Why Is The Bible So Revered As The "Word of GOD"?

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The Dead Sea Scrolls were written hundreds of years after the fact, after being passed by word of mouth . . . "

Why is it that today’s Scriptures read the same as it did 2,000 years ago? What are you going to do, put your head in the sand and ignore physical evidence? :roll:
Lol, your Bible isnt even translated properly from the Dead Sea Scrolls...and even so theres some of those very same scrolls left out of it too...talk about selective political editing by the Vatican. Also, the Christian Bible isnt 2000 years old just so you know, the Old Testament (or by its proper name the Torah, its a Jewish script by the way) is over 2000 years old, but the New Testament, sure here, read it yourself: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Testament#Dates_of_composition was written years after the death of Jesus.

EDIT: And you mentioned the Copper Scroll earlier, that is laughable man. First of all it was a treasure map, not a biblical text. Second of all, most generally accept that it is a copy of a different work, transcribed by a novice scribe because the writing style and actual text itself is written completly unlike the rest of the scrolls. Its full of mistakes too and random Greek lettering yet you try to use it as proof of validity of your argument?
The Copper Scroll, found in Cave 3? The one you claimed earlier "survived better" than the rest? You forgot to mention it doesnt actually contain any biblical texts and actually contains references to the location of stashes of silver, gold, and "priestly robes".

Rebuttal please?

EDIT: Actually, answer my previous posts, dont just claim why you ignored me. If my logic is "ignorable" or wrong, you should be able to poke holes in it. Fact is you cant actually retort ANY of my points.

Double EDIT: Actually, why'd you edit my post in your quote? My posts are intended to be taken as a whole thanks.
Seriously, you lose the debate right there, you cant actually point to anything other than blind faith and what the priest stuck up your ass (possibly literally).

You havnt even tried to counter my points, you just talk rubbish. You havnt offered anything to the debate, your VERY FEW weak points are pulled apart instantly by logic. Your an example of the perfect candidate for a Darwin award (ha, the irony!), because you provide nothing. However you could prove me wrong with some actual debate (go on, please, Im begging you to even try), but I think your just a troll looking to get their post count up and/or are just blatantly stupid.

The Bible itself describes you and the rest of your Bible worshipping kind as you really are, "sheep".

Just so you know, everytime you post an insult to someone who actually has rational points, your doing the typical "blind faith hates logic" thing and sticking your fingers in your ears and saying "La la la la cant hear you". You're exactly the same kinda person who thinks pot is harmful cos "someone told you".

EDIT: Seems I actually know more about religion than you do aswell, cos you cant even counter my points about YOUR supposed evidence.
It has long been known that the first backboned land animals or "tetrapods" - the ancestors of amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, including ourselves - evolved from a group of fishes about 370 million years ago during the Devonian period. However, even though scientists had discovered fossils of tetrapod-like fishes and fish-like tetrapods from this period, these were still rather different from each other and did not give a complete picture of the intermediate steps in the transition.

In 2006 the situation changed dramatically with the discovery of an almost perfectly intermediate fish-tetrapod, Tiktaalik, but even so a gap remained between this animal and the earliest true tetrapods (animals with limbs rather than paired fins). Now, new fossils of the extremely primitive tetrapod Ventastega from the Devonian of Latvia cast light on this key phase of the transition.


One of the many problems with this is that geologist can prove by way of the Cambrian Colum, of fossilized rock, that life had a sudden and abrupt start. In other words, life didn’t take million of years to adapt. This is found in bedrock-fossilized sediment.

Despite all the dogmatic statements to the contrary the theory of evolution remains a theory. Nowhere on earth do we find visible evidence of creatures that are partially formed coming into existence. Nowhere on earth do we find animals visibly changing from one kind into another. The genetic (DNA) barrier has fixed the boundaries of the species or kind and this is a scientific fact.

http://www.darwinsdilemma.org/darwins-dilemma.php :roll:
Did you actually read the link in that?!
ROFL @ you!

Btw, heres a quote from one of your links about the Copper Scroll

[FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Helvetica,Sans-serif,sans-serif][SIZE=-1]The famous Copper Scrolls were discovered in Cave 3 in 1952. Unlike most of the scrolls that were written on leather or parchment, these were written on copper and provided directions to sixty-four sites around Jerusalem that were said to contain hidden treasure. So far, no treasure has been found at the sites that have been investigated.
You provide more illogical gibberish and pious chest beating with out of date data, Ill just keep posting links. Lets see who looks better at the end.

And my comment about the priests was fair, they do have a massively disproportionally large amount of paedophiles in their ranks, suppose this is a lie set in motion by a twelve headed dragon living in a fiery lake?


Im not even disagreeing with your religion, each to their own, but trying to tell all and sundry that:
1; Evolution is a myth

2; The Bible is absolute fact

is just blind man. I suppose I should go right now and bury a copy of the Lord of the Rings, maybe some idiot in 3000 years might think its fact ;)
So the person posting proven fact is absurd, the guy quoting from a religious text with NO facts and outta date data is correct?

I bet you've never been outside your country of birth, cos your view of the Universe is SO small its sad, I suppose the Sun orbits the Earth does it? Thats what the people who wrote the bible thought.

EDIT: Just gonna post this again incase you missed it, it has pictures incase you need them ;) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_transitional_fossils
Were you ever choir-boy and the . . . did bad things to you? I'm sorry!
Once again man, address the points...insults are pointless if you've no substance to your argument to back them up. You just look like a fool grinding $h1t outta their mouth to be honest.
Forget the insults, I propose a game; I make a point, you counter it (you can even go first if you want), then it goes on for there. No ignoring, no insults. Care for the challenge?
You left the other thread because we exposed your agenda, you couldn't take the heat, so, you left-face it!!

*edit* In other words, I ran your ass out of the thread!!

LOL! You didn't run me out of shit, it became off topic. Plain and Simple.

You have never ONCE shown me anything of merit, and you are not CAPABLE of running me out of shit.

How does that corner smell? You've been in it for a LONG time.
Man i was atheist then i dropped acid and i now Believe in the abanable Snow man and the tooth fairy, possibilities are endless now lol. i dont believe in anything i can't touch see or smell like oxygen we can't see or smell it but without it we Die
LoL no im not retarded just a lil more open minded in believing what i cant see like God, the Universe even aliens after all in the beggining of the bible it says God created the stars and planets. Theres just a ton a shit out there and God is mysterious.
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