Girlfriend question, is this normal


Well-Known Member
Let me get this back on track, my question isnt "is she cheating", i know she isnt, the question was more would i be over protective and possesive if i were to tell/ask her not to do this or if this is what everybody else would think in my position as well.

Where do you draw the line between giving her some freedom and setting some boundaries?
Well there really isn't much doubt that this dude is an asshole and stepping into your territory. Maybe your girl is innocent of it, but its a respect thing with dudes. You can't just let him go out and have dinner and go to movies with her. You need to let the dude know whats up and put him in his place.


Well-Known Member
This changes nothing. Except maybe how high you need to raise your foot when you kick his ass...


There's treachery afoot
How about a little communication and honesty? Why don't you just sit down and tell her your concerns. Don't attack her like she has done something wrong, just voice your issues and work it out. Why is it alot of guys think women hang out with men because of sex???? Be serious it's probably more likely that they need someone to take out the garbage, mow the lawn and help them feel safe at night...oh yeah and parallel Why the hell do you think women flock to gay men??? Mens point of view, great sense of style and opinion sex expected. Quite honestly alot of women simply enjoy male companionship without all the drama, sex and bullshit. So all of those who responded with some shit about your girlfriend wanting to sleep with the guy and him having alterior motives need to grow up and take a look at the real world. Some of you guys in here believe you have to stake your claim, take whats yours and control the women in your life like a piece of's just bullshit. Alot of very insecure young men trying to deal with the fact that they are not alluring and exciting enough to keep a women without having to posses and control her life. WTF!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
better now that i got that off my chest. read this post this morning and still pissed off about it.


Well-Known Member
Wow dude, you nailed it. I wish it were that easy :) But it is not. It depends, if the woman your dating has a history of cheating then yes, I would be a little bit worried. But on the other hand trust is a major issue, typically if you trust that they wouldn't do something like that they will trust themselves more too.. Communication is a must, but it sucks sometimes. You really nailed it though I have to tel you.


Well-Known Member
Let me get this back on track, my question isnt "is she cheating", i know she isnt, the question was more would i be over protective and possesive if i were to tell/ask her not to do this or if this is what everybody else would think in my position as well.

Where do you draw the line between giving her some freedom and setting some boundaries?
This cat being japanese wouldnt make me feel any better,infact it would piss me off even more, because now i know he's puttin the kung fu grip on her titties & ass.

To me this issue isnt about trust,freedom,boundries & all that other good shit it's about respect,it's a slap in the face to even be approached with such a request.What she's calling freedom is no less than a kick in the nut sack ,& whats really fucked up is that you know this or you wouldnt be asking about it,your instinct is that something is wrong,dont try to excuse away what you know is wrong,go with what you know in your gut.

All the bs in this thread about trust & feelings & all that other mushy shit wont get you nowhere,girls dont want the nice guy's,they want the nice guy's for a few months only because it's such a change from the last boyfriend,after a few months they want a guy like the guy before you,they want the asshole who ripped her pants off & hammered her behind the dumpster at Dairy Queen on new years eve,they want the guy who used to pull her hair & make her squeel when he fucked her.

Anybody who's ever been cheated on know's this,women always pick a man who is the polar opposite of the current boyfriend to cheat with.

Sounds to me like the japanese dude is the polar opposite of you ? think about this shit.


Well-Known Member
How about a little communication and honesty? Why don't you just sit down and tell her your concerns. Don't attack her like she has done something wrong, just voice your issues and work it out. Why is it alot of guys think women hang out with men because of sex???? Be serious it's probably more likely that they need someone to take out the garbage, mow the lawn and help them feel safe at night...oh yeah and parallel Why the hell do you think women flock to gay men??? Mens point of view, great sense of style and opinion sex expected. Quite honestly alot of women simply enjoy male companionship without all the drama, sex and bullshit. So all of those who responded with some shit about your girlfriend wanting to sleep with the guy and him having alterior motives need to grow up and take a look at the real world. Some of you guys in here believe you have to stake your claim, take whats yours and control the women in your life like a piece of's just bullshit. Alot of very insecure young men trying to deal with the fact that they are not alluring and exciting enough to keep a women without having to posses and control her life. WTF!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
better now that i got that off my chest. read this post this morning and still pissed off about it.
No need to preach, i didnt attack her, i told her i was uneasy and she said she thought so and would feel the same in my situation. I said i want to meet this guy before they go off to something like a movie. She gets it.
It wasnt about her, its more about the other guy since i dont know what he wants out of it.


