The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I took this really fat girl to the cinema last night, and I got a little bit frisky. I slipped my hand down the top of her skirt and slid a finger inside, then another and another, until I finally had 4 fingers inside her. Jesus, this is one big cunt I thought.

"How's that for you?" I said.

"Fine," she replied, "But you're in my belly button."


Well-Known Member
'FOR SALE'' Complete set of Encyclopedia in good condition.

Reason for Selling:

-No longer needed. -Got married. -Wife knows FUCKING EVERYTHING!


Well-Known Member
Nice find there .. I've used the atami bloom in my current grow and topmax if all my soil grows .Bloom Sim works with the bloom booster (so it says on the bottle) its the first run so i can really say how good or bad .Im going to try there whole package when my vitalink runs out. I've converted over to bloombastic instead of the Pk 13/14 ,my buds feel harder and look a lot frostier now plus i 've had 3 diff labelled bottle of pk so im not sure if they really know whens the correct time for it.
Store them well bro..
Thanks for the info mate!!! :)

sorry pukka i was wrecked yday n trying me best to answer ya questions wasnt easy bro lol

ive only ever used bio-bizz nutes and soil so dont no much about the canna boost or how samey the topmax is but the topmax when using it with bio-bizz soil you use straight from the start of 12/12 at 1ml per ltr then it rise's to 4ml per ltr for the last 3wks well thats what bio-bizz advise anyway.

aint got a clue what it will do to ya ec levels cause never tested it or compared it to the canna, i like the bio-bizz but really need to stop being such a lazy twat and try some new stuff.
Lol im the same bro when im smashed, some times i look back and think have i even wrote that shit lol!!!.....cheers mate

fuckin find of the century pukka! shame they didnt leave the lights like but still a cracking find. lottory numbers this week?
Lol...........i no would have been a real brucy bonus if they didint!!!!..........still a good find tho!!! lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
hello chaps. wots the main causes for eagle claw on new leaves. ph in soil is between 6 and 7. no nutes 3 weeks old in veg and 3 at 1 foot and one at 1 and half foot. very bushy and stinking.

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
chasing that cheese pheno yorkshireman? looks nice n satty dom
I bought them on price alone.I want to keep this one out of the 5 (now 4) I had because it has grown quicker,healthier and taller than the rest from the start.
It's the only one that smells fruity and it has produced more than the rest.
I've had a cheeky bud or 2 off her she smokes really nice,screws your eyes up something evil (a no no before work!)

temps? .......
25c 55% humidity

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
i ent got a clue how put up pics. hard to explain at min got visitors around and cant whip the plants out. ladys in a kinda diy stash place but very diy got few gaps in. so blankets help stp light. guests going sunday so will attempt putting few pics up then. only under 150 hps but it kicks more then i expected in th light and they havent struggled to grow. one is stretched but also has alot branches and leafs. as stealth my main care at min temps have got high over last week but have managed sort that last few days . they have a massive fan to chill them. temps now at 22-28 days and nights as under 24 light. going to get filter tent nutes and smaller fan this sun or least order them. just bin skint so had to make do with house hold things and hope. am really impressed with results so far just this claw shapes and one or to lower leaves have tiny burn yellow patches. top leaves feel lil crispy infact on shorter plants but well watered and doesnt feel hot from light. will higher lights if get moment and update you sun. oh if anybody here had a ton for flowering nutes and final phase stuff and plant care wot would you get and y?

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
i dunno the strain as giving 5 seeds 4 popped. should off killed off one off the four as really struggled 1st 2 wks but im a sucker for th underdog and now its going mental big growth. think mayb two diff strains one a lem sknk or cheese by smell and other is shorter and branchs growing differently. mayb couple male i cant b sure till i do 12/12. all i no is when my mate gave me them he said high grade. sun will post pict and hope some one here spots the strains as would b help picking which nutes