Advantage V. disadvantage CFL's

(and to all the cool peeps, thanks for keeping cool)
dont understand all the hate.. maybe(more than likely) he is exaggerating about gram per watts, but the configuration of the cfls he is using is creative and effective... for HIS needs HIS space HIS experience. so just let him ride. mh and hps hands down are better than cfls but not everyone has the vertical space and means to run ducting and buy an inline fan and all that... just my 2 cents.. light up. all will be better.
So why are people even discussing HPS or MH alternatives in a CFL Advantage v. Disadvantage thread under the CFL Growing sub-forum?

Besides that, why are people knocking the post just because he failed to use punctuation? Is knowledge or information any less informative just because of the way it is transmitted? If I re-write all the information in the first post with proper punctuation is it going to tell you anything different? No. Is it going to convey the information differently? Sure, if reading less than 500 words with no period or comma is going to make me fail the 3rd grade.

This post is still useful information. All he is basically saying is that CFL's for smaller operations are most cost effective for the majority of people and the advantages of using CFL are less heat, fit into a standard light bulb socket (I'm aware of Mogul sockets, he is not talking about a bulb anywhere near that size) so it's more practical for the budget user at home growing a couple plants, and you can mix and match your spectrums while if necessary replacing a burnt out bulb cheaply and easily. He also points out that different strains could potentially react to different spectrums since they come from different parts of the world and uses CFL's as an example of an easy way to encourage this research with different strains and potentially discover that there are in fact "sweet spots" for various strains. How will we ever know if no one attempts these things? Last I checked the sun didn't beam directly at 6500k during the summer time and then God flips a switch and sets the suns spectrum to 2100k automatically for flowering. These values are something that has just been adopted over time as a generally well-accepted spectrum that has proven to have good results across all strains.

So I don't understand all the hate? Doesn't everyone here get high all the same at the end of the day? Aren't we all here to learn and share knowledge rather than nit-pick and flame useful posts like this?
So why are people even discussing HPS or MH alternatives in a CFL Advantage v. Disadvantage thread under the CFL Growing sub-forum?

Besides that, why are people knocking the post just because he failed to use punctuation? Is knowledge or information any less informative just because of the way it is transmitted? If I re-write all the information in the first post with proper punctuation is it going to tell you anything different? No. Is it going to convey the information differently? Sure, if reading less than 500 words with no period or comma is going to make me fail the 3rd grade.

This post is still useful information. All he is basically saying is that CFL's for smaller operations are most cost effective for the majority of people and the advantages of using CFL are less heat, fit into a standard light bulb socket (I'm aware of Mogul sockets, he is not talking about a bulb anywhere near that size) so it's more practical for the budget user at home growing a couple plants, and you can mix and match your spectrums while if necessary replacing a burnt out bulb cheaply and easily. He also points out that different strains could potentially react to different spectrums since they come from different parts of the world and uses CFL's as an example of an easy way to encourage this research with different strains and potentially discover that there are in fact "sweet spots" for various strains. How will we ever know if no one attempts these things? Last I checked the sun didn't beam directly at 6500k during the summer time and then God flips a switch and sets the suns spectrum to 2100k automatically for flowering. These values are something that has just been adopted over time as a generally well-accepted spectrum that has proven to have good results across all strains.

So I don't understand all the hate? Doesn't everyone here get high all the same at the end of the day? Aren't we all here to learn and share knowledge rather than nit-pick and flame useful posts like this?

hes right just come check out my CFL grow =D small and compact
im currently using nothing but CFLs i got at walmart and the evening sun to ripen my 2 females and that combined with a periodic nutrients of the correct dosage and molasses because im broke, that alone is giving me spectacular results, they just took off this morning for the races and i seen a post a ways back that said to stop using CFL and use HID, well where im doing this, there is no way, i had one MH 70watt supplemented with blue spectrum CFLs on a grow i never got to finish due to issues with the location and my own safety, so i had to sacrifice and cut what i had, the bill went through the roof and on my budget, its not possible to run HID, as much as i would surely love to, we all make sacrifices and your potential with cannabis is only limited by your imagination, will to commit and use a proper setup and your expenses, no more no less, i've read this site for years, i've only recently joined, always wanted to give my two cents, thats all.

