Well-Known Member
shit im getting worried,i ordered some white widow from them, and i hope that shit was a random mishap...sorry about ur beans though bro
I soaked 7 bag seeds for 12hrs. Then i folded some paper towel and put a few cap fulls of hydrogen peroxide on it and then some distilled water until it was damp. Then i put the seeds in the paper towel and put it in a small ceramic dish with a lid on it and put on top of my satellite receiver. It has been one day and i checked it this morning and 6 out of 7 seeds cracked and had roots. I think the hydrogen peroxide helps them germ faster by giving them extra oxygen.I opened up the rockwool today to check-em out.....all the bubblicious seeds were mush...totally rotted....I got 6 more seeds left....I'm gonna try just using paper towels on 2 of cup of water!!!
Only soak them for 12hrs max. It damages the roots if you leave them in the cup of water unil they crack. They will not grow after that. I made the same mistake.xbravo U and i are in the same boat.
I dropped 3 of nirvana's bubbilicious in the cup to presoak, within 24 hrs they dropped and began to crack, so I put them into jiffy cubes and none of them has sprouted. I noticed that compared to other seeds, these from nirvana were smaller and less mature than others.
I wont give up tho, I have 3 more in a cloth (hopefully) germinating right now, and if these fail im gonna email them before I try my last 4 seeds.
ur not wrong for coming on here complaining, this is how u spread word and find out who else is going thru what ur going thru
if I was a seed supplier I would make sure that every single customer got their moneys worth. I wouldnt send out inferior product bcuz that can ruin a reputation. and its bad enough that Rollitup is sponsored by nirvana, bcuz by association their name is dragged thru the mud too.
Yeah bro, my seeds are tiny as well...Things that make you go..Hmmmmmxbravo U and i are in the same boat.
I noticed that compared to other seeds, these from nirvana were smaller and less mature than others.
Look Dick head...This is my first grow....first time buying seeds...first time reading forums about growing...So when you say "Legit Companies"....This forum has nirvana Links all over the place...And when I started a Thread asking about Nirvana, there wasn't one fucken reply saying they negative feedback at all...How long have you been buyin seeds...where was your reply saying (no dude dont buy from nirvana)...I and others don't need to hear your (after the fact) condesending...Punk Ass...Fucken remarks....."What do you expect for $45"....Fuck you...I expect a fucken plant to sprout from my rockwool!!!!!You get what you pay for...
What do you expect for $45 a pack, when the legit companies sell them for $80-$100.
I know for something thats going to take 3-4 months, I'll spend the extra $30 for a trusted seedbank.
lol its ok brother..just smoke one and be easy, your always gonna have people throwin remarks your way in tokin on some arizona right now, im passin it to you right now.........Look Dick head...This is my first grow....first time buying seeds...first time reading forums about growing...So when you say "Legit Companies"....This forum has nirvana Links all over the place...And when I started a Thread asking about Nirvana, there wasn't one fucken reply saying they negative feedback at all...How long have you been buyin seeds...where was your reply saying (no dude dont buy from nirvana)...I and others don't need to hear your (after the fact) condesending...Punk Ass...Fucken remarks....."What do you expect for $45"....Fuck you...I expect a fucken plant to sprout from my rockwool!!!!!
hang around and keep posting..if we believe your not feds, we will befriend you...lolHow Do I Get Stranger Off From Under My Name
This is frustrating as well...I did soak them in water...when the seed cracked...the root was not outside the shell but I could see the root in in the shell...people told me to wait until the root exited the shell approx one eighth to a quarter inch and then put into rockwool....all the while the seed was soaking in a cup of after the fact the story seems to have changed to...."once the shell has cracked, you need to remove it from cup of water as to prevent root rot".....definitely frustrating...Grrrrr!!!!should of soaked them in water.
lol Nothing brother, just talkin nonsense..he wanted to know how to get the stranger title out from under his name. I wondered the same thing when I came on this sitewhat are you talking about jbreez