
Well-Known Member
I jus saw a video where canadians and be soverign and can drive without a license or insuance....its NOT DRIVEING its traveling....kid showed the cops a paper of Declaration and called a suppervisor they all of a sudden got polite and let him go............WHAT THE HELL......had some other says no tresspassing or breaking other laws but you can be soverign...........something like that this true????????
Probably similar to the sovereign citizen concept that gets perpetuated by Americans that want to 'fight the powa' yet anyone who tries it will find out in a hurry that no such legal framework exists to support your sovereign state of mind.
Yea nothing like that in states............they tried that republic of texas stuff and it went belly up..............curious bout canada...the cops in the video backed off after reading this paper of declaratin and the kid had no insruance or DL ...and made his on tags on his car................the cops were kinda pissy at first without his DL or Picture ID but after the confered reading the Declaration they thanked him and let him go.....................FUCK his dad was there and videod it for protection but didnt need it........also he can charge them for his time for the amount of time they stoped him but he said since there were acting like peaceofficers and not law inforcerment he wasnt fileing............SHIT I want to go to Canada now
dont knowl.......was surprised to see it.........didnt know if it was faked for Youtube or real...........but seemed that it is real.......whether it holds up or not thats to be seen...........thats why I was wondering if any of our Cannuks knew something about this.
Why THE FUCK WOULD IT COST TO BE A FREEMAN....................fuck now Im wondering if its not a scam...................
Pony this is suspect .... I live in Canada and fines for driving without insurance are steep ...
To drive anywhere in Canada .... prior to the purchase of insurance one needs
a special paper obtained from something like DMV stating the safety of the vehicle,
This is valid for a period of 7 days. Without this driving is a no go.

Once you get caught ...
It's a minimum $5,000 fine, plus you'll be all but blacklisted from all insurance companies for a long time. So even after you pay off the $5,000 fine, expect to be paying $400-500 per month for insurance, regardless of what kind of car you drive.

This is how it works as far as I understand.

strange............welp Ill keep you said thedoc.........try the Sovereign Citizen here and you will get a rude awakeing....................By law Texas is a Republic and can pull from the Union anytime based on Texas COnstitution but I dont see anyone backing taht one up.........was a guy few years ago tried that shit..........still in fed pen I think............
Pony this is suspect .... I live in Canada and fines for driving without insurance is steep ...
To drive anywhere in Canada .... prior to the purchase of insurance one needs
a special paper obtained from something like DMV stating the safety of the vehicle
good for a period of 7 days. Without it this is a no go.

Once you get caught ...
It's a minimum $5,000 fine, plus you'll be all but blacklisted from all insurance companies for a long time. So even after you pay off the $5,000 fine, expect to be paying $400-500 per month for insurance, regardless of what kind of car you drive.

This is how it works as far as I understand.

He wasn't driving, he was traveling.

Pony this is suspect .... I live in Canada and fines for driving without insurance is steep ...
To drive anywhere in Canada .... prior to the purchase of insurance one needs
a special paper obtained from something like DMV stating the safety of the vehicle
good for a period of 7 days. Without it this is a no go.

Once you get caught ...
It's a minimum $5,000 fine, plus you'll be all but blacklisted from all insurance companies for a long time. So even after you pay off the $5,000 fine, expect to be paying $400-500 per month for insurance, regardless of what kind of car you drive.

This is how it works as far as I understand.


yea its pretty tough in texas for no insurance and stuff...............did you watch the video........why did the cops let him go????????
I knew a old timer that carried a part of the Constitution where it says the right to free travel (or something like that) in his car. He didn't have insurance or DL and would always get the tickets thrown out of court. This was years ago so i don't know if he still does it.
I knew a old timer that carried a part of the Constitution where it says the right to free travel (or something like that) in his car. He didn't have insurance or DL and would always get the tickets thrown out of court. This was years ago so i don't know if he still does it.
I didn't see your post about the Texas constitution, and the guy i was talking about is here in the Lone Star State so maybe it won't work anymore. I can sit back and listen to my friends stories and never have a dull moment, he's a great guy.