Hitler Was A Leftist

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Well-Known Member
I thought that statement, though entirely true, would be rejected and start a very good thread about were the American political/philosophic spectrum really is Geo-politically.

Plust it always works at pissing off the folks that have worked so hard for so many years to convince Americans the Hitler was a Capitalist and that Capitalism's ultimate ends is Hitler. And that Stalin was just a misguided man that took a great socio-economic philosophy and messed it up.

Hitler Was A leftwing, LEfty, leftist.

I'm outta here.........
Sleep at night? What does that have to doe with the Politics of NAZIsm. Far right? Doesn't even make sense. Thats a fabricated position. Far right is ANARCHY. Hitler was a central plan economy and a socialist one at that.

Actually, Windsblow is right. For his time, in his early years as he was gaining popularity, Hitler was very progressive, and abdicated many of the same values that the "leftists" in this country abdicate.

However, he stopped being leftist when he set his sights on a nationalist dictatorship.

Left/Right is all well and good in a democracy, a proper balance of both serves the majority best, but a nationalist dictatorship is neither left nor right.

But, I think it is fair to say that a lot of evil in this world began with the best of intentions.
Yeah whatever.

Sure, it's Liberals who wrap themselves in the flag and scream "Nation First" like the Fascist Nazis. No, that would be your typical Tea Bagger. Far Right.

" Nazism was a far right form of politics"

Right. It's Liberals who think White people are superior....... Whatever makes you feel better.
Actually, Windsblow is right. For his time, in his early years as he was gaining popularity, Hitler was very progressive, and abdicated many of the same values that the "leftists" in this country abdicate.

However, he stopped being leftist when he set his sights on a nationalist dictatorship.

Left/Right is all well and good in a democracy, a proper balance of both serves the majority best, but a nationalist dictatorship is neither left nor right.

But, I think it is fair to say that a lot of evil in this world began with the best of intentions.

FAscist Germany has a central planned economy. It was ruled with an iron glove. It wasn't communist, though his farm plans were originally, but he was a fan of lenin. He was a Socialist at heart but he understood the power of the Military machine and coupling it with a controlled quazi-Capitalist market. His was the politics of power and his personal desires came 2nd to his policy of power. If you were to put him on a Political spectrum he would be on the left, not the right and he never moved to the right. He just adapted when he needed to.
That's fine that you think that way. You are free to.

Every definition of Nazism disagrees with you though. You ought to be aware of that.

But again, whatever helps you sleep at night. I Tread wherever the fuck I want.
Yeah whatever.

Sure, it's Liberals who wrap themselves in the flag and scream "Nation First" like the Fascist Nazis. No, that would be your typical Tea Bagger. Far Right.

" Nazism was a far right form of politics"

Right. It's Liberals who think White people are superior....... Whatever makes you feel better.

Nationalism is not Nazism. Though Nationalism is a political position of desperation. I would love you to prove that the people you say "wrap themselves" in the flag are promoting the flag, or the Dirt they live on, That's nationalism. That's not what they are doing. They are embracing the Philosophic ideal of Freedom and the Founders there's nothing Nationalist about that. They are basically saying "This nations founding principles of freedom and free markets are far superior than any other system devised". If you call that Nationalist then I am one huge Nationalist.
Nazis were "Real Germans". You betcha!

"Country First"

"American Exceptionalism"

Sounds like a tea bagger to me.

Oh, and Nazis hated the fags too.
That's fine that you think that way. You are free to.

Every definition of Nazism disagrees with you though. You ought to be aware of that.

But again, whatever helps you sleep at night. I Tread wherever the fuck I want.
For every, Scholarly, definition of Nazi you produce (which I would love to see) I will produce one my self. But you don't have to have those you just have to understand how the spectrum works, when it changes and how it applies the the American Left and Right.
Nazis were "Real Germans". You betcha!

"Country First"

"American Exceptionalism"

Sounds like a tea bagger to me.

Oh, and Nazis hated the fags too.

Are you in 6th graded? I don't want to be rude but can you move you talking point beyond the middle school school yard.
Remember, the claim is that Liberals hate America and want to destroy it.

Nazis loved their country and put it first. Just like your typical ignorant Tea Bagger.

USA USA USA USA!!!!!! Nationalism. It's the Right's way.
Nazis were "Real Germans". You betcha!

"Country First"

"American Exceptionalism"

Sounds like a tea bagger to me.

Oh, and Nazis hated the fags too.

I find it interesting that the left can never discuss this topic with an objective mind. They all way come in swinging and crying. Why are you seemingly so perturbed?
Remember, the claim is that Liberals hate America and want to destroy it.

Nazis loved their country and put it first. Just like your typical ignorant Tea Bagger.

USA USA USA USA!!!!!! Nationalism. It's the Right's way.

If you really equate the German Nationalism, which advocated the murder of millions of people on the principle of land and borders and blood, to a group of people who advocate, try at least, freemarkets and limited government I just don't know what to say.... it's a bizzare leap. Maybe I will blame it on the Public School system.
No, go ahead and tell us how Liberals put their country first. Tell us how liberals hate gays to the point of putting them in prison and/or killing them.

"the ideologies usually associated with the far right include fascism, Nazism and other ultra-nationalist, religiously extreme or reactionary ideologies."

You're wrong. It's that simple.

Just because you repeat the same words and claims over and over don't mean they are historically, philosophical or even economically correct. Take a deep breath and relax. Tell me the last time the quote "tea Baggers" voted for a bill or candidate that promotes 1. the killing homosexuals 2. Fascism 3. Ultra Nationalism....... HOld it. YOu used the word reactionary?

Oh I see why your so Upset. Moving on.... your a lost cause.

Before I end my debate with a partisan (LOL). Lenin.... was the devil incarnate.
Whatever helps you sleep at night dude........

Nazi Party

Political position: Far right

You might want to look it up.
Take away the Genocide and Nationalism and the Nazi agenda was quite Progressive. Have a gander at the Nazi policy initiatives during the 1930's.

Perhaps you should take your own advice and look it up.

As long as you are in Wikipedia anyway, look up Fascism and see how similar it is to the Progressive agenda.
You guys are really getting into this! :lol:

If ya'll can't agree to the definitions of the terms, neither of your arguments will address the other.
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