The 12-12 From Seed Thread


Active Member
Hey DEL was wondering what GRAPEFRUIT AND BY WHO didnt know if it was crossed with something or not was thinking bout trying the THC BOMB AND CRITCAL+ SENSI STAR..Next go around 12/12


Active Member
How high did ur THC BOMB get??How long and what kind of yield def my next strain with a KTRAIN BY GREEN HOUSE, INDUSTRIAL PLANT ,CALIFORNIA HASH ,DEEP GRAPE FRUIT from dinafem have them allready


Well-Known Member
Hey DEL was wondering what GRAPEFRUIT AND BY WHO didnt know if it was crossed with something or not was thinking bout trying the THC BOMB AND CRITCAL+ SENSI STAR..Next go around 12/12
ello mate, grapefruit came from marijuana nl...............first reg thc bomb went 24 inches but that was under enviro...........the fem thc bombs i did, flowered quickly and were shortish with thick cola, nice fairly dense buds.easy to grow. ive had to many bad germ experience with gh seeds so my last ones from them are growing now ( big bang, white widow, el nino, cheese ) like the look of dinafem though.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
every one of these are 12/12 from sow


Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
thanks for all the positive feedback guys, always makes a fellow grower feel good. your babes are beautiful del.

well, the reason why i have it set up like this is because of time. im getting ready to move soon so i need them to be done fast, change kinda happened a little sooner than expected... but ill make it work. its not the best by far, just the best that i could do with the money i have. trying to make the most out of everything i can utilize. experiments are my thing right now since i just started growing not too long ago. ive never had a plant stay 100% healthy the whole way through, and as of right now things are going better than expected. experiments with cutting/pruning/lolipopping-whatever you want to call it, rootbound, topping, lsting, seeing what a plant does when grown with high ph levels along with low ph levels, same with high doses of ferts compared to lower doses. supercropping during different stages of flowering to see differences in growth. cutting fan leaves and leaving the nodes, cutting nodes and leaving the fan leaves. noting any small changes in node/bud growth throughout the whole plants life. just trying to learn as much as i possibly can before i move, because my dream is to make this my career.

theres a variety of strains in my garden, and while most all of them were started under 12/12, there are 9 plants in my garden that were put in the flower room after 29 days in veg from sow. thats why you'll see bigger plants in the back and toward the middle.

1k and 400 watt hps above the canopy, 6bulb t5 4ft by 2.5ft angled down to get the canopy and some of the sides aswell, relfecting the light off of the wall. 2bulb t5 on the left side of the garden to get some extra lumens and to reflect more of that light. also to utilize more would be wasted light i tape/glue/tack 2mil Mylar to large cut cardboard pieces.

150watt hps over my 3dwarfs that will be done in a couple weeks (when they are done i will replace the smaller t5 from my garden with the 150watt hps) another small 2bulb t5 over my experimental aero/hydro system. havent asked for help, want to try it myself before anything. figured they would have died by now but they are doing so good.

the yellowed plants in the smaller 16oz cups are my experiment with rootbound plants, and what happens to the growth and color of the plant when the roots dont have the surface area they need to thrive.

jacks classic for the win, every plant im not experimenting on looks perfect except for 1 or two lower fan leaves. cant wait to get more money so i can experiment with different kinds of ferts, and combine them too.

if u guys got any more questions let me know ok? thanks a lot dudes compliments much appreicated



Well-Known Member
ok peeps.happy easter and all that..please dont forget that jesus died through eating to many easter eat in moderation out there..... any hoo i was out in my garden and noticed insects, aphids on my flowers and it was a sharp reminder of last year when i got a bad dose of spider mites on my ladies, i used a few sprays from the local store but they were only temporary fixes. then i tried neem oil and had them gone within a few i figure its time to give my ladies a spray just to keep those little fuckers off........going to do a low mix at lights off........5ml neem........2 litre water..........couple drops dish liquid.............lots of shaking...



im interested on the harvest weight of your fuck up plant if you ever get it cuz that plant resembles all the ones i got growin now, which makes sense i guess seeing as im growin in much smaller pots


Well-Known Member
im interested on the harvest weight of your fuck up plant if you ever get it cuz that plant resembles all the ones i got growin now, which makes sense i guess seeing as im growin in much smaller pots
will let you know mate, think i should have hit them sooner and harder with pk but then sometimes its just the way it is.............i do try and do do many at a time really..


Well-Known Member
zaehet that is 1 hell of a cool grow impressed....i can see you have much enthusiasm and look forward to seeing how these different experiments pan out........wish i had the space.


Well-Known Member
not sure man.. but the mix i'm in is very light and airy really good soil mix and it's in the airpots so i would say its the closest thing to coco (even has coco in it too) without actually being coco.. also from what i've read the biobizz nutes can be used in soil, dwc or coir

i been doing a side by side with a mate of mine he's using same stuff except no topmax and my bud swell is definitely more prominent than his..
Cool cheers for that mate, ill be usin in a week or so when i flip! :)

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
im interested on the harvest weight of your fuck up plant if you ever get it cuz that plant resembles all the ones i got growin now, which makes sense i guess seeing as im growin in much smaller pots
yea bro transplanting is a must if you want to keep your plants healthy.


Active Member
hey guys a quick question going to do some 12/12 from seed outdoor in rasied beds. just wondering how far i should space the seeds?