The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Not really to be honest but since i have been using the ANBloom it think it has been thrownig my ph way off. I am getting a bit of clawing and browning on the cheese since i started using it...getting me a bit freaked now. more for peace of mind than know how it is...


Well-Known Member
I switched from Biobizz to Canna Terra recently and I can officially say (so far) that Biobizz is below average at best. Its easy to use, gives SOME results, but should probably only be used by people who actually care about if its organic or not.

Sorry Im pissed at Biobizz cos when I think back at all the extra weed I couldve grown (thousands of euros worth, not that I sell but still), I feel ripped off by them to be honest.

EDIT: Clawing and browning tips = classic overfertilisation btw.


Well-Known Member
I hear u on the over ferts but am giving the amnesia lemon the exact same and she grand...Do u think i should stick with the AN and just start feeding them separately??


Well-Known Member
got a jar in my hand;-)

doesnt mention anthing about sulphur and it has an endorsement from the organic soil association, i use it and no complaints, get it from holland and barretts
Tonto, where abouts are you. I tried a hollands and barret in Drogheda and they didnt even have the brand.


I switched from Biobizz to Canna Terra recently and I can officially say (so far) that Biobizz is below average at best. Its easy to use, gives SOME results, but should probably only be used by people who actually care about if its organic or not.
Nice to know about the Canna Terra m8 cheers...what reasons should I care if my nutes are organic or not? Taste? Are the Canna Terra nutes soil or hydroponic nutes?



Well-Known Member
Every plant takes different nutes at different concentrations, you cant expect them to all take the same amounts. Feed a half strength mix to what your doing now but do it more frequently with the hungrier plants.

Heres my AK's today, I know they're obviously a little underwatered, was away so couldnt help it. They've had a nice drink and now are ready to grow again ;)
If they do keep growing at the rate they currently are Im gonna have to flip them to flower soon, I was expecting another few weeks of veg to get to where I wanted to be. The smell is AMAZING (exactly what I wanted!) and it smells so strongly I checked if the light had failed and started them flowering while I was away...they're only like 3-4weeks old from seed!

And I know I keep saying it, but they are PERFECTLY green (expect a few bottom leaves that the light burnt when they were the top leaves), I dunno why the camera picks up so much yellow light when naked eye they're a different colour altogether!



Well-Known Member
The Terra range is for soil, Hydro for run to waste hydroponics and Aqua for recirculating hydro.

Organic in real life (Id say) is for snobs who want to pay twice as much for a placebo "better product". In weed people say it tastes better, but I dont understand how that could possibly be true. Both types of nutrients absorbed by the root zone are the same once the roots absorb them, it just takes up to 4 days for a feeding to become "available" to the plant in the soil with organics, but with synthetic ferts the roots can take them up immediately AND your trace elements are chelated to ensure pH shouldnt block out micros.

Plus the Canna was the same price as Biobizz, why would I even bother with the organics (for an inferior product)?!


Well-Known Member
pretty sure it was in dublin city centre, either it was the place in stevens green or that tiny place near the end of grafton street.

here some info on the grades and un/sulphured stuff

try a few body building, healthy hippie eating places, i need to stock up myself
I work in drumcondra but no chance of me getting in to town today with all the bloody road closures


Well-Known Member
I dont think pHing is necessary with fresh soil and (relativly) freshly mixed nutes, unless you've done something dramatic to fuck up the pH of your soil (eg. overferting, etc). The soil should have buffers and most Irish water is pH 7-8 anyways, so the slight acidity of most ferts drops it to 6.2-6.8 anyways (combined with buffers = win). Most of the soil pH obsessed people here are from the states in areas with poor water quality.


Active Member
sound skunk man! lights are on all nite so it looks like ill have to get used to the fans...the lights are off during the afternoon.thats just the way it worked out when i went to go planting,have the curtins closed in the room so its pretty dark wen lights off,mite tackle the aul leaks today tho!


Well-Known Member
Harrekin those Ak's are looking like they'll be beastly!

Something awesome happened in my growroom last week lads... I'm growing bagseed and have one girl flowering now. I had a rake of these seeds (Maybe 60 well formed ones) from one batch of seedy stuff, but also had one lowly seed from a bit of pineapple express I got. Now that one seed got mixed up in all the others, so it was one in sixty. I planted four seeds, had one die almost immediately, one refuse to form its first set of true leaves, one turn male and had just one female left over. The buds have started to smell the exact same as the nugs I smoked, just more green if that makes sense, so I'm pretty sure I hit the jackpot and managed to germinate that lowly pineapple express seed and get it to flower! She's stopped verticle growth about 12 days ago and has been slowly filling out. Here's a few bud shots, they're small, small but mighty!
