Fuck Me Right?


Undercover Mod
I made a mistake. I have been cutting back my mother plants andthrowing away the tops cause I already got enough clones. Well my roommate was like let me try to root some of those. And I was like okay gave him like three tops.

Well now he thinks he some big time grower or some shit. He germinated like 50 schwag seeds and is trying to grow in his closet. Still not a big deal.

Well this fucking idiots keeps showing every person that comes over to our house. Let uk that only two people know about my plants.

He also leaves his closet door open all day so every person who walks through my place gets an eye full.

Fuck I need to get my plants out before this idiot gets us caught.

I might have to teach him a lesson myself. When my shit is out I might just have to trash all his shit to teach his a lesson. lol

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
Trash his shit and say you don't know what happened you were gone. Make it look like a smash grab or beat his fucking ass so bad he is to scared to breathe around you. Or just move your grow...I vote for the first 2. Smash his face in after you trash his shit.


Undercover Mod
Also he says hes gonna put his outside this week which is funny because they will all get frosted and killed. Im kinda worried he'll get caught putting his out and they follow him back here and find mine. Idk shit is retarded.

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Also he says hes gonna put his outside this week which is funny because they will all get frosted and killed. Im kinda worried he'll get caught putting his out and they follow him back here and find mine. Idk shit is retarded.
Which is exactly why you should sabotage his plants, or he potentially sabotages your freedom.


Active Member
I can see the argument now..
You kill his plants, and he tells everybody that you were jealous... then everybody knows you grow too. It will only escalate until one of you is hospitalized.

Bad situation


Active Member
I can see the argument now..
You kill his plants, and he tells everybody that you were jealous... then everybody knows you grow too. It will only escalate until one of you is hospitalized.

Bad situation
Yeah man, I can see it all happening now...

and either your still looking for bleach OR he's just caught you IN THE ACT


Well-Known Member
Man you sure do have a dumbass roommate. Everybody with in a 100 miles around you knows you grow by now. get rid of him and move your grow.