DWC Scrog Grow Extrema & El Monstre!


Well-Known Member
My electrodes came in for my pH meter. The meter is acting strange tho even without the electrode installed. The numbers keep bouncing around up to like 18, but once I put it in the water it drops down to normal. I have a 6.86 pH buffer that I check it with, so I think I'm close to where I want to be which is 5.8.
One thing I have noticed about using Advanced Nutrients is that they stay a pretty constant PPM and pH. When I was at 600 PPM they stayed right at or close to that number. I have been at 1200 for the past week and half and the numbers hold strong. With AN pH down I use a few drops and it holds it very steady. I know everyone freaks out about light getting in the rez, but I take out the viewing chunk and look at the roots from time to time and plenty of light gets in the rez. I don't have any issues with mold or root rot. I have a little bit of brown on the lip of the cooler, but that could be from the hydroton. I have never used any other nute lines, but I am pleased with Advanced Nutrients so far.
The ladies are looking good. Most of the tops are about 3-4 inches above the screen. There are like 6 main tops that are about 5-6 inches and I'm hoping will be bigger buds. I'm hoping for those to be 1/4 - 1 oz buds. Wishful thinking! I am hoping for 2-4 oz, but I'm not sure what to expect. I say this is my first grow, but I have tried 3 or 4 other times and always had something happen. Had to pull them up because the heat/air guy came in while I was gone and I know he seen them so I pulled them up. Another time I had started 20 in soil and had 8 females. They were flowering and my light went out and I didn't have another to replace it with, so I pulled them up with about 2-3 weeks left in flower. So I had a bunch of premature buds. And I tried hydro once before but not to this extent. So this is actually my first grow as long as I can finish it. Chances are looking good!!


Well-Known Member
Day 14 of 12/12
Changed the rez today. It's been 2 weeks since last change. I got my electrodes in for my pH meter, but my meter acts crazy and bounces around and I don't know whats accurate so I will stick with what I think is right. It's been doing me fine for the past month. When my meter was working I was very precise with adding drops so I kinda just add roughly what I did then. I added 150 mL of Bud Candy to the rez this week. I have read mixed reviews on this product. Raised to 1450 PPM



Well-Known Member
Since adding Bud Candy to the rez. It made the water darker as well as my roots. They are now colored more. If I don't like the end results then I will know not to use it next grow. So we shall see.
The HPS sure runs a little warmer I notice too. It is probably 5-7 degrees warmer than the MH. Cab was up to 84 and is now back to 79.


Well-Known Member
My damn light keeps cutting out for some reason. It will be fine for a while then it will go off for about 5 seconds then back on. None of my other stuff dims out during this time. :wall: The light is the only thing plugged into a timer. Not sure if the timer is going out. The light on the timer stays on tho. And I took the glass off and made sure the bulb was tight. It was tight. Not sure what the deal is but it's frustrating.

On the bright side. My leaves are starting to get a slight frost look on them around the bud sites.
And they have drank about 1 gallon of water since the rez change earlier.


Been stalking your journal for a minute... having the bulb going off like that would make me kinda antsy! I mean, electricity can be scary shit.


Well-Known Member
Been stalking your journal for a minute... having the bulb going off like that would make me kinda antsy! I mean, electricity can be scary shit.
Yes, me too. All of my other stuff stays running but the light cuts off for about 5 seconds. Not sure why. It's a brand new light kit, not some cheap looking POS!
Congrats for using your first post in my journal.


Well-Known Member
Ladies are looking great. :weed:
I have noticed the Bud Candy start to build up a little bit in the roots and it makes the rez a little messier. But it's not a problem as of yet. Not sure if I wanna use it again at rez change or not. :joint:
Either way I think I am gonna have a nice lil' harvest when it's said and done. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Day 19 of 12/12
Ladies are looking great and getting frosty! My camera sucks with close ups. They don't really smell alot but maybe that will come as the buds get bigger. I don't think I'm gonna add the Bud Candy back in the rez next change. It made the rez and my roots nasty looking. They are starting to look better again but it looked like the roots trapped it in them and was staining them. I don't like it and I think the El Mon will taste nice and sweet without the additive.
El Mon 1 has two colas in the back that are 11 inches tall and looks like it is gonna be a solid bud when it fills in. It also has two front colas that are 7 inches and look to be solid. And it has the lower smaller buds in the middle but the bigger buds are on the outer perimeter. :weed:
El Mon 2 has two 11 and two 7 inch colas as well but I don't know if they are gonna be solid buds or not. Its inner growth is mostly the same height and there is more bud sites but I think they are gonna be all popcorn type buds.
So it's gonna be close between the two in yield. El Mon 1 is smaller with less bud sites, but I believe will have bigger buds. El Mon 2 has more bud sites, but will be smaller buds. I could be wrong but we shall see.
Either way, I'm happy with the way things are looking. :hump:

El Mon 1




El Mon 2





Well-Known Member
Day 21 of 12/12 :hump:
I was playing around with the camera a little bit. Snapped a couple decent pictures for all 3 people who read my journal. My shits not cool enough for the rest of you people. Lol jk! Enjoy the pics :joint:
My big branches in the back are now 13 inches tall. Looking nice!!



Well-Known Member
Dude fuck off!! I post pics and you cant say anything but want a tissue? Just stay out of my journal if you wanna fight over nothing..