know, you can start your own thread. For reals.... and it's free.

"you're" vs. "your". learn it, and maybe then you can legitimately pick on the public indoctrination- er ... education system.

and i have started threads before on topics ranging from shaving my pussy to dipshits in delaware saying "yes, wiccan!" to sb1071, the most logical follow up imaginable to sb1070.

go check them out. they are not only free, but more entertaining than the bullshit you have chosen to drudge up today.
Dude, I am sure your a nice guy but why do you come running in here unarmed.

that failed as an insult because it had no sting to it, it also failed as an assertion because you did nothing to support your assertion. whereas your opponent did.

my farts are more substantive than your posts.

another, more clever way to rephrase that is to say when my winds blow, it is more informative than windsblow.
The whole entire world was dealing with the same issues, ours weren't unique. I also have family that settled huge areas of the west. There is no Romance in my heart about Individualism. Most of what people know about the "Wild West" is hyperbole brewed up by Hollywood Romantics. Yes it was Hard back then but is wasn't any harder then the rest of the word because of our Philosophies of individualism. It was much better. That's why my family on both sides trekked thousands of miles to get here. AS did every other family.

Sure, the whole world has had issues since before written history, but deciding what we do (or don't do) about them is why we're even having this discussion, right?

What about the many ghost towns? Entire towns of people wiped out by drought, famine, disease, murderous gangs... and what about the many towns that once were ghost towns and whose inhabitants were replaced multiple times.

We are only here today because our predecessors survived in spite of all these trials, not because they were independent!

Our very way of life, and whether or not we can live one, this is what is at stake... and NOT surviving because of a lack of distribution of knowledge and resources... I dunno... that seems like a great way to ensure the extinction of a culture... or worse, the entire species... hardly ideal. =\
Maybe this would be a more productive conversation if the definitions of left-wing and right-wing are posted (as Windsblow requested a bit earlier)

Ala Wiki:
Left Wing - Left, left-wing and leftist are generally used to describe support for social change to create a more egalitarian society.

I would generally not rank Hitler's successes at egalitarianism very high....

For his Germany it was, and that was the whole point. Equality for Germans, everyone else were subhuman. His Socialism Was Nationalist and FOr The GErman RAce only.
I thought that statement, though entirely true, would be rejected and start a very good thread about were the American political/philosophic spectrum really is Geo-politically.

Plust it always works at pissing off the folks that have worked so hard for so many years to convince Americans the Hitler was a Capitalist and that Capitalism's ultimate ends is Hitler. And that Stalin was just a misguided man that took a great socio-economic philosophy and messed it up.

Hitler Was A leftwing, LEfty, leftist.

I'm outta here.........

Yes, and in case you didn't notice his leftist economic policies brought unprecedented economic success to Germany who was doing really poorly.

Hitler's left wing policies are not why he was a bad guy. It was the whole genocide/taking over the world thing. Being left wing does not = genocide/world domination. So yes, Germany and their left wing policies were incredibly successful. They still are.

So what's your point?

I'll happily defend the economic policies of the Hitler administration right up to the point where he started putting people in ghettos and invading other countries.
Yes, and in case you didn't notice his leftist economic policies brought unprecedented economic success to Germany who was doing really poorly.

Hitler's left wing policies are not why he was a bad guy. It was the whole genocide/taking over the world thing. Being left wing does not = genocide/world domination. So yes, Germany and their left wing policies were incredibly successful. They still are.

So what's your point?

I'll happily defend the economic policies of the Hitler administration right up to the point where he started putting people in ghettos and invading other countries.

I totally agree. And no I wouldn't say that leftist economic policies = Hitlers Killing of OTG's. But far left wing economic policy do ultimately, if you follow them to there logical, and historical ends, result in lenin's, Stalin's and 150 million Government sanctioned murders
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