Genetically Engineered Spider Mite

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New Member
I live in a medical state there's a very naughty mite going around that nobody can kill every thing medical has this bug like sombody took the time to go to all of the stores ...Realy odd thing about the bug is i put a infected ganja plant and put it next to my pepers and tomatoes the mites woud go to the pepers and stuff but would not really attack only when they were on the ganja did the try to kill the plant ....Even weirder after having these things for two year and trying every bug spary i could buy a freind sold me a small batch of this white iquid that with one spray killed them for good the cure as it turns out is illeggel in this country he had to get it from across seas i realy think t the medical mite might be genetically engineered It looks like the 2 spotted mite but can reproduce faster and only targets gangja plants and it does it quick with out treatment plants can die in a matter of days ..Sombody who one day wants to have a monoploy on gangja was a smart man for putting this out there ................your thought and comments please sorry for my spelling i am retarded in that department ...​


RIU Bulldog
Someone would have be one evil son of a bitch to release this if it's true.
What I really wanna know is where can I get that spider mite killer!


New Member
Right or a smart son of a bitch i notced since i got rid of mine how much they were affecting my yeids and every body out hear has there own way of dealing with them from azatrol to azomax doc mite lady bugs neam oil horticutle oil prythuim bombs hot shot no pest strips but no one erdicates the pest problem all the can do is controll it it very bad ...I call them herps because you might not have an out break but you got em ......


New Member
it wasnt floramite i know that much.... but it crazy that you mention that because the other day i herd talk in the grow stores that there becoming immune to the floramite


Well-Known Member
yea mites will become immune if you use any 1 spray. You got to switch it up & mix sprays to make it more effective.


Rebel From The North
Try a product called mighty wash its a electicly charged water thats safe for plants and kill 100% of all
Bugs with a shock, bug cant grow a amunity to it due to the fact its freq water. Look it up trippy shit
The grow store gave me some to try on fugas knats and they said dont touch the liquid well i did and there
Was a low voltage shock lol freaked me out, tomarow il spray some on the flies see what happens.


Well-Known Member
I live in a medical state there's a very naughty mite going around that nobody can kill every thing medical has this bug like sombody took the time to go to all of the stores ...Realy odd thing about the bug is i put a infected ganja plant and put it next to my pepers and tomatoes the mites woud go to the pepers and stuff but would not really attack only when they were on the ganja did the try to kill the plant ....Even weirder after having these things for two year and trying every bug spary i could buy a freind sold me a small batch of this white iquid that with one spray killed them for good the cure as it turns out is illeggel in this country he had to get it from across seas i realy think t the medical mite might be genetically engineered It looks like the 2 spotted mite but can reproduce faster and only targets gangja plants and it does it quick with out treatment plants can die in a matter of days ..Sombody who one day wants to have a monoploy on gangja was a smart man for putting this out there ................your thought and comments please sorry for my spelling i am retarded in that department ...​
Its genetics. Basically so many people growing so many plants have resulted in lots of bugspray which keeps the survival traits to certain sprays alive in the spidermite natural population. Continuing increase in stronger anti-mite spray results in spidermites IMMUNE to that spray which is why its illegal I bet. I have a feeling unkillable insects will be in the future.


New Member
so you wanna hear somthing wierd about the fungas nates i have em ya know had em for years there numbers dont get to bad and there hard to get rid of bacause fresh compost is part of my mix but any way i got ripped off a few years ago and bought 90 watt ufos i hate the thing but what ever room its in wont have fruit flys the seem to hate the thing for some reason


New Member
yo got a point man how long can we keep posioning the little bastards befor the become super bugs and with so many inexpercined grower not using bugs sprays properly we sould be bredding somthing awful


Well-Known Member
this WILL kill mites-

1/4 cup Baking Soda
1/2 cup Apple Cider vinegar
1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
2 drops dish detergent
1/4 Teaspoon Epsom Salts

Take a cup of very hot water and desolve the epsom salts,take rest of ingredients and place in a clean 2 liter bottle and let work out. Add epsom solution. Add water to fill to 48ozs(3/4 full).Shake well.

TO USE: Cover soil/medium with plastic,with lights off mist plant all over,especially under leaves,
Wait 20 mins,then spritz off with clean fresh water shaking as much water off plant as you can.
The fresh water spritz rinse will remove the solution along with the dissolved remains of the mites and their eggs.

this will burn you plants, and needs to be rinsed off. it s also not so good for buds as it will degrade cannabinoids.
this spray DISSOLVES their bodies and their eggs, and if used properly(spray room, tools, path in) will eradicate your mite problem. i use even use this outside to control mites and it works great.


Well-Known Member
i guess this was going to happen, a new ecological niche has opened - indoor cannabis
i will mention a relatively benign product(s) - rosemary oil and a few products that contain it
seems to act like napalm on mites, and is a substance you could spray on your salad if you had the desire


New Member
only real way to get rid of them fckers is not spraying them but rather making a batch of neam oil or bug b gone, End all ,
in a 200 litre bucket and tipping plant upside down and into bucket right up to soil for 2 mins i mean drowning them fckers
do that 2 times every 4 th day and there gone for good

i will never spray to kill bugs ever again even if i dont have them when i re pot i make a solution in a 60 litre pail and dip plan t completely into it then re- pot i have never had bug issues ever since people spray and spray but never really get rid of them but rather just control but a humidity spike temp increase and your back with them

so dipping complete plant rather then spraying is the only correct way of ridding them BORG


Active Member
only real way to get rid of them fckers is not spraying them but rather making a batch of neam oil or bug b gone, End all ,
in a 200 litre bucket and tipping plant upside down and into bucket right up to soil for 2 mins i mean drowning them fckers
do that 2 times every 4 th day and there gone for good

i will never spray to kill bugs ever again even if i dont have them when i re pot i make a solution in a 60 litre pail and dip plan t completely into it then re- pot i have never had bug issues ever since people spray and spray but never really get rid of them but rather just control but a humidity spike temp increase and your back with them

so dipping complete plant rather then spraying is the only correct way of ridding them BORG
how much neam do you need for a large dip tank like this, do you emulsify the neam in water wirh a surfactant or what


New Member
how much neam do you need for a large dip tank like this, do you emulsify the neam in water wirh a surfactant or what
i actually use this stuff

for when i make a batch if plants are larger kicks ass follow directions water is all milky

as for neem i purchase big bottle and follow 30 ml per 2 litres etc when it comes down to it i saw a big grow with spidermite infestation kill complete grow i was shocked at what they could do if you leave them
so i thought fck that doesnt matter what cost to get rid of them just get them Killed ASAP if you got them

I got clones in fall that were infested and i sprayed and sprayed but in reality i learned spraying just doesnt cut it so i dipped and they were gone pretty simple really get a card board box cut it so you can fit stem in middle place your hand around stem to support it and dump her in :))


Active Member
sappytree what state are you in? sounds like you have the Super Mite. sometimes known as the Mendo mite but its not the fuschia gall mite . it is a horrible pest that has become immune to nearly all sprays. these resilient little fuckers evolved from the improper use of various sprays, Avid being one on the major ones. they have been know around northern California for the last few years, Azamax and Azatrol (Azadirachtin) were developed to help combat this new pest. after consistent, regular applications most people are able to get rid of them. if you are outside Cali or Oregon, then this is just one more example of why the cannabis industry needs to be legitimized and regulated.
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