Hey, Mr. Capitol Letters, aka Shouting Guy, take a couple Midol, eat a Snickers bar and curl up with a heating pad and you will feel better before long.
My browser was giving me a hard time so i just uploaded the pics and decided to post another, that is a strictly CFL grow, i even added a pic for proof and there is some resin on it lol, only little piece of paper lying around quick to find, give comments please, my argument for the HID and CFL competition lol, im not a poor sport, i'll be quit pleased as this is the first grow i will complete for once, always issues before, now nothing but potential and i'll add again, i use about 4 to 5 hours of strong evening sun too when it is not cloudy, if it is, i use nothing but the CFLS, two 27 watts that would use 100watts otherwise and one 75 watt cfl, that is the output, not the actual usage, forget because i bought it long before the others.but its much less like the first, i'd appreciate comments.

I double potted and the plants were growing in a small 3in by 3in pot with 5 others, 3 were males, were killed off, roots were grown too close together to seperate, started out as a joke, seen too much potential, got 2 and half gallons of dirt and the dirt in the above canister is Miracle Grow potting soil with nutrients in it and the other is plain cheap potting soil with a slight vermiculite and perlite mixture and some peat moss for water retention, using Miracle Gro bloom booster 15-30-15 and molasses as nutrients, alot may critcize my setup and choices but you know what, budget and means, all i got to say, i'll make sure to leech the soil properly before i harvest and use a slightly longer cure and dry to ensure proper taste, all in all, in the end, it shouldnt be that bad and lastly, i have them on a 11 hours of light and 13 dark schedule, not negotiable, it will stay that way till the end, lease will be up by mid June and i dont want any trace left, gotta remember cure and dry, will be a bit stinky, as for genetics, just bag seed from stuff i really enjoyed, nice fluffy buds and pleasant high, i use this for medicinal purposes, my natural appetite is practically nothing and i usually force myself to eat large meals without it, weak stomach and doctors cant prescribe anything to help me so its my only resort and i'll never have more certainty of quality then i will after i fire up the first bowl of this beautiful plant....

CFL Grow

Veg Setup:
6x T5HO 24W 6500K 1900lumen each
3x 18W CFL 6500K 1150lumen each
1x 32W CFL 5000K 2060lumen
1x 85W CFL 4200K 4500lumen
Total: 21410lumen

Bloom Setup:
6x T5HO 24W 2700K 1700lumen each
2x 32W CFL 2700K 1700lumen each
1x 18W CFL 6500K 1150lumen
1x 32W CFL 5000K 2060lumen
1x 125W CFL 2700K 9000lumen
Total: 25810lumen

Cabinet Size:
Width: 50cm
Depth: 60cm
Height: 90cm

15ltr Pot

1 Bubblelicious clone


Now at 5 days 12/12,

yield? yet to be determined?!?!
and the lastwood ive heard of pro growers gwetting around a gram per watt for you to say 2.8 grams oper watt is just ridiculous and i would love to see a detailed grow journal of that

its called a light mover and a hydro setup- you kids and your one tracked mind and your close-mindedness is the downfall of this site...

food for thought, think more- post less.
2.8 gpw isn't really that unbelievable.

I got 1 gpw from this CFL grow using 100 watts of cfls. Couldn't have asked for better myself. Was the best smoke in 2 counties.


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yo Lastfrontier, im wondering about my watts ( you can see in my avatar) if its work good for my only small two plants. 23 watts with 6500k ? my two (one month old) plants is in veg stage now. thanks.
This thread sucked. It promotes using CFL's and all I got from it was my dick is bigger than you're dick. Where's the grown up section?