I think to flower it has to be cooler as well as have a 12/12 light. I checked the climate in mexico the summers there are "insufferably hot and humid as the norm. In consequent, Winter offers the most excellent beach weather as daytime temperatures average around mid-eighties while nighttime temperatures average around sixties". which also would be when it's dark longer at night. So it's not so much temps during the growth period, as it is during the flowering. I'm having a fit with mine right now. this year is hotter than the last 2 and I cannot get mine (haze #1) to flower worth a dam, it's been since mid march! it gets too hot even with an air conditioner and fans. I may have to wait until the temps naturally get cooler, but i've also had a massive bug problem (white flies and fungus knats) with the temps higher, the bugs hatch quicker. I have to spray eery 2-3 days. Flourescent lights are looking like a better option to work towards as with the temps rapidly rising yearly I can't imagine it will get better. is anyone else noticing an effect on their grows due to climate change?