Club 600


Well-Known Member
FUCK.... I'm gonna change some clocks around give myself some more time. Well actually, I am near the western end of my time zone, so I'm just going to further graduate the time zones... that makes it about 4:15 now. I got 5 minutes now. Thanks for the heads up doobie.


Well-Known Member
FUCK.... I'm gonna change some clocks around give myself some more time. Well actually, I am near the western end of my time zone, so I'm just going to further graduate the time zones... that makes it about 4:15 now. I got 5 minutes now. Thanks for the heads up doobie.
No worries!
My hands are nice & dirty right now after dissecting the rootballs from the four plants I chopped last week.
Used FFOF soil mixed with 40% perlite.
Yes, 40%.
Was having HUGE problems with the soil compacting too tightly somewhere during the vegging cycle so that water drainiange was nil and root growth was terrible.
Have been slowly adding more perlite throughout my grows, starting with no perlite, then incrementally adding perlite to get it up to where I am now, and finally feel good about what I saw when I tore open the root mass to see what was up.
Also seems to prevent FFOF from burning the little ones when using high perlite ratio. Have done from seed, and also 15 clones set straight into the soil with 100% success rate.
Provided real nice drainage from begining to end of grow, and had a very healthy rootsystem for being grown in a normal circular pot.
My next upgrade will be to a set of 1-gallon or 2-gallon air pots now that I'm reducing plant size and shortening the life cycle. Current grow is all in 1-gallon pots (regular pots) with the 60/40 mix if FFOF and perlite. Shooting for plants no taller than 24-inches with very little undergrowth.
Definitely needs more attention when it comes to the watering/feeding since it drains real fast now. Still holds moisture, but the roots are able to breathe like they need to now.

cool shtuff...



Well-Known Member
Here's my joint. About .75 gram Sour Kush + a king size zig zag + little bit of index card + grinder + my old marlboro ashtray + the trusty bic + good, loud music + having the weekend alone + club 600 = A happy jig!


can you tell i'm a bit bored :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
My girls are flowering great!! Problem is it wont last, as days are getting really long!! I need to shorten their light hrs.
They are outside in my shed with no roof. The shed is 10x10 approx.
I need a way to cover it for a few hrs at night. I wanna find the easiest and cheapest way to do it.
I will open it at 10 pm, and close it at 6:30 pm to ensure approx 12 hrs of light only.
Anyone with any ideas please dont be afraid to throw em out there!!


Well-Known Member
My girls are flowering great!! Problem is it wont last, as days are getting really long!! I need to shorten their light hrs.
They are outside in my shed with no roof. The shed is 10x10 approx.
I need a way to cover it for a few hrs at night. I wanna find the easiest and cheapest way to do it.
I will open it at 10 pm, and close it at 6:30 pm to ensure approx 12 hrs of light only.
Anyone with any ideas please dont be afraid to throw em out there!!
1/4" birch plywood cut to sizes needed, mounted on hinges attached to a light frame? Use sliding latches to keep the panels in place.
Tarp pulled over every night would look suspect unless you have a really private backyard.
Or a tarp stretched out on the inside of the shed so it wouldn't be obvious on the outside?


Well-Known Member
I have a tarp, but it is the cheap (not really $25) blue plastic type. It lets light through.
I thought about the wood with hinges, and dont know how to implement it. the roof is 8ft high in the middle high for me to reach. I dont care if ppl see me do it as I am legal to grow. Dont want thieves though at the same time.

Maybe if I could makes some type of track to slide the wood and attach a rope to pull it??


Well-Known Member
I need some advice from the 600 ..... I recently switched up my flowering room from my 2x4x5 tent..
this ...
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To this with the open cooltube. My temps are great one problem is that open end.... do i throw nylons over it to protect it from dust's being exhaused by a 6 inch inline
any suggestions???? I threw this shit together with no plan really.
help or comments are appreciated.

The upside is i can space my plants apart more for better light penetration.
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I leave mine open and just clean them once a week since it's easy to get in there.


Well-Known Member
bass- look for some panda film at a hydro shop. easy to work with and can just apply it black down with the white side reflecting light. you can attach it to one side and then put velcro across the other side to seal it off when you need it covered and then roll it up during the time you want, using a string or something to tie it off.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about panda too as I have some already. Problem is that them metal top of the shed is a lil jagged. I will have to cover all the metal ass not to tear the cloth when pulling it over 2x a day.


Well-Known Member
Or you can use the good old Canadian method and use duct tape. ;)



Well-Known Member
panda film seems like its pretty thick to me and fairly hard to tear but seems like if you work with what you got right you can have two pieces in case one gets ripped.


Well-Known Member
I think I am gonna use some plywood in strips and make a frame, and 3-4 supporting rows. That way the film wont fall in or sag and suck up and down. I can staple the velcro to the wood and staple it to the panda too. Wont take much velcro I think maybe 3-4" every bemd and one between bends should do it.
I wish I could afford one of those motorized retractable


Well-Known Member
panda film seems like its pretty thick to me and fairly hard to tear but seems like if you work with what you got right you can have two pieces in case one gets ripped.
yeah it isnt too weak like I remembered it to be. A spare is always nice.

On a separate topic, is it normal for the leaves that are not around the bud colas to yellow and fall off during flowering?
I know I sound dumb, but this is my 2nd grow and dont know much yet.
I will take a pic in a few minutes to show.


Well-Known Member
seems like its using up its nitrogen and maybe you have dropped this from your feedings since they have hit flower. may want to give them a dosage and see if that helps, though they may be past recovering. i always thought that the fan leaves should always start yellowing since it is them using there last stored sugars and such but some growers successfully keep all green till the harvest date, Genuity!!!

it would also be pretty hard to get the velcro to line up right every time you go up there unless you can crawl on top, plus it would take some time every day to get it on. thats why i suggested just doing it on the one side.