Well-Known Member
Are you my wife in another body Howard? First your dislike of public places, hatred of it even, annoyance at simple shopping tasks (I get mad going shopping with my wife, she makes me mad...) And then you organising your recipes...and I am sure everything else in your house is similarly organised. My wife actually has several books of just LISTS!! lol. Saves me having to do it, hehe.
Peace peeps,Man you sound like me Doc! I fucking hate being in public! Everyone that goes with me says I walk to fast, I just hate being around other people and I really hate crowds! Now when I do the grocerie shopping I will actuly run my cart into other peoples when they are just standing around BS'n! LOL A friend told me to get some real expensive shit and when someone just leaves their cart in the middle of the isle all in the way just throw some expensive shit in their cart!!!! LOL Haven't done that one yet.
Oh and Bushy I have a folder for the recipies also! We have them sorted by meat type, I am a very organized person OCD type person. I have an appt with a crazy doctor the 28th of this month so maybe they will help me out, hopefully they don't fucking throw a straight jacket on me!![]()
I will also look through all my Recipies Doc and PM you the good easy ones! They take a lil work but god damn are they worth it! I inhailed a Gyro last night after smoking some bubba! That thing was fucking sooooooo good! I was fucking ripped off my ass and it was a huge Gyro and I was sad when it was gone! LOL