Be weary of the TICKS! ! ! ! !


Well-Known Member
So I decided yesterday to go visit my site for the upcoming season to bring up a couple things buckets water ect. so no sooner did I get off trail and halfway to the site and happen to notice about 30 very tiny ticks crawling all over my arms legs pants backpack absolutely everywhere:o I ran to my house and tried getting then all off but you can never be totally sure with those lil fucks. Be careful in the woods lyme disease lurks on every leaf.
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Well-Known Member
Tell me about it, I had one crawl under me tadger!!!! Luckily my wife gives that some attention from time to time and noticed it the next day...ffs, Lyme disease through my johnson!!! can you imagine.

Make sure when you do pull them out of your skin that you get the head, as if they break of this is when the disease can be transmitted as well.....

We have had a mass influx of them across Europe and the UK! As bad a spider mites....ok, off to do some itching. lol.

So I decided yesterday to go visit my site for the upcoming season to bring up a couple things buckets water ect. so no sooner did I get off trail and halfway to the site and happen to notice about 30 very tiny ticks crawling all over my arms legs pants backpack absolutely everywhere:o I ran to my house and tried getting then all off but you can never be totally sure with those lil fucks. Be careful in the woods lyme disease lurks on every leaf.


Well-Known Member
Shit ay,yeh ticks suck (no pun) i've had my fair share.I'm really surprised i havent had any this season as my grow is amongst thick Lantana, which is renowned for being a bit of a tick trap here in Oz.

Get a shitload of leeches every time i go out though,im talkin 10-20 every visit (plenty of water around).Whats worse is the babies are out at this time,those little fuckers get everywhere,i mean EVERYWHERE.

U dont want ur balls swimmin in a pool of blood,not what u wanna see.Lol.


Well-Known Member
Tell me about it, I had one crawl under me tadger!!!! Luckily my wife gives that some attention from time to time and noticed it the next day...ffs, Lyme disease through my johnson!!! can you imagine.
Bet your missus was lovin the extra swelling though........hehe,jk. ;)


Well-Known Member
are ticks usually out this early???for some reason im thinking they come out later in the season....but im obviously wrong because i had one on me yesterday and i was only in the yard playing with my kid and house is surrounded by woods, so we usually get ticks really bad around here...especially on the dog

Biological Graffity

Active Member
It is deffinately a little early to see ticks around here , but thanx for heads up anyways....time to drop another $200 on my dogs preety soon....


Well-Known Member
dude i have the same problem it sucks. one of my outdoor grow sites has those bastards all over the place. only had one on me but thats whats keepin me from expanding that site.


Well-Known Member
It is deffinately a little early to see ticks around here , but thanx for heads up anyways....time to drop another $200 on my dogs preety soon....
No prob, I think it depends where in the country you are and if weather is permittable, cause I had a small army of the bastards on me.One time I found one burrowed into my skin under my arm freakiest feeling ever.


Well-Known Member
dude i have the same problem it sucks. one of my outdoor grow sites has those bastards all over the place. only had one on me but thats whats keepin me from expanding that site.
I'm debating wether or not to go back the woods I live near is huge though so hopefully I can find another prime location soon, out maybe create some kind of tick suit lol

bob loblough

Active Member
weirdest thing ever. i went out to my spot sunday to do some digging. came home and pulled about 10 of them off.

well i thought i got them all, but AS I WAS READING this thread i happened to itch my head, and there is another one of those little bastards. two days later.

for some reason, the way they move grosses me out.


Well-Known Member
everytime i find one on me i actually get angry and start raging lol. There has got to be some kind of tick repellent or something to stop them....i'm going to try to find out.


Well-Known Member
I was @ my girls summer cottage and she got horny while we was walking through the woods so I shagged her on these Indian burial mounds. 2 days later I'm home showering and was the pubes and one of those fuckers was halfway buried so I freaking like WTF woman!!! Hahaha some nailpolish remover and I was back in action!! So be Leary of where you drop your shorts when in the woods!!

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
To anyone interested there are studies coming out that show deet has little effect on ticks whatsoever. So for those out there who are wondering how the fuck these bastards get on them even after drenching themselves in bugspray as I was last season, now you know. Luckily there is a product called permethrin, comes from the chrysanthinum flower and is used in natural insecticides. It is also available in an aerosol spray can that can be sprayed on clothes, boots, tents whatever. After it dries, its completely safe and will last for weeks. Unlike deet which last little effect, permethrin causes instant death to ticks. No sooner do they latch onto permethrin sprayed clothes they instantly keel off and die. This spray can be found online or at any number of outdoor retailers of camping gear etc. Its also used by the us military. Just spray down a shirt pants hat and boots. Tuck in your pant cuffs and your shirt and you should be golden.


Well-Known Member
To anyone interested there are studies coming out that show deet has little effect on ticks whatsoever. So for those out there who are wondering how the fuck these bastards get on them even after drenching themselves in bugspray as I was last season, now you know. Luckily there is a product called permethrin, comes from the chrysanthinum flower and is used in natural insecticides. It is also available in an aerosol spray can that can be sprayed on clothes, boots, tents whatever. After it dries, its completely safe and will last for weeks. Unlike deet which last little effect, permethrin causes instant death to ticks. No sooner do they latch onto permethrin sprayed clothes they instantly keel off and die. This spray can be found online or at any number of outdoor retailers of camping gear etc. Its also used by the us military. Just spray down a shirt pants hat and boots. Tuck in your pant cuffs and your shirt and you should be golden.
That's Great to know thanks alot i'm definetly going to look into that +rep


Hey guys, we get ticks REAL bad here too. Check out this product you can get it from any outdoors / sporting goods store. It's called REPEL, the active ingredient is Permethrin and is more effective for ticks than DEET. You apply this to your clothes, tent, sleeping bag, boots, socks, gloves, hat, or underwear. This is what the US military uses.

Good luck, and stay safe. :joint::joint::joint:


Active Member
ya hate them fuckers. had one on my nuts one time.. not many around my parts though. mostly just huge ass fuckin spiders every 2 ft huge webs and shit


Well-Known Member
Same here,went out to dig some compost and found one on me when I went in, burned him in effigy. I alwas freak about them, I have long hair and worry Im not gonna find that one thats gonna do me.


Well-Known Member
Don't use BS products with ridiculous claims. NOTHING will keep a tick off of you. However, to keep them from biting into you... Use a mix of mostly white vinegar, ~30 drops of geranium oil, and ~50 drops of neem oil. You'll find ticks on you, but they will not bite anywhere this mixture is, and if you put it near your sleeves and pantlegs, you can pretty much guarantee to only find them on your clothing. Geranium oil can be expensive, but it's worth it. You do not want Lymes. It sucks. And it can get worse with each infection that the ticks give you, so you can't just assume you're in the clear if you've already got it.