Well-Known Member
You boys are sooo possessive and jealous. How about just letting her go? You said you trusted her so what the hell is the big deal? She asked you to come along. Maybe the guy is gay, maybe he is mature enough to realize that women make very good friends and most women prefer not to fuck their friends....makes for too many issues later. So maybe...she is just branching out and trying to make new friends. If there is something underhanded going on, maybe she is not the one for you. So quit trying to control her and let her do what she wants. You have to trust your relationship and understand that you cannot control her life. time go along so you can get to know the guy and hopefully quit being so paranoid.:spew:

For the most part, guys don't have female friends that they aren't trying to fuck. If the dude isn't gay, then he's trying to fuck her 95% of the time. The other 5% of the time he's there cause she has hot friends that he's trying to fuck. Either way, if he isn't gay, his goal is pussy.


Well-Known Member
dude shes 20 let her do what she wants . you can never control anther human it just makes them lie to you. remember when you were a kid . everything your parents didnt want you to do you did any way. its the same. she will do what she wants its human nature. so you can let her do what she wants or she can hide it its your choice.


Well-Known Member
Today 05:19 PM flowergurl How about a little communication and honesty? Why don't you just sit down and tell her your concerns. Don't attack her like she has done something wrong, just voice your issues and work it out. Why is it alot of guys think women hang out with men because of sex???? Be serious it's probably more likely that they need someone to take out the garbage, mow the lawn and help them feel safe at night...oh yeah and parallel Why the hell do you think women flock to gay men??? Mens point of view, great sense of style and opinion sex expected. Quite honestly alot of women simply enjoy male companionship without all the drama, sex and bullshit. So all of those who responded with some shit about your girlfriend wanting to sleep with the guy and him having alterior motives need to grow up and take a look at the real world. Some of you guys in here believe you have to stake your claim, take whats yours and control the women in your life like a piece of's just bullshit. Alot of very insecure young men trying to deal with the fact that they are not alluring and exciting enough to keep a women without having to posses and control her life. WTF!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!
better now that i got that off my chest. read this post this morning and still pissed off about it.
I'm all for communication and honesty, BUT, men hang out with women because they want sex. It's not rocket science...I've had lots of female friends that I haven't slept with. Wanted to--yes, have no. But at the time I was single. Ask any guy on this site why they hang out with women. I'll tell you what the answer is: SEX. While hanging out with a guy, for a women, may involve no anterior motives. Though personally I've never come across that. For a guy theres one powerful driving motive. It's not about "possession" it's about this dick trying to sleep with his girlfriend. Like was said earlier if she does, she's obviously not worth your time. I don't care who you are, guy or girl, you say to your significant other that you are going over to someones house to cook dinner and watch movies. And guess what happens, guy or girl, your significant other is going to be asking themselves "what the fuck."

And heres a little news flash: women are just as much "pigs" as men are they are just afraid to admit it. Women think about sex just as much as guys do. To say other wise is only showing a serious lack of grounding in the "real world."

Are not things like mowing the lawn anterior motives?
Is a gay man going to keep a women warm at night?


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm saying...guys don't enjoy "hanging out" with women. The only reason it's ever done is for the possibility of sex.


There's treachery afoot
I read through these posts again and I have but one conclusion. I REALLY feel sorry for the male species. I won't say "men" as I am sure based on the sophomoricnature of a few replys that some of you boys aren't old enough to vist the doctor without parental consent. You poor guys, living each day being totally controlled by a limp piece of muscle tissue hanging between your legs...and a pretty grotesque piece of flesh at that. Always thought placement was good, much easier to put a knee into and drop you to the floor as your parts hang out inferior feature without a doubt. Apparently from all of your posts, all males think about is sex. You cannot have a friendship unless it is about sex. You have female friends only because you want to sleep with them. You cannot hang out with women and think about anything but sex. Very sad that you boys will spend your entire lives as dick slaves with the inability to think about anything but sex. You all put yourselves in the same boat so a broad generalization seems appropriate.
So in defense of the "real men" who can think with their brain, who can have female friends they don't have to conquer, who can enjoy all the good things life has to offer, art, literature, history, nature, horticulture, and so much more, YOU ARE APPRECIATED...kick the other sons a bitches in the nuts...they are giving you a bad name.


Well-Known Member
So in defense of the "real men" who can think with their brain, who can have female friends they don't have to conquer, who can enjoy all the good things life has to offer, art, literature, history, nature, horticulture, and so much more, YOU ARE APPRECIATED...kick the other sons a bitches in the nuts...they are giving you a bad name.
These real men you speak of...the word you're looking for is homosexual.

While many "real men" can appreciate art, literature, etc, and they are good at suppressing their hornyness, don't ever think that deep down they aren't trying to fuck. :)

In fact, some men go through the motions (art, literature, being real sensitive, etc) just to get a piece of ass. I mean, if you look THAT good, there's not much we aren't will to do!
It's just how we are built, you can't blame us.

It kind of like how women have the need to put 45 fucking pillows on the bed, and every night 43 of them need to be taken off and put on the floor. Nobody knows WHY you have the need for so many extra pillows. It's just one of those things...


