Club 600

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Just a reminder that the contest runs until midnight Pacific time today.

There have been some outstanding entries and I want to thank everyone who has contributed. I'm glad the decision is up to the voters.



Well-Known Member
Hey Marlowe, sorry to hear you had to spend part (most probably) of your 420 in jail but glad to hear your back in the comforts of your home. Like other's have said, chin up brother, al will be wll as long as you keep that positive attitude.

I ended up having to take my son to urgent care yesterday afternoon when his fever spiked to 103.5 while on Children's Motrin and he doubled over in pain near his appendix. They did an initial check and then sent me to the ER where I spent the rest of the day and evening while they checked the liitle dude out. They ruled out appendicitis and said he's got Strep and a bladder infection so gave him some antibiotics, more motrin and tylenol and we got home around 11 last night.

I'm just glad he didn't have appendicitus because he was already scared enough with not knowing what they were going to do next and thinking everything is going to hurt and stuff. I just tried not to show that I too was a little scared for him and kept reassuring him that this wasn't going to hurt and that wasn't going to hurt and sat with him in the bed holding his hand even though half the time I really didn't even know myself. It was an emotional rollercoaster that just kept on going for what felt like forever. Parenthood sucks sometimes...

I love the SOG pic you posted Jig!

Good luck to all who entered.



Well-Known Member
Just got home from jail... cops raided and pulled plants today, but hey when I got home my neighbors that I thought would be dissappointed came over and rolled me a joint.

Happy four twenty and keep growing everyone!!!...
That is some shitty friggin 420 news man. Sorry to hear it. How'd they find ya?


Well-Known Member
Ayo Marlowe i hope all is well with you. i have had more than a few run ins wit da cops man. i hope mentally it aint gettin to youy. any word on who the snitch is, shit like that dont happen by itself. this coming from someone who just got robbed at gunpoint in my own house for my shit. now that im in a new state i knowq one thing SECURITY FIRST bruh. i hope u bounce back n i hope shit goes well for you in court.


Active Member
Hey Marlowe, sorry to hear you had to spend part (most probably) of your 420 in jail but glad to hear your back in the comforts of your home. Like other's have said, chin up brother, al will be wll as long as you keep that positive attitude.

I ended up having to take my son to urgent care yesterday afternoon when his fever spiked to 103.5 while on Children's Motrin and he doubled over in pain near his appendix. They did an initial check and then sent me to the ER where I spent the rest of the day and evening while they checked the liitle dude out. They ruled out appendicitis and said he's got Strep and a bladder infection so gave him some antibiotics, more motrin and tylenol and we got home around 11 last night.

I'm just glad he didn't have appendicitus because he was already scared enough with not knowing what they were going to do next and thinking everything is going to hurt and stuff. I just tried not to show that I too was a little scared for him and kept reassuring him that this wasn't going to hurt and that wasn't going to hurt and sat with him in the bed holding his hand even though half the time I really didn't even know myself. It was an emotional rollercoaster that just kept on going for what felt like forever. Parenthood sucks sometimes...

I love the SOG pic you posted Jig!

Good luck to all who entered.

So No charges have been made yet... they pfi me (pending further investigation)... Lawyer said Ill get 2 years probation and charges will be dropped...

I see Colorado or Cali in my crystal ball... It would be pretty funny to transfer my probation to a cool state and grow on probation...


Well-Known Member
Hey Marlowe, fyi, I have a friend currently serving probation for growing here in California and he's not allowed anywhere near it, let alone grow it. Just a heads up, might wanna look more into it if you are seriously considering.

Good luck with your case


Well-Known Member
So No charges have been made yet... they pfi me (pending further investigation)... Lawyer said Ill get 2 years probation and charges will be dropped...

I see Colorado or Cali in my crystal ball... It would be pretty funny to transfer my probation to a cool state and grow on probation...
Sounds like a plan!!


Active Member
Hey Marlowe, fyi, I have a friend currently serving probation for growing here in California and he's not allowed anywhere near it, let alone grow it. Just a heads up, might wanna look more into it if you are seriously considering.

Good luck with your case
I have family that works at Abundant Life Healing in Boulder and since this happened we have been corresponding by email and he just got a guy from Kansas that got caught growing a card in less than two weeks and when the probation was transferred he got off 2 months later and is now growing again...

Just gonna have reacquire all new equipment... they took everything except a few pieces of hydroton


Well-Known Member
I have a question for you DWC growers, if there are any here. Have you ever noticed that a plant will drink its entire res overnight if you forget to plug the airstone in...??? I mean completely bone dry, and that doesnt happen on a normal basis if the airstone stays on.


Well-Known Member
maaaaan some great pics in the 6! I think Im still high from yesterday lol

Marlowe... that sucks man :-( very sorry to hear bro :-( I felt the heat down in new orleans so now Im in co... Hope everything works out for you brotha!

Well its a nice day today :-) yesterday was wet and gloomy. So I'll make my way to the park with my dog and a few bowls...

:peace: peeps.


Well-Known Member
Good luck with what ever you decide Marlowe.

Dez, I hope things are ok with the yer lad. Scary stuff bru.


Well-Known Member
I have a question for you DWC growers, if there are any here. Have you ever noticed that a plant will drink its entire res overnight if you forget to plug the airstone in...??? I mean completely bone dry, and that doesnt happen on a normal basis if the airstone stays on.
Maybe since there were no bubbles she shut down and then went into HYPERDRIVE thinking suffocation and wickered everything out of her. Kind of like drowning and MIR, you flush the shit out of her and she shuts down(Droppy) and then awakes and goes into hyperdrive to wicker everything out. Its a crazy thought but it seems logic if you think about it.

WARNING: I am stoned and I am only on my 2nd run of growing.....Please be Advised.




Well-Known Member
I have a question for you DWC growers, if there are any here. Have you ever noticed that a plant will drink its entire res overnight if you forget to plug the airstone in...??? I mean completely bone dry, and that doesnt happen on a normal basis if the airstone stays on.
Don't know about that. Not saying it didn't happen, but in my experience the plants drink less when the airpump isn't on. Not much less, but a little. I would suspect a leak in the tank if that happened, but you probably would have noticed a wet floor.