Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!


Well-Known Member
KuLong - I'm even more confused. :lol:

Going back and seeing prior post did NOT help.

Post # 15 (3-31) 10 days old and getting nutes
#132 (4-7) Dry Leaves?
#164 (4-9) Damaged leaves, Nute burn?
#301 (4-12) Fan reduced temp from 85 to 75F
#322 (4-13) pics showed super compact plant
#329 (4-13) using 200w CFL (actual or EQ?)
#396 (4-18 ) More nute / Light burn?

*(watch the dates on these)
#422 (4-20) "One fucked leaf"
#424 (4-20) "Not much nutes - soil not best - getting better soil / nutes"
#439 (4-21) "None are droopy, but curled"
#448 (4-22) Next day pics -

#473 (4-25) "Plant is fucked"

To me it's not looking like Nute burn at all. If it wasn't for the thing where we already covered too much watering,, (and assume he's corrected it) Well, I'm lost because it still looks over watered leading to a lock-up.

Anyways, something is going on here and I'm very interested in seeing what it takes to make it right. If it is over fertilizing - I've learned something new. With nutes I expect more tip burn, etc. to be noticable than what I'm seeing. But I could easily be wrong.
Wish I knew more about his "soil not the best".
I'm sticking with the plant is starving. Maybe not from under ferrtilizing,, maybe from them not being able to be used? I don't know. :wall:
Don't think the plant is "fucked". But it'll be a good learning experience if it gets figured out.

I'm confused enough to shut up and watch on this one.

PS; Frenchy -
Maybe searching out a guy on here going by "Riddleme" could be the way to go? He's generally very willing to help with problems. (and damned good at it too) Maybe a interesting thread for you? ->


Active Member
Well today my baby in the brown pot, the one I suspected was LR2, got her first pistils. So plant now confirmed. Swapping out the 6500k for the 2700k. I'll probably never know whether the other one is Warlock or Motavation but since Motavation is just a hybrid of Warlock and Sensi Star I'll just call her my Warlock. It is feminised. She'll go on the back burner (window sill) and vegetate. When she gets her 7th node (not long now) I'll top her at the 2nd for 4 main colas (Uncle Ben style) so I should be able to start flowering her about the same time my LR2 finishes (in about 4 weeks)


RIU Bulldog
have you tried flushing it yet? If you have you could always just "hit reset" and transplant the plant into better soil.
I used to do that when I would mess up soil recipes an such. Transplant into better soil, then water with a mild nute
and b-1solution.

@Everyone else
Today is chop day for my cute little Il Diavolo!
You seen what it looks like finished so I'll
post some more pics later this morning when
it's nice and manicured.


Well-Known Member
right. im gonna go flush them, and then will leave a few more days, if it still not looking good, ill nute in a few days
ill put up pics on friday, and you can tell me what to do:)


RIU Bulldog
hehe. Awe come on, I didn't mean it like

So here's the post-op harvest pic. It's 90g wet. I threw the lower popcorn branches in the cannabutter pile. Gonna make brownies two days from now. I think I'll get just under an ounce, just about right for an auto. I do think I might have messed up somewhere and stunded the plant, or else I ended up the a runt. Idk cause I didn't burn her or let her dry out but I'll know better when I harvest my real plants in a month or so. I'll let you know either way.
Sorry there aren't many pics, it's just WAAAAYY too much of PITA trying take pictures with a camera the size of a laptop.
Delicious Seeds - Il Diavolo



Well-Known Member
hehe. Awe come on, I didn't mean it like
lol i didnt mea that like you read it, i was basically thanking you for the idea and i took your knowladge and used it :) thanks :) i got in contact with riddle, and he helped a lot :)


Well-Known Member
the taiga lady is still alive but barely... lol... i just dont see how... if the root is growing, its a microscopic growth spurt for sure... now just sorta waitin around till my green o matic seed cracksshell... prolly put it into my perilite setu tomorrow... im not really in a rush with the taiga, so i she ever recovers from this, i will prolly enjoy about a g of fresh taiga bud... lol.. the smell of my 26 day old sprout has me wanting to order another few seeds of this plant... i put money on it i got a runt for sure... havin fucked soil only added to the misfortune... any thoughts on her?


Well-Known Member
sorta wondering the same... well... to be honest... frenchy and beansly, quite frankly, you have both confused me on that one... ones trying to read into what the other "meant" while further confusing yourselves even more... just a lil advice for the future... confucious says: dont try to win argument with someone else when brain is arguing with itself about how high it may or not be... ;) lol....sorry.. please do not try to read into this... it was a humoristic comment with no hidden gesture... if you smiled when you read it, thats what it was supposed to mean :)


Well-Known Member
lowryder... post some piks of them pubes homie... as far as the motivation strain... well hell... let me get u a link to one of those grown out... my homie grew one last year... this page has one of his vids before harvest... you can flip back or forwards from there to further "investigate"... sorry... totally off subject... sorry... stoned an had to get it off my mind b4 i forgot... lol ;)


Well-Known Member
Notice a faint smell today that put a smile on my face.

I gave her my "secret" organic liquid nutrients last night and she started smelling really good today.

The silver reflective surface is my two car window sun shield set up and she is under my "patented" one 85w 2700k CFL. Shes sitting in a cool 29c'ish temp.

Everything seems to be normal for my conditions.

18 days April 27th 01.jpg

18 days April 27th 02.jpg


Well-Known Member
That's one healthy lookin gal.
Planing on growing her out straight?

As far as "growing her out straight", that depends on your definition of "straight". ;)

I am doing one thing different with her that I will share in the end.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Strange thing thismorning. I had noticed she wasnt smelling that much latley, but now they stink! Is this due to flushing???


RIU Bulldog
Strange thing thismorning. I had noticed she wasnt smelling that much latley, but now they stink! Is this due to flushing???
If your plants needed a flush you'll know pretty soon afterwards. They always perk up and you can see it. They just glow when they're healthy.:grin:


Well-Known Member
leaves have straitened out nearly completly. now showing signes of overwatering, take it that will clear up in a few days?? also, when should the buds start filling out?? they over half way through their life span and im not sure if they should be bigger than they are. any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
leaves have straitened out nearly completly. now showing signes of overwatering, take it that will clear up in a few days?? also, when should the buds start filling out?? they over half way through their life span and im not sure if they should be bigger than they are. any thoughts?
You are so confusing Frenchy...

You say, "leaves have straightened out nearly completely" which "nearly" and "completely" contradict themselves...and then you say in the same sentence, " now showing signs of over watering" which the leafs would not be straightened out. :|

Give us updated photographs so we can see.