Alternative to Mason Jars?


Active Member
Does anyone know of a good alternative to Mason jars for fairly large quantities? I've heard of using coolers but I've also heard they don't work so well. I think it's a pain in the ass dealing with 20 or 30 jars while curing. I know it's a good problem to have and I will do it if there's no better way but it seems like there must be a better method for dealing with a larger quantity. I was thinking about using 1/2 or 1 gallon jars but I'm not sure if there would be a higher risk of molding in them. Anyway anyone know another way?


Well-Known Member
plastic tupper-ware containers are the next best thing man.

if you can't use glass for whatever reason (which, I don't understand why you couldn't just go out and buy some mason jars..) then the next best thing is to use plastic air-tight tupperware containers. Some people say that the plastic imparts the taste of the product.. but I've had to use one before and to tell ya the truth.. the difference to me is kinda minimal.

But yeah, that's your best bet.



Well-Known Member
Pickle sized jars can get pretty big. I know some of them are 2 gallons, which is 8 times the volume offered by a standard Mason jar (one quart).


Active Member
Yeah it's not the glass I have a problem with it's the size of the jars. All I ever see are the quart size jars in stores, which adds up to a lot of jars pretty quickly if you have a couple pounds to cure. I don't really see why plastic food storage containers would leave a bad taste on the buds, I don't notice any flavor on food or drink when they're used for that. I think I'll try to find some larger jars like 1 gallon or so, that would cut down on the number of jars to tend to, but I have never seen them in any grocery stores / walmart so I guess I'll have to find them online.


Active Member
Like I said I've heard of people using like large drink coolers lilike the kind you'd take to the beach, which would be nice because I could get it all done in one large batch, but I heard it's not air tight enough. But something like that that was air tight would be great.


Well-Known Member
i use gallon pickle jars, 3 bucks at sams dump the pickles
But personally i find any jars that contain something, tend to hold on to the smell.
I have some pickle jars that have been washed and left open for quite awhile and they still smell.


Active Member
So how do you get the pickle smell/flavor out? I tried it once and no matter how much I washed it it still smelled like pickles.


buy a candle with the size jar you want. they get pretty big!. ok now run some warm water in it to break the wax from the glass and scrap it off. takes some time and practice to get it just right but when your done you end up with a sick ass nug jar =]


Well-Known Member
But personally i find any jars that contain something, tend to hold on to the smell.
I have some pickle jars that have been washed and left open for quite awhile and they still smell.
pour bleach in the lid for a couple hours, thats what holds the smell, let them dry in the sun 4 a day, no smell.


Active Member
Seems like ball Mason jars only go up to half gallon in size, guess I'll get those, all least it will cut the # of jars in half.


Well-Known Member
3 or 5 gallon pails with tight lids. I bet almost any restaurant you go to will give you a few. Try to get one that was holding oil or something rather than pickles. :blsmoke:

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
the only problem i've had with tupperware is once you use them for curing weed they can't be used for anyhing else . the weed inparts onto the plastic not the other way round. maybe the first cure if there isn't enuff weed in the bin will have a plastic smell but i dout it . the smell of weed is 100 X stronger then plastic. i don't think 1g of weed in a 10gal plastic tub will ever smell like plastic, but trust me, that 10 gal plastic tub will smell like it had 10lbs stuffed in it after 2 wks of having that 1gram nug in it


Well-Known Member
I use an old ass metal coca cola cooler. It's all metal with a metal lid I just wrap it with seran wrap. It holds alot and is completely sealed and light proof.