Well-Known Member
I wanted to know if you all thought if letting your girlfriend (age 20) meet up with a guy whos in her class to cook at his place, go the the movies etc is something normal or if it is something i have the right to say maybe i dont want them to do it. She asks me and i let her because im not worried shell do something stupid.
This also isnt some old friend shes known for a while.
do you trust her? trust is very inportant in a relationship.


Well-Known Member
I read through these posts again and I have but one conclusion. I REALLY feel sorry for the male species. I won't say "men" as I am sure based on the sophomoricnature of a few replys that some of you boys aren't old enough to vist the doctor without parental consent. You poor guys, living each day being totally controlled by a limp piece of muscle tissue hanging between your legs...and a pretty grotesque piece of flesh at that. Always thought placement was good, much easier to put a knee into and drop you to the floor as your parts hang out inferior feature without a doubt. Apparently from all of your posts, all males think about is sex. You cannot have a friendship unless it is about sex. You have female friends only because you want to sleep with them. You cannot hang out with women and think about anything but sex. Very sad that you boys will spend your entire lives as dick slaves with the inability to think about anything but sex. You all put yourselves in the same boat so a broad generalization seems appropriate.
So in defense of the "real men" who can think with their brain, who can have female friends they don't have to conquer, who can enjoy all the good things life has to offer, art, literature, history, nature, horticulture, and so much more, YOU ARE APPRECIATED...kick the other sons a bitches in the nuts...they are giving you a bad name.

Give me a break....if you can’t see what this "friend" is trying to do, then you are as blind as the BF letting it happen. Not ALL guys are like this.....but any guy trying to be your girlfriends "buddy" is trying to sleep with her.
If this was a friendship that has been going on for years, they were friends before the current relationship, or they are friends as in couples (he is friends with both the BF and GF)....then that is a whole different story.

But that is not the case here, this is some guy from school trying to make "friends" with a woman in a relationship, and that’s just not cool. There are limits to the friendship with a taken woman, talking and flirting are one thing, and cooking her dinner and going to movies is crossing the line.
I would be kidding myself if I believed my wife doesn’t find other men attractive, and she may even flirt. I know I flirt with a pretty woman if I can, not too much, but after 10 years of marriage it feels good to still be looked at by others.
And I would be a hypocrite to be mad at my wife for doing the same, but if some dude takes her to a movie and makes her dinner, well then I think two people need an ass whoopin just for general principal of the disrespect.

I think this scene sums up my feelings pretty well. I’m sure most men know what this is from.

Vincent: I ain't saying it's right. But you're saying a foot massage don't mean nothing, and I'm saying it does. Now look, I've given a million ladies a million foot massages, and they all meant something. We act like they don't, but they do, and that's what's so fucking cool about them. There's a sensuous thing going on where you don't talk about it, but you know it, she knows it, fucking Marsellus knew it, and Antwan should have fucking better known better. I mean, that's his fucking wife, man. He can't be expected to have a sense of humor about that shit. You know what I'm saying?
Jules: That's an interesting point. Come on, let's get into character.


Well-Known Member
I read through these posts again and I have but one conclusion. I REALLY feel sorry for the male species. I won't say "men" as I am sure based on the sophomoricnature of a few replys that some of you boys aren't old enough to vist the doctor without parental consent. You poor guys, living each day being totally controlled by a limp piece of muscle tissue hanging between your legs...and a pretty grotesque piece of flesh at that. Always thought placement was good, much easier to put a knee into and drop you to the floor as your parts hang out inferior feature without a doubt. Apparently from all of your posts, all males think about is sex. You cannot have a friendship unless it is about sex. You have female friends only because you want to sleep with them. You cannot hang out with women and think about anything but sex. Very sad that you boys will spend your entire lives as dick slaves with the inability to think about anything but sex. You all put yourselves in the same boat so a broad generalization seems appropriate.
So in defense of the "real men" who can think with their brain, who can have female friends they don't have to conquer, who can enjoy all the good things life has to offer, art, literature, history, nature, horticulture, and so much more, YOU ARE APPRECIATED...kick the other sons a bitches in the nuts...they are giving you a bad name.
I just have a few comments on this:

1) Are you 15 by chance?

2) A punt between the legs will drop you just as fast

3) Guys may "think" with their dicks, but at least the thoughts are consistent.

4) 5 million years of evolution can't be wrong

5) I'll drop a little hint about the real world for you: The "real world" is a brutal place. It'll shank you in the kidney from behind, steal you boots, and kick you in the face on its way by. Its not a "nice" place. You need to always be on guard.

Don't worry, you will realize this one day..:)


Well-Known Member
Haha, the asian guy on the right is just pretending to take a peek at her. His obviously gay and actually thinking "alllllright, do they know im gay?"