Well-Known Member
hey guys just took a few pics...whatcha think?
Makes me even more excited what day is that. Also when did you start your count down at first signs of sex after light switch or at the flip 12/12? Just wondering so i can get an idea what to expect im week one count started at first signs after switch "took two weeks" also whats that under again i forget your setup mhhhh it looks tasty

You can stop reading now rant about how much i love my son below cant help myself im a proud dad

"You dont own them you share your space with them and its a honor to do so" pit "owners" know what im talking about, their a canine but not a dog thats for damn sure more like little people. Mine is my son plain and simple and if hes not welcome well then i guess im not either hah if hes not welcome in your house and has to wait out in the car then when you come to my house guess where your sitting hahahahahah out in the car sry i can talk for days about him im a damn proud dad if he had papers i would show him off to the world he loves getting pretty