Should Retards be Allowed to Fuck?

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Well-Known Member
even so, how do we identify everyone who needs to take forced birth control?

compulsory, government administered intelligence tests that are subject to bias, perhaps?

remember, the distinction between 'retarded' and 'not retarded' is an arbitrary number.
<~~~ I'm not really god and don't have all the answers. I make a damn good troll thread though.


Well-Known Member
Oh, but it is.

Some people find drug users as unfit for parenthood as you seem to find 'retards.'

It is completely relevant to the topic at hand.

So don't you go weaselin'.
I know a girl that's 21, lives with her parents and has 3 children with 3 different fathers and collecting a child support check from them all. They all happen to be solders also.

IMO she should be sterilized from having any more children. If a junky can't kick the habit and is repeatedly locked up or in rehab I don't think that person should be allowed to procreate.

If a women has anymore than 2 abortions then the third they should scramble her insides during the visit. These are all my opinions, yours may vary.


Well-Known Member
I know a girl that's 21, lives with her parents and has 3 children with 3 different fathers and collecting a child support check from them all. They all happen to be solders also.

IMO she should be sterilized from having any more children. If a junky can't kick the habit and is repeatedly locked up or in rehab I don't think that person should be allowed to procreate.

If a women has anymore than 2 abortions then the third they should scramble her insides during the visit. These are all my opinions, yours may vary.
So we're not talking about 'retards' any longer.


My answer....

It varies.

Indeed, it varies.

Where does such a cavalier attitude about the natural rights of other individuals STOP?

Every one of those soldiers knew what they were getting into when they dipped their wick.

That womanly comfort felt good at the time. Real good, I'm sure.

But, each time Little Brain wrote a check their ass would have to cash for at least 18 years. Such is life.

With rights come responsibilities.

Fail to live up to those responsibilities for WHATEVER reason, the state steps in.

And rightly so.


Well-Known Member
So we're not talking about 'retards' any longer.


My answer....

It varies.

Indeed, it varies.

Where does such a cavalier attitude about the natural rights of other individuals STOP?

Every one of those soldiers knew what they were getting into when they dipped their wick.

That womanly comfort felt good at the time. Real good, I'm sure.

But, each time Little Brain wrote a check their ass would have to cash for at least 18 years. Such is life.

With rights come responsibilities.

Fail to live up to those responsibilities for WHATEVER reason, the state steps in.

And rightly so.
How do you feel about octomom? There really needs to be limits.

I'm tired, been a long day.


Well-Known Member
well said, johnny.

i would rather pay for the price of liberty than to have it stripped from me.

with certain caveats, of course. but none so extreme as expressed by the OP.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Survival of the fittest. Your reward for survival is the ability to procreate. No intelligence cut off. If they are capable of surviving unassisted they should be able to do whatever they want. If they are only alive because of life long dependence on society then maybe not.


Well-Known Member
elaborate on how you would enforce this.

mandatory intelligence testing followed by compulsory sterilization?

sounds like something your avatar would do, not something i would ever like to see happen in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

this is america.

edit: what i'm saying is that freedom isn't free.

also, think about it...if we enforce a law like this, what if they start raising the standard? what if you or someone you love gets bugged out and does poorly on the test? what is there is bias on the part of the person who administers the test? are you willing to make yourself subject to this type of tyranny?

this is how it happened in nazi germany....slowly. not all at once. i can see the same thing creeping upon our shores, and it sickens me.
We were pioneers in the Science of Eugenics and it's part of what made our nation great, maybe it could help return the world to prosperity.


Well-Known Member
Oh, but it is.

Some people find drug users as unfit for parenthood as you seem to find 'retards.'

It is completely relevant to the topic at hand.

So don't you go weaselin'.
this argument outlines my problem with second amendment restrictions on felons.


Well-Known Member
How do you feel about octomom? There really needs to be limits.

I'm tired, been a long day.
What about Octomom?

As I understand it, she is not a 'retard.'

Also, she was on public assistance and the 'sex' was with a turkey baster in a fertility clinic.

Which is an indictment of the current state of our social welfare system rather than an example of the dangers of 'retard' love.


Well-Known Member
Yes absolutley they should be allowed to have sex.....If for no other reason than straight up humour. Retarded sex would be......Retarded


Well-Known Member
I think everyone should be sterilized when they come out of the womb, then after they meet certain requirement that they will not be a burden to society they will be unsterilized.
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