Rene's 2nd Grow. Here We Go. Mystery Bagseed and Breeding Experiment


Well-Known Member
Hah im in the same boat 25 no time for anything but work my son and the girls and im more broken then a 90 year or war vet my son decides who i date if he dont like em neither do I also i go by how they treat him and such like if they are motherly at all i let them stay around a little longer but if they have no mommy skills im out and me and him are running fast.

What do you do for a living i didnt understand what you said ahahahah im a tree guy i climb em limb em up top em and then throw couple hundred pound chuncks down as i go pretty fun but hell on my body. Last week i was fighting 5 coons up in a fir 100 feet of the ground or so hahahaha i tied in clipped 2 lines to around the tree and the battle was on had to use my hand saw to poke em back them the chainsaw to run em out of the tree ive got into in a couple times with coons up in the trees but never 5 giant sized felt bad for cutting down their home but its what im paid to do. Couldnt you use like a hefty bag just double it up would work for awhile i would think just got to make drainage holes.
Lmao I would never do that! I'm a nursing assistant work as an in home caregiver and at an adult family home as a caregiver as well I have 6 residents there 5 with dementia in various stages one girl my age traumatic brain injury...its kinda like a day care but more demanding... Children are easier I know I've done the whole kid thing none of my own but have had to care for almost all my nieces and nephews (7) as if they were my own few others as well I can really say kids are a breeze but both are alike easily pleased loving difficult at times! I'm disabled so hard having to lift constantly! I'm gonna stop rambling lol


Active Member
I think im gona have to grow some reg lowryder so i can get some seeds then ima go around my neck of the woods and plant germ seeds all over the place. Im tired of not seeing ganja on my daily walks with my son! Im not going to harvest any just plant them everywhere like peoples yards in front of stores in the local parks everywhere like to the point its somewhat out of control. I sah one guy he got 400 seeds off one auto 7 inches tall so leads me to think i could get thousands off just a couple grows also i would have enough auto seeds to never have to buy seeds again.

Anyone like my idea or am i on crack? i think we all should seed the usa give em no other choice but to make it legal.
We'll call you SlimJimmy Potseed! Plant on!


Well-Known Member
Dont get down on yourself's guys. i look at it like this. if life's this tough now, its gotta get better...
when im 40 my oldest will be a sophmore in college (with alot of luck lol)
and my youngest will be graduating high school (again, with alot of luck)
so when im 40 my wife will be 42 were going to vegas to have elvis re-marry us. her idea! anyway guys this to shall pass, and even when everythings falling through the fucking floor. life can only get better, and this is your only one. so get out there and grow the finest, frostiest buds your green thumbs can handle. im high, hope this makes some sense :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Dont get down on yourself's guys. i look at it like this. if life's this tough now, its gotta get better...
when im 40 my oldest will be a sophmore in college (with alot of luck lol)
and my youngest will be graduating high school (again, with alot of luck)
so when im 40 my wife will be 42 were going to vegas to have elvis re-marry us. her idea! anyway guys this to shall pass, and even when everythings falling through the fucking floor. life can only get better, and this is your only one. so get out there and grow the finest, frostiest buds your green thumbs can handle. im high, hope this makes some sense :eyesmoke:
Lemme know when you do that remarry thing, i'll smoke a bowl with you guys as a wedding present for coming out to Nevada. ;-)


Well-Known Member
We'll call you SlimJimmy Potseed! Plant on!
only problem is it might fuck up everyones grow nothing but seeded weed at the end of the summer fuck:-( hahahahah might have to do it in some other town muahahahahahah Im going to have to ponder up something better maybe none auto so they will get found and cut down before they have a chance to drop pollen or bud. Still going to get my hands on some lowryder and breed them i think im going to go to growing autos only just have to figure out wtf happend when i tried to place an order with attitude it said failed to authorize would you like to pay with another card so i got on the phone with the card company i treid to use and they said attitude charged me "twice" for one order and its processing i contacted attitude they say they didnt charge me and the order is awaiting payment it been more then a week and it still hasnt show up on my statement so i havent been charged im lost on what to do im going to contact my card company again and ask for a update see what they say then if nothing then im going to ask attitude to whip my order clean and try to place another as attitude adviced me to do but i dont like the awaiting payment order in my history cuz i dont want it to be charged to me when i place order on another card if that makes sense. Anyone a attitude fan?


Well-Known Member
Im adding a scrog net to my box as we speak so excited:-) More to just keep them out of the light we'll see how things go.


Well-Known Member
Fab I'm so happy to hear that! Slim I'd love it if ya did! Oh and the new avatar is maria she is filling out her new home nice and then most the babies :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
lol, I had the same thing goin on, I kept saying C3, C3, C3, was C1 who's the REAL grower. She's passed the rest in height by about 4 inches or so.


Well-Known Member
Oh...and, are we posting things? The continued insistence that you don't mind aside, I still feel it better to ask before posting pics of MY plants in YOUR thread...
Hell, I haven't even posted them in MY thread yet....So Exclusive Sneak peak of the flower room and of the clones veggin out :-P