Growing differently need opinions


Well-Known Member
so my other grow went sour, my parrents threttend to call the cops, (WON'T BE HAVING THEM OVER FOR DINNER ANY TIME SOON!!:evil:!!) but no big deal.:-| i was thinking of starting a grow where i use half cfl light and the other half of the time a sit it in the window sill for some natural light. im gona grow the shortest possible plants I can grow so I have some questions:

1) lighting time: switch to 6cfl /6window /6dark?
2) whats the deal w/ the net thing does it work?
3) where do i get something to make more than 1 light plug into a socket
4) im at work for a good part of the day and im afraid of fires

please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
1) That only adds to 18 hours, a day has 24. lol. If you are at work most of the day, is moving the plants from closet to window going to be feasible? Do you want to use the window for some particular reason?

2) Search on SCROG - Screen of Green. There's plenty of pictures on this site that show that it works.

3) There's this thing called a hardware store. Or wal-mart. Or Home Depot.

4) With cfl's there's not much chance of fire as long as you don't do anything stupid like lay wires or flammable things right on top of the bulb.


Well-Known Member
sorry i meant 6/6/12 and does the screen work for just one plant?
anything es i should know befor i start my journey?


Well-Known Member
how would you move a sog grow?
bad idea.
If you can get more like 9-10 hrs of sun light leave them in the window.
If not then ur idea is ok.
ur best bet would be to either to tie the tops down(LST) or cut the top, doing either and you can control the how tall you want.
*LST- low stress training.


Well-Known Member
From what I know and have been told by experienced growers, sunlight is the highest-quality light. It permeates every spectrum and cannot be exactly replicated by artificial light. The more time your plants spend in direct, natural light, the better. However, you specify 6 hours of natural light. Light shifts throughout the day, and you have to be there to shift with it, unless you have some way of placing them where they can get light from every angle while not getting cold- this is assuming you live in a temperate climate, like I do. It would work better than total artificial light, in fact I'm doing that very thing with my ScrOG grow this spring and summer.
ScrOG, screen of green, is what I assume you're referring to by the screen thing. As lurker said, it works, and there are plenty of pics on here to illustrate that fact. Making an apparatus where you could actually make a ScrOG portable is a whole other deal, but again, I'm doing that very thing, and it's far from impossible.
As for the electrical deal, it's called a splitter, and I'll eat a axe if you've never seen one. As for fires.. what are you gonna do? It's always a threat. Keep flammable things away from your setup. Wrap areas where sockets connect in electrical tape, if you're really nervous, as these are the only places from which a spark could erupt that you have access to, without actually going inside your wall.


Well-Known Member
how would you move a sog grow?
He was talking about a ScrOG, and my idea is I'll fill some RubberMaid bins with soil and connect to them some poles at every corner of each bin, and suspend the screen from the tops of the poles. Takes two to safely move the ones I've got (about 1.5X4 feet), but you could always just use smaller bins.


Well-Known Member
He was talking about a ScrOG, and my idea is I'll fill some RubberMaid bins with soil and connect to them some poles at every corner of each bin, and suspend the screen from the tops of the poles. Takes two to safely move the ones I've got (about 1.5X4 feet), but you could always just use smaller bins.
lets see this mcgvyer set up:mrgreen:
post some pic


Well-Known Member
lets see this mcgvyer set up:mrgreen:
post some pic
AHHH your avatar is so trippy!!
They're not assembled yet but I plan on doing that when I come back from Mexico in about 3 weeks, I'll definitely be posting pics on here.


Well-Known Member
dude thats perfect
as for the sun thing i was thinking the snow on the ground would help reflect a little, i just wanted to cut down on electric. bill a little


Well-Known Member
you could do a movable scrog setup if you made a small frame attached to your pot and attached a screen to it. THen the whole setup could move. The best way to do it is just keep them in one place though so your light schedule doesnt get messed up. You might try just using a tomoato support and training the branches through that. Do more research...youre bound to fail your first time but you will learn a thing or two. keep it up


Well-Known Member
I dont get that,as a parent i could not care less if one of my children was an axe murderer,i would help them in any i could until my death.

well.. helping a fuckin axe murderer would be TELLING THEM ITS WRONG.. and if u raised an axe murderer YOU did something wrong...

if i grow a hermie its because i did something wrong...

if i think that my support in it being a hermie is gonna help it not be a hermie than i am just wrong..

so in retrospect, your parents (who obviously dont condone growing pot or breaking the law ) are just being good parents and trying to lead u the right direction ( growing illegally can lead u to prison ) . . .

so i dont really understand why one would say they would support an axe murderer of a child.. if your axe wielding child every came near my kid id beat the brains out of him/her with the wood end of the axe.. u better wake the fuck up and watch your kids..

that kind of neglective bullshit is exactly why kids are shooting up schools and shit.. u disgust me. fuck! ::needs to roll a joint now::


Well-Known Member
::invisions panhead trying to help axe murdering child in any way until death::

u sick fuck.. id beat the resin out your ass too.. try and help ur murderer of a kid.. ull both get crowned king of sleep..


Well-Known Member
grrr.. that comment has really gotten to me.. i am a parent and cant see how u would say some dumb shit like that... you prolly live in a fuckin trailer and have 5 kids with 6 different men or some shit..


Well-Known Member
I am all giddy inside reading your thoughts on movable scrogs...cuz I built one last week at it works fabulous!!!!! Check out my pic and my journal if your interested....p.s. if you are using CFLS you arent using that much electricity...especially if you use the energy eff. ones. like I do...:joint:

