2011 Veggies


Well-Known Member
This is how its done :-)

I have one growing right now that I simply forgot about... It was hiding in the back of the cupboard :lol: no water, no nothin! Just starts to grow @ room temp :shock: THE AMAZING POTATO!


Well-Known Member
i did some more transplanting today of bell peppers and jalapeños. there is a few pics here. every thing seems like it is starting to take off steadily now.

i found a few aphids on my rose bush outside so i just squished the ones i could see and then hit all the plants in the green house with neem. my veggies will get hit with neem in the next week or so just to be safe.

i am also gonna start another pineapple or at least try. im gonna try it in the bubble cloner again and see what happens.
the advanced nutrients/jiffy pellets cubes are finally working, the 2 octopus cacti have roots coming out, 1 hoya has roots shooting out, and the corral jade as well has roots.


Well-Known Member
This is the method we have used to get our avacado seeds to germ.....however I must admit with little success. In all the dozens of avacado seeds we have tried we have only had one that has rooted!!!

Any tips on getting bloody avacado's to root?

This is how its done :-)

I have one growing right now that I simply forgot about... It was hiding in the back of the cupboard :lol: no water, no nothin! Just starts to grow @ room temp :shock: THE AMAZING POTATO!


Well-Known Member
This is the method we have used to get our avacado seeds to germ.....however I must admit with little success. In all the dozens of avacado seeds we have tried we have only had one that has rooted!!!

Any tips on getting bloody avacado's to root?
i have tried them a few times and nothing happened, except the time i did it in like 5th grade for a class room experiment that one did root. ive also tried to germ a mango seed but it did not work out.

and now you mention avocado im gonna have to try to germ a seed


Well-Known Member
well most everything spouted, the ones that didnt were the lettuce, chilis(serano and jalepeno), and the bell peppers. i may try to start some inside and transfer them out later or will just go pick some up since the chilis and peppers are both sold at the local garden shops.

pics 1,2- strawberries
pics 3,4,5- corn
pics 6,7- snow peas
pics 8,9,10,11- tomatoes
pics 12,13- watermelon
pics 14,15- cayenne peppers
pic 16- cantaloupe
pics 17,18,19- radishes


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Well-Known Member
cool, already starting to go red!

well most everything spouted, the ones that didnt were the lettuce, chilis(serano and jalepeno), and the bell peppers. i may try to start some inside and transfer them out later or will just go pick some up since the chilis and peppers are both sold at the local garden shops.

pics 1,2- strawberries
pics 3,4,5- corn
pics 6,7- snow peas
pics 8,9,10,11- tomatoes
pics 12,13- watermelon
pics 14,15- cayenne peppers
pic 16- cantaloupe
pics 17,18,19- radishes


Well-Known Member
looking really good LG. i wish i could put some stuff in the ground, here very soon i am going to plant my lettuce,onions,radishes, and carrots


Well-Known Member
cool, already starting to go red!
thanks for the rep buddy! ive officially got rep beyond repute, a lot of it is from you! i had one strawberry turn full red but it disappeared on me?? hopefully i start getting some bigger ones coming.

looking really good LG. i wish i could put some stuff in the ground, here very soon i am going to plant my lettuce,onions,radishes, and carrots
ya its nice to be able to just dig a hole and plant some stuff! cant wait to see your stuff growing outside! the radishes are doing real well for me.


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to see all these gardens in full bloom!

I have a tiny backyard but I'm seriously considering hijacking a large portion of it to grow veggies!

Watching intently +rep to all of riu's farmers


Well-Known Member
thanks for the rep buddy! ive officially got rep beyond repute, a lot of it is from you! i had one strawberry turn full red but it disappeared on me?? hopefully i start getting some bigger ones coming.

ya its nice to be able to just dig a hole and plant some stuff! cant wait to see your stuff growing outside! the radishes are doing real well for me.
to bad for the 1st berry going missing, i had it happin to me all last year with my strawberries and found out it was those fucking slugs, so now all my straw berries are in pots and surrounded by copper tape.

i woke up this morning and looked at my veggies and say a pepper plant chopped right at the base of the stock and no other chew marks at all, then on the other side in the tomatoes theri was a plant with its cotydilion off and half of one leaf curled, no leafs chewed on that one either.
i need to find out what it is soon, i checked in theri and all i found was a rollie pollie and they dont really eats plants, do they?
every thing i have read and seen about them points to no, i had them all in my garden last year with no probs.
i read that they will help break up dead decomposing material and leave plants alone.
any one have info on rollie pollies?
i guess theri could be a tiny slug or something in theri that i am missing

I can't wait to see all these gardens in full bloom!

I have a tiny backyard but I'm seriously considering hijacking a large portion of it to grow veggies!

Watching intently +rep to all of riu's farmers
do it man, gardening is one of the most relaxing stress less things their is to do(most the time) i say go for it man. it also maybe help teach you self suficancy witch i think every one should learn something about.


Well-Known Member
Went to Walmart today and scored, spent only $7 and got the following:

4 1ft tall Champion Tomato
1 1ft Tall Celebrity (Last year these grew real well)
5 new packets of seeds, pumpkin, cucumber, radishes, string beans, and iceberg lettuce
1 Cauliflower Plant
1 Thai Basil


Well-Known Member
Looking good lg:-)

Man its gonna get crazy in here in about 15 days eh!

Some of mine are suffering from over watering and not looking good but I'll just get some more seeds started ;-)


Well-Known Member
Went to Walmart today and scored, spent only $7 and got the following:

4 1ft tall Champion Tomato
1 1ft Tall Celebrity (Last year these grew real well)
5 new packets of seeds, pumpkin, cucumber, radishes, string beans, and iceberg lettuce
1 Cauliflower Plant
1 Thai Basil
man you did score. i despise wall mart and their cheap veggie prices;-).
what size pots were the tomatoes in? i keep seeing tomato plants that are like 6 inches to a foot tall and they are in tiny lil pots. i dont know how they get plants that big in tiny pots cuz i know i cant. i guess they could clone them and thats how. how ever these plants are also the ones that look droopy and have brown roots growing out the bottoms.
any way good steal man.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
man you did score. i despise wall mart and their cheap veggie prices;-).
what size pots were the tomatoes in? i keep seeing tomato plants that are like 6 inches to a foot tall and they are in tiny lil pots. i dont know how they get plants that big in tiny pots cuz i know i cant. i guess they could clone them and thats how. how ever these plants are also the ones that look droopy and have brown roots growing out the bottoms.
any way good steal man.:bigjoint:
Whenever I get plants from any nursery, they are usually rootbound like a motha, the tomatos, basil, and the cauliflower were no different. I just put two of the tomatos in the back planter, 1 of each, and the cauliflower. The basil is in a 2 qt pot, probably gonna grow it in my veg box.


Well-Known Member
well today i remembered i had got a few strawberry starts from a friend last year and planted them in with my strawberries i already had. so this explains why some are pink. the down side to having these pink flowers and i think it is a lipstick strawberry or some shit is that they produce great looking flowers but the fruit is tiny if any at all, so i am going to leave them and possibly pick up a few more started strawberries and plant them in a different pot and then after the summer take the pink flowered plants out depending on how they produce.

i dug out most of my trench today for the sunflowers and tommarow i will be getting dirt it is 40% top soil/40%compost and 20% pumice.
it is only 40 bucks a yard and that is dam cheap for how much dirt that is, i only need about a half yard.
the down side to this is i dont have a truck or know any one willing to help, so i have to take 3 18 gallon containers and a few other large containers put them in the trunk and back seat of my GF car and load them with a shovel and then take them home, im sure i will have to make a few trips but the place is only down the street. this is going to be much more work then if i had a truck but eh what ever.


Well-Known Member
At least you don't have to do it with a bike and cycle nearly 5 kilometres to the garden centre.....lol.


Well-Known Member
Quick update from the greenhouse......

Romansa broc coming on now

Basil also making a move....finally

Pumkins...pumpin it.

Peas are taking off...apart from the middle little runty one.

And some new additions to the greenhouse: Scarlet Sage...salvia splendens Heat resistant, bloom all through summer and produce wonder tall blooms of flower.

Have a good day in the garden peeps,
