Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

Thanks Ansom...Ye tell me about it...Think i will wait the week though...Do you think it will fill out a bit more in a week?

Mine is in the same stage and Its still getting slightly bigger and I squished a bud ( yeah I know srry couldn't resist) and its rock hard so yeah what the hey wait the 5-7 more days
How long you all think?


yeah been flushing for about a week and its a organic grow, so would u say bout ready, shes just not a very frosty plant like my others thats all

At this point you can start considering cuting them down...but I like to influence going by trich color as well :) really helps you get in and really understand the plant ...she could swell a bit more I think before you cut her down....how old is the girl?what strain?