What happened to wwms


Well-Known Member
long story the guy was banned here or something. If i am speaking of the same thing, but im not sure if its the same and i dont know if they went out of business


New Member
I payed the owner for a shipment almost an ENTIRE MONTH AGO

he has my money, but i have no received ANYTHING in the mail
im starting to think i got ripped off my WWMS, especially now that it's disappeared.

Who else has ordered recently and not got their shipment?



wow, i have never had a bad experience with them . i still cant find their site...i definatly dont want to buy from nirvana or any other seed site for that matter!!


Well-Known Member
Ok, if someone doesn't mind, I would really like some answers about this situation. WWMS was my best source for beans, and now I guess its gone? My firefox crashed too, so I don't even have the link to the site anymore. Why was he banned????????????????????????????????/

Edit: Found the site again, now it seems to be password protected?


Well-Known Member
Ya'll ppl going on about wwms 24/7. If u want a seedbank you can trust PM me. I can't post it here b/c they don't want ppl knowing they ship to the states.:peace:


Well-Known Member
first month - 5 days shipping, a handfull of customers

second month - hella customers a handful of shipments

third month - MIA

looks pretty cut and dry to me. i personally haven't spoken to anyone affiliated with WWMS so i can't speak for them.


jesus christ why are you getting all pissy about it loudblunts.. i never had a problem with wwms and wanted to put another order in.. but what do you know.. their site is no longer around!!!!suprise!!!! i wanted some information and figured people on RIU would be the people to talk to..


Well-Known Member
Ok I understand the idea of being a loyal customer to one site and trusting one seedbank who's been good to you in the past, but I think some of you are taking it a bit far. You're acting like all the other seedbanks are totally useless...there are several great seedbanks, including nirvana and Dr. Chronic. Give them a shot with a cheaper order first if you really doubt them that much.


Well-Known Member
jesus christ why are you getting all pissy about it loudblunts.. i never had a problem with wwms and wanted to put another order in.. but what do you know.. their site is no longer around!!!!suprise!!!! i wanted some information and figured people on RIU would be the people to talk to..
who's pissy about it man? let me know where i can buy one of those online internet emotion meters. you all kill me thinking you can read emotion thru posts and shit

i mean damn, obviously if aint nobody answering or nobody knows....something must have happened. just leave it alone.

it might be better that you did.