Ready to Flower? Don't Know How Much I'll Get Back Yet Please Check Video!


Well-Known Member
i just want an estimate of what i will most likely get back if i flower now, aeroponic, ufo 90w and 3 daylight cfls all equaling to 10000ks, when i flower ill change to the bright cfls.. they are about 8 weeks but had a bad algae problem, thats now in check, thank god! doing alot better but im now 8 weeks in an expected to flower a while ago but as said the algae set me back, just trying to get a good estimate of what ill get back dried...


Well-Known Member
you should show us some pics. Some of us will not log onto another site to check out a grow. Post a few pics.


Well-Known Member
It is a good first try.
They look good despite the problems.
I would say around two ounces if nothing else substantial happens.
Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
because when i posted the first one i couldnt see that it had actually posted i thought i messed up so i posed another one. sorry for crowding the thread


Well-Known Member
Seems to be alot of stretch or is it just heavily pruned on the lower end? Also if you were to lightproof your tanks you would run into less algae problems.
I flowered a smaller plant the link is in my sig I've also been wondering what it's max dry weight approximation would be. Perhaps it could be a glance forward for you.


Well-Known Member
its heavily pruned so i can have lots of colas, i have light proofed my tank, just not that little cloner because there are no nutes in there just a lil superthrive. i checked that out, how long into flower are u just curious?