Grow Tent Setup, OK?

Ok, so im looking for equipment for my first grow and i think ive gathered what i need now, but im unsure and would like some advice from someone more experienced than myself :):wall:

PS - on a tight budget and this is pretty much all i can afford, which i hope will last long aswell.

- DR100 - 100x100x200
- 400w Maxibright sunmaster bulb and ballast with euro reflector
- 5" exhaust fan with carbon filter , passive intake (would it be efficient?)

Looking to grow some greenhouse cheese for just myself, maybe 3 or 4 plants?

What kind of pots would i need?
Is a PH meter essential?

What kind of nutes are availiable, or would i be better off just sticking to the simple soil grow :) ?

Thanks alot guys, been kind of hard trying to look for advice on tents and i just hope somebody could give me a helping hand :) cheers


Well-Known Member
use square pots as they make best use of the area, 4-5 gallon
yes you need a way to test ph, whether by getting a digital reader, or test strips, or even the pool kits with droppers, its essential to any mj garden
best rule i followed was KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid)

if you wanna have a shot with nutrients, read up about what a plant needs, understand the N-P-K values, and start off slowly. there's many to choose from and you can see the results in many grows here on riu.
Thanks for your input, much appreciated :) Going to add a PH meter to my checklist as we speak.

As for the nutes, i think ill give them a miss seing as though its my first grow and shal experiment with them later.

As for the tent and ventilation, is it ok with a 5" exhaust and passive intake

thanks a bunch :)!!


Well-Known Member
if you wanna add something that cant burn and will help, i have 3 suggestions

hygrozyme is not a nutrient, but its great for keeping roots and plants healthy, every watering
shark bite is a bunch of spores and microbes that promote root growth and strength, every watering
and molassas, is great during flowering to pack on buds and crystals, again every watering

nothing listed above can hurt your plant, except maybe the hygrozyme is you do like 4x the recommended dosage
they are staples in alot of growers operations.

check em out

and for your exhaust, 5 inches isnt a normal hole size in the tents ive seen so you'll need an adapter probably, but assuming its about 125cfm fan, and your tent is about 66 cubi feet, you'll be replenishing the air 2wice a minute which is fine


Well-Known Member
and make sure you put a filter on your passive to prevent unwanted problems in your tent

i have a 5x5 and a 4x8 and a 900+cfm fan, both have passive intakes and everythign works fine

my advice would be to install the fan outside of your tent to save space


I also have a DR100 and growing 8 Original UK Cheese (cuttings).
600MH veg for 4 weeks
600HPS flowing 3 Weeks old


Active Member
also i find if u grow with bio bizz organic products this is the best waay for great bud ......also with the bio bizz all mix you wont need to measure the ph as its self buffering....but just to be safe i have a solution 3 drops into the run off water and it comes with a chart ..


also i find if u grow with bio bizz organic products this is the best waay for great bud ......also with the bio bizz all mix you wont need to measure the ph as its self buffering....but just to be safe i have a solution 3 drops into the run off water and it comes with a chart ..
Yeah bro i use BioBiz aswel Grow/Bloom/TopMax. is kinda cramped in ther next time 6 Pots. 18lt i think thats 5gal
Yeah think i might invest in the hygrozyme and the molassas, sounds great!

The fan and filter system i was looking at is as follows (hope i can post links here)
^does this look about normal?

The main worry about my tent is the ventilation as its all very confusing, havnt been able to get my head round it and ive been looking for a little while now :)


Active Member
Yeah bro i use BioBiz aswel Grow/Bloom/TopMax. is kinda cramped in ther next time 6 Pots. 18lt i think thats 5gal
im from uk too....

i currently got 10 cheeses in a 1.5mx1.5m tent i have no intake either just filter and exhaust.....600 air cooled hps

in all mix (bio bizz) 15 litre pots and im using bio bizz root juice, grow bloom and 1 week into flower

( i was thinking of removing 4 plants and just having 6 in their as they need around 80-100wats per plant in order to recieve around 3-4 oz a plant


nice looking plants you got there buddy :)

BioBiz sounds good to me if its self buffering, think ill try it second time round after i get to grips with things, after all ive got lots of time :)


Active Member
badabunk keep me posted on your ladies we got same strain and same conditions and your 2 weeks ahed would be nice to see comparisons......

how long do you plan to flower?


Active Member
it depends if you want to go for quality go for the links i sent you......i would suggets you get a rhino carbon filter as they are brilliant also maybe you should go for a 600W hps air many plants you looking to do ?


Active Member
I'm getting PLANT MAGIC OLD TIMER ORGANIC GROW + BLOOM and Plagron Light Mix Soil from ebay for my first grow. You've invested in much mroe than me lol I wish i had the same amount of money as you lol I'm using a 250w blue spec cfl and 250w red spec cfl in a cupboard. Gonna use ona gel to remove smell. Lowest budget grow i could think of for like 3-4 plants.

Once i get enough money for my 2nd grow, i'll be getting a air cooled 600w mh/hps bulb in a 1.2x1.2x2m tent, 5" extract/carbon filter. All in all will cost me around £600 for that set up.

Good luck with your grow man.


Active Member
You should go with this carbon filter and this extractor. For £30 more, you could upgrade to a this 600w mh/hps kit. I'm sure it would increase your yield a lot so much more better